The results of studying the scarcity of strategic minerals in the Russian Federation are presented, domestic consumption of which is largely provided by forced imports and/or stored reserves. Relevance of the work is due to aggravation of the geopolitical situation and a growing necessity to meet the demand of national economy for raw materials from own sources. Analysis of the state of mineral resource base of scarce minerals in the Russian Federation was accomplished, problems were identified and prospects for its development were outlined taking into account the domestic demand for scarce minerals, their application areas and the main consumers. Reducing the deficit through the import of foreign raw materials and the development of foreign deposits does not ensure the reproduction of the domestic mineral resource base, independence of the country from imported raw materials as well as additional competitive advantages, economic stability and security. It was ascertained that a major factor holding back the development of the mineral resource base is insufficient implementation of new technological solutions for the use of low-quality ore. Improving the technologies in the industry is relevant for all types of scarce minerals to solve the problem of reproducing their resource base. Taking into account the prospects for the development of the resource base for the minerals under consideration (manganese, uranium, chromium, fluorspar, zirconium, titanium, graphite) requires a set of legal and economic measures aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of geological exploration for subsoil users at their own expense without attracting public funding. The proposed measures, taking into account the analysis of positive experience of foreign countries, include the development of junior businesses with expansion of the “declarative” principle, the venture capital market, various tax incentives, preferential loans as well as conditions for the development of infrastructure in remote regions. The proposed solution to the problem of scarcity of strategic minerals will make it possible in future to present measures to eliminate the scarcity of certain types of strategic minerals taking into account their specificity.
Water is a key component of our environment; it is a renewable, limited and vulnerable natural resource, which provides for the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the population. The modern system of taxation and regulation of subsoil use in the extraction of groundwater is currently imperfect and has definite disadvantages, among them not enough control of natural resources by the state, the commercialization stage of licensing, and the budget deficit, which is passed on to other areas of the national economy. General information about the state of the underground water supply in Russia, and the negative trends of underground water use are presented. The system of licensing underground water intakes in Germany is briefly described; some measures to improve the system of man-agement of Russia’s underground waters fund are suggested.
The main trends in the global mineral complex: extraction of essential minerals, exporters, importers, and the level of competition in the global mineral resources sector. The peculiarities of the development of world mineral complex. It is demonstrated the position of Russia in the mineral complex of the world: Russia's share of world reserves and mining, Russian exports of major products mineral complex that characterizes the competitiveness of the national economy. The conclusion: Russia needs a competent government regulation of subsoil use, appropriate to market economic conditions, increasing the share of exports of value-added products and reduce dependence on imports.
The insufficient volume of the assignments in exploration negatively affects on efficiency functioning of many industries and national economy as a whole. The most actual problem is the expansion of the mineral resource base of scarce natural resources, among which the most distinguished are chrome strategic raw materials. Geological risks are specific risks of exploration activities that have a significant impact on the volume of investments in the sector. In the article different definitions of geological risk are analyzed, its characteristics, ways for its assessment and management are considered. Recommendations for the geological risk consideration in order to increase investment attractiveness of exploration on the example of the scarce chrome ores are also given in the article.
In the article the issues connected with the accession to the WTO in Russia are considered. It is noted that the role of the government in the markets of the countries acceding to the WTO reduces (in compliance with all agreements relating to fair competition) while the role of independent and state regulators on behalf of certification bodies increases. The authors think that the WTO accession won’t affect fuel and mineral resources part of export in Russia as there are no serious limitations for sale of mineral resources in the world markets. Under the condition of the accession to the WTO it is proposed to develop economic incentives for companies of the mineral resources sector in order to diversify production and implement innovations.
Due to the problem of deficiency of some minerals in Russia and the insufficient volume of the assignments in exploration authors suggest an organizational and economic mechanism of mineral resources base reproduction. One of the elements of this mechanism is insurance of geological risks. In the article possible types and basic indicators of insurance in exploration are considered. It is noted that geological risks assess with taking into account all the factors affecting it is an essential part of insurance. Recommendations for geologic risk insurance in scarce mineral resources exploration are given.
