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Vol 201
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The analysis of development of concession arrangements in the metallurgical industry of Russia

Yu. V. Lyubek
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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Implementation of high and steady development rates of metallurgical industry is considerably connected with introduction of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the form of concession agreements. Concessions allow to degrade financial loading from the state by means of redistribution of risks between all participants; to establish rigid enough long-term legally issued connexion that allows participants of agreements to carry out strategic forecasting and planning    of the activity. The concession form of managing is the effective tool of private capital attraction, including foreign in real sector of economy, including in metallurgy without loss of strategic control over the vital systems and objects. The analysis has shown that efficiency of the application of concession business pattern and their contribution to social and economic development of the state is the ultimate under conditions of long-term consecutive planning and the system  approach from the state to management of concession  activity.

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