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Vol 201
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Peculiarities of geological risks consideration in making decision about investing in the exploration on scarce chrome ores

N. V. Pashkevich1
V. S. Khloponina2
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  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The insufficient volume of the assignments in exploration negatively affects on efficiency functioning of many industries and national economy as a whole. The most actual problem is the expansion of the mineral resource base of scarce natural resources, among which the most distinguished are chrome strategic raw  materials. Geological risks are specific risks of exploration activities that have a significant impact on the volume of investments in the sector. In the article different definitions of geological risk are analyzed, its characteristics, ways for its assessment and management are considered. Recommendations for the geological risk consideration in order to increase  investment attractiveness of exploration on the example of the scarce chrome ores are also given in the article.

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