In article the problem of deficiency of some minerals in Russia is considered. Internal demand of these minerals is not provided with current level of extraction and satisfied mainly by import. The analysis of the mineral resources base of scarce minerals is carried out and the basic directions of its development are defined. The peculiarities of prospecting junior sector formation are considered as perspective ways of improving the effectiveness of the Russian mineral resources base of minerals in short supply renewal. The complex of measures to attract investments of the large mining companies in the mineral resources sector of minerals which are in deficiency in Russia now is offered.
The article discusses energy security of Russia by a business association of coal mining and power generation output in a single energy-and-coal complex, based on the use of water-coal fuel.
In paper there has been developed an economic-organizing mechanism of mineral resource base renewal of Russia's oil industry using financial and tax instruments and licensing system of soil use. The proposed mechanism is targeted on perfecting of soil use managing system, attracting investments into geological exploration branch, stimulating innovation constituent in exploration and extraction of oil, rational use of mineral resource base in oil industry.
The paper offers an economic-organization mechanism of reproduction of the mineral resource base in the petroleum industry. The role of petroleum industry in Russian fuel and energy complex and the whole Russian economy is addressed. The paper also gives principal factors restraining the flow of investments into the geological exploration branch. The arrangements have been developed to attract funds into reproduction of the mineral resource base by enhancing financial and loan mechanisms, the licensing system and by reforming the fiscal system of subsoil use.
In the present work the economical mechanism of the renewal of the mineral resource base of Russia is shown, which includes the financing of the geological exploration, the mechanism of licensing and the tax system. Main problems of the mineral resource sector are discussed, the fundamental of which is the imperfect legislative base. Тhe basic directions of perfection of the economic mechanism of renewal of the mineral resource base are offered in view of foreign experience. The key criteria of how to resolve the presented problems the regulation of the development and use of the mineral resource base by State is considered to be.
Russian and foreign models of environmental safety management at various industrial facilities are analyzed. It is established that either individual or social risks of human mortality are taken as hazard indicators, or expert assessment of potential risks is carried out without quantitative economic evaluation. Technogenic arrays are classified by degree of ecological hazard on the basis of modeled results of total costs of environmentally safe waste disposal depending on the degree of their ecological hazard. For each class of arrays the optimal strategy of ecological safety management is developed.
The analysis of the system of state regulation of subsoil use relations between the state and economic entities (enterprises, organizations, institutions) in the use of subsoil for various purposes is given. The authorizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, which conducts state policy and carries out management in the field of study, use, reproduction, protection of natural resources, protection of the natural environment and ensuring environmental safety, are considered. Possible variants of the concept of reforming the subsoil legislation are proposed.
The analysis of technogenic impact of waste of mineral complex on atmospheric air and land was carried out. It was established that the environmental and economic risk of negative impact is determined by the probability of environmental and economic damage. The probability of damage from land pollution in the zone of impact of technogenic massifs was analyzed. The research work was supported by the American Foundation for Civilian Research and Development.
The main methods for assessing the environmental and economic impact of mining enterprises on the environment are considered. The classification of the currently existing methods is given. The disadvantages of the existing typical methods of assessment of environmental damage are analyzed and recommendations on the use of various methods as a combined method are given. An example of assessment of ecological and economic damage of the impact of the Krasny Bor toxic waste landfill is offered. A combined method was used in calculations, which made it possible to determine the annual environmental damage in the amount of 151 million rubles. Based on the calculations it is recommended to implement measures to reduce the impact of the landfill on the environment.
The problems of forming a strategy for the development of oil and gas resources are considered. The criteria for assessing the economic effect of oil and gas resources development at the level of local objects, oil and gas complexes, regions and districts, oil and gas provinces and the country as a whole are proposed. Conducted a systematic analysis and forecast of the impact of factors that determine the economic value and profitability of the development of oil and gas resources, territories and water areas of the country. Technical prerequisites and priority directions of scientific and technological progress for oil and gas regions of Russia are substantiated.
The issues of organization of exploration in the world are considered. The features of their financing in developed and developing countries are shown. For developed countries, conducting geological exploration at their own expense, the composition of the subjects of subsoil use, engaged in these works, as well as the structure of the state geological service is analyzed. Attention is paid to the methods of stimulation used by the state to attract private capital. Developing countries, seeking to strengthen their positions in the structure of the world's mining business, have begun to reform the legislation, which aims to attract foreign investors to the mining sector of the economy of these countries. Recommendations on the use of accumulated world experience for improvement of Russian legislation are given.
