Topical issues of the management of extraction of underground waters on the territory of the Russian Federation
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Water is a key component of our environment; it is a renewable, limited and vulnerable natural resource, which provides for the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the population. The modern system of taxation and regulation of subsoil use in the extraction of groundwater is currently imperfect and has definite disadvantages, among them not enough control of natural resources by the state, the commercialization stage of licensing, and the budget deficit, which is passed on to other areas of the national economy. General information about the state of the underground water supply in Russia, and the negative trends of underground water use are presented. The system of licensing underground water intakes in Germany is briefly described; some measures to improve the system of man-agement of Russia’s underground waters fund are suggested.
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