Role and value of IT-competence of teachers
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Тhere are revolutionary changes in techniques of Нuman-Machine Interaction: technologies of work, means of storage and distribution of the information and knowledge are modified. The Internet, social networks, blogs, virtual books and libraries, digital audio-video-photos, cellular telephones, means of an instant exchange of messages, pocket computers create for the modern student weight of possibilities for an information exchange, and also impression – that only a decade ago we were in absolute information vacuum. It is easy to notice that discussing this theme, time to measure by decades more typically. Time is accelerated. The effective utilization of the broadest spectrum of the possibilities realized on the basis of means IT, communicates today with formation IТ – the competence of all participants of educational process.
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- Дружилов С.А. Психология профессионализма субъекта труда: интегративный подход // Ежегодник Российского психологического общества: Материалы 3-го Всероссийского съезда психологов: В 8 т. СПб, 2003. Т.3. Д-З.