The general problems of oil and gas resources development strategy formation are considered. The experience and methodological approaches used in strategy formation on the basis of geological and economic assessment of oil and gas resources in modern economic conditions are analyzed. An approach to the allocation of objects of resource assessment, taking into account the stages of resource development and heterogeneity of natural and economic conditions of development of forecast resources is proposed. The scheme of economic evaluation of resources is substantiated. The criteria for assessing the economic effect of oil and gas resources development at the level of local objects, oil and gas bearing complexes, regions and districts, oil and gas bearing provinces and the country as a whole are proposed.
The basic provisions and principles of substantiation of the strategy of rational resource consumption and resource conservation in the system of reforming the mineral and raw materials complex of the country are formulated. Modern conceptual approaches to the formation of the system of state regulation and support of rational subsoil use are analyzed. Priority directions of improving the management of the mineral and raw materials complex of the country are considered. Recommendations for changing the taxation system of enterprises of mineral and raw materials complex, stimulating rational subsoil use are substantiated.
In connection with the transition to market relations, privatization of enterprises and organizations, the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise should reflect the requirements of international standards.
С 1 января 1991 г. в соответствии с письмом Госплана СССР № 61-13 от 11 мая 1990 г. "Об индексах изменения норм амортизационных отчислений на полное восстановление активной части основных производственных фондов" предприятия, объединения и организации независимо от форм собственности и ведомственной подчиненности осуществляют все воды ремонтов основных фондов за счет себестоимости работ (продукции, услуг) и издержек обращения, при этом нормы амортизации на капитальный ремонт всех видов основных фондов не применяются
С 1989 г. все организации геолого-разведочной отрасли работают в условиях второй формы хозяйственного расчета ...
Одним из основных направлений повышения эффективности геолого-разведочных работ является переход геолого-разведочной отрасли на полный хозяйственный расчет и самофинансирование ...
Важное место в решении проблемы эффективности общественного производства занимает вопрос определения экономической эффективности геолого-разведочных работ (ГРР), поскольку ассигнования на них ежегодно растут, составляя значительную часть государственного бюджета страны ...
В проблеме экономической эффективности производства одно из ведущих мест принадлежит вопросам освоения естественных ресурсов и прежде всего минеральных. Процесс их освоения представляет собой комплекс последовательных технологических звеньев, начальным этапом которого являются геолого-разведочные работы (ГРР) ...
Несмотря на большое количество работ, посвященных вопросам экономической эффективности геологоразведочных работ (ГРР) проблема эта далека от окончательного решения ...
Управление народным хозяйством представляет собой сложнейшую многоаспектную проблему, главной задачей которой является управление качеством и эффективностью производства ...
В настоящее время разработано несколько методик расчета экономической эффективности НИР в различных отраслях народного хозяйства, однако в целом проблема еще не решена. В основе большинства методик лежит единая формула ...
Планируемое на ближайшие годы увеличение объемов геологоразведочных работ, обусловленное необходимостью расширения минерально-сырьевой базы народного хозяйства, связано с большими затратами средств. Не случайно Директивами ХХІУ съезда КПСС в качестве одной из основных задач предусмотрено повышение эффективности геологоразведочных работ ...
В основе экономической оценки месторождений полезных ископаемых должна лежать стоимостная оценка разведанных запасов минерального сырья для обоснования допустимого уровня общественно необходимых затрат на его разведку, добычу и переработку. Такая оценка необходима и для обеспечения наиболее полного и рационального использования недр ...
Вопрос о правильном определении экономической эффективности геологоразведочных работ, несмотря на его очевидную важность и актуальность, окончательно не решен. В производственной практике с этой целью используется величина издержек на единицу разведанных запасов минерального сырья, т. е. себестоимость разведки единицы запасов. Е. О. Погребицким экономическая эффективность разведочных работ в процентах определяется как отношение стоимости разведки к ценности извлекаемой продукции ...