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Vol 191
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Economic estimation of natural resources as condition of development of market relations in nature management sphere

V. N. Volovich
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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In article the question on an estimation of natural resources which should not only be estimated by their cost is considered. It is necessary to estimate resources from the point of view of efficiency of a social production as a whole. The variant of estimation of cost of resources from the point of view of effect which is reached as a result of inclusion of the given natural resources in an economic turn is offered, methodological bases of an economic estimation of natural resources are developed.

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  3. Смирнов И.К. Социально-экономические основы оценки земли в социалистическом обществе. Л., 1975.
  4. Цена в хозяйственном механизме / Под ред. Н.Т.Глушкова и А.А.Дерябина. М., 1983.

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