Date submitted2024-03-11
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-03-06
Geochemical characteristics of weathering crusts on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland (South Timan)
Numerous local varieties of weathering crusts are known in the South Timan. They differ in their position in the section, type of weathering products, substrates, and occurrence. The aim of the research is to identify patterns in the distribution of rock-forming, rare and rare earth elements and the composition of clay minerals in clay formations of the weathering crusts. The main task is to describe the occurrence and geochemical features that enable determining the genetic type and formation conditions of weathering crusts. The paper presents the results of a study of the distribution of petrogenic, rare earth, rare elements, and clay minerals in weathering crust of different ages, genetic types and occurrence conditions on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland in the South Timan. We found that hydromica-kaolinite-type weathering crust is developed after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks in the basement-cover contact zone on the Dzhezhimparma Upland, and the layer of fine-grained rock at the base of the Devonian section previously considered a weathering crust was formed as a result of mechanical destruction of the Devonian sandstones during movement in the thrust zone. In the Vadyavozh quarry located on the Nemskaya Upland, we studied and described the formations of Mesozoic-Cenozoic areal and linear weathering crusts after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks. We found that micaceous siltstones in the siltstone-sandstone strata of the Dzhezhim Fm. are associated with the Riphean stage of crust formation and are composed of weathering crust material redeposited in the epicontinental basin.
Date submitted2024-04-10
Date accepted2024-10-14
Date published2024-11-12
The influence of ocean anoxia on conditions for the Domanik deposits formation
The article considers one of conditions for the Domanik facies formation on the example of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. The main emphasis is on the influence of anoxic paleobasin conditions on the high-carbon strata formation. A detailed study of the hydrocarbon composition of Domanik deposits made it possible to find characteristic biomarkers in their composition. They are based on the composition and structure of diagenetic products of biological compounds composing the sulphur bacteria living in anoxic/euxinic paleobasin conditions. Such compounds include C40 diaryl isoprenoids – isorenieratane and paleorenieratane. C10 tetramethylbenzenes also occupy a special place in the Domanik deposits study. Their appearance in the composition of organic matter of these deposits results from the transformation of sulphur bacteria compounds. Diaryl isoprenoids and tetramethylbenzenes are a reliable indicator of anoxic conditions of the Domanik deposits formation. The thermodynamic state of the hydrocarbon environment can be determined from the ratio of tetramethylbenzene isomers.
Date submitted2023-03-30
Date accepted2023-09-21
Date published2023-10-27
Mineral composition and thermobarometry of metamorphic rocks of Western Ny Friesland, Svalbard
The results of the study of mineral composition and microstructure of representative metapelitic and calcic pelitic schist and amphibole-biotite gneiss, occurring in the northern part of the Western Ny Friesland anticlinorium, are reported. Mineral composition was analyzed with a JSM-6510LA scanning electron microscope with a JED-2200 (JEOL) energy dispersive spectrometer. Metamorphic conditions were assessed with various mineral geothermometers (garnet-biotite, Ti-in-biotite, Ti-in-muscovite, Ti-in-amphibole, garnet-amphibole, amphibole-plagioclase, and chlorite) and geothermobarometers (GASP, GBPQ, GRIPS, GBPQ, phengite, etc.). It has been shown that peak temperature and pressure for rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Atomfjella Series forming the western limb of the anticlinorium are consistent with those for the high-pressure part of the upper amphibolite facies (690-720 °С, 9-12 kbar), and the peak temperature and pressure for rocks of the Mossel Series occurring in the eastern limb and rest on the Atomfjella rock sequence, are consistent with the high-pressure part of the lower amphibolite facies (580-600 °С, 9-11 kbar). In addition to the high-temperature parageneses Ms-Bt-Grt-Pl (±Ky, St), Bt-Grt-Pl-Kfs-Cal (±Scp) and Bt-Hbl-Ep-Grt-Pl, the rocks of the both series display the low-temperature assemblage Ms-Chl-Ep-Ab-Prh-Ttn, which was formed upon transition from greenschist to prehnite-pumpellyite facies (260-370 °С).
Date submitted2023-03-14
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Evaluation of the energy efficiency of functioning and increase in the operating time of hydraulic drives of sucker-rod pump units in difficult operating conditions
The necessity of improving the drives of the sucker-rod hydraulic pump units (SRHP), operated in conditions of marginal and complicated wells, is substantiated. For complicated oil production conditions, it is promising to use the SRHP drive, which makes it possible to select and set rational operating modes for downhole equipment. The results of comparative tests of conventional mechanical and hydraulic actuators SRHP with pneumatic and electrodynamic balancing types are presented. A generalized indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of the advanced SRHP drives functioning, the energy efficiency coefficient, is proposed. It has been experimentally proven that the use of the SRHP drive with pneumatic balancing is characterized by low energy efficiency of the well fluid production process. The use of the tested SRHP hydraulic drive made it possible to successfully eliminate asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits and minimize the well downtime. The results of the tests of the traditional SRHP mechanical drive and the hydraulic drive with electrodynamic balancing showed a satisfactory energy efficiency of the latter. The advantage of the SRHP drive with electrodynamic balancing is the simplicity of the design of the hydraulic part. The process of energy regeneration during the drive control system operation causes an increase in the reactive power component in the oil field network and the appearance of harmonic interference that adversely affects the consumers operation. Technical solutions aimed at improving the operation energy efficiency and increasing the operating time of SRHP drives in the conditions of marginal and complicated wells are proposed. The methodological bases for assessing the economic efficiency of the introduction of the advanced SRHP drives are given.
Date submitted2022-09-30
Date accepted2023-02-13
Date published2023-04-25
Hydrogeoecological conditions of technogenic groundwater in waste disposal sites
The specific hydrogeoecological conditions of aquifers of some technogenic formations, mainly iron ore skarn-magnetite and titanium-magnetite formations, are considered. The resulting wastes, which are stored in waste disposal sites during development of deposits, due to the impact of a number of factors (natural and technogenic) form technogenic waters. Waste disposal facilities are complex engineering structures (dumps and sludge storages), which in turn create their own hydrogeoecological conditions, which must be investigated in order to prevent and minimize environmental and economic damage caused by these objects to the aquatic environment. The paper presents long-term field and laboratory studies of the aquatic environment under the influence of a waste disposal facility in the Middle Urals – one of the largest tailings, representing a potential environmental and man-made hazard. This tailing dump contains tens of tons of waste – enrichment tailings and creates specific hydrogeoecological conditions on the territory. Based on many years of monitoring studies, an analysis of these conditions was carried out – the quality of groundwater affected by the tailings was assessed. It is shown that groundwater is of technogenic nature, i.e. are man-made waters that have a significant impact on the surface and underground hydrospheres of the territory.
Date submitted2022-06-09
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Drilling of deep and ultra-deep wells for prospecting and exploration of new raw mineral fields
Scientific and technological progress over the last century has led to an enormous increase in the consumption of minerals, including energy resources. Most of the exploited oil and gas fields are already considerably depleted, so it is necessary to search for new hydrocarbon resources, particularly at great depths. Deep drilling plays a special role in solving this problem. The article considers the world and Russian experience of ultra-deep wells drilling. The methods and technologies used in the construction of wells, as well as complications and accidents occurring during their drilling were analyzed. The analysis revealed that the existing limitations for drilling parameters of deep and ultra-deep wells are caused by the technical characteristics of surface and bottomhole drilling equipment, which do not meet the extreme drilling conditions. The directions for development of deep and ultra-deep well drilling machinery and technologies are suggested. The notion of extreme rock and geological drilling conditions is introduced, which describes drilling in conditions of hydrostatic pressure of flushing fluid column and high bottomhole temperature both at stable and unstable wellbore conditions, coming close to the upper limit of operating technical characteristics of bottomhole assembly, the drill string and flushing fluid.
Date submitted2021-03-31
Date accepted2021-09-29
Date published2021-10-21
Methodology of modeling nonlinear geomechanical processes in blocky and layered rock masses on models made of equivalent materials
- Authors:
- Boris Yu. Zuev
The research purpose is to develop a methodology that increases the reliability of reproduction and research on models made of equivalent materials of complex nonlinear processes of deformation and destruction of structured rock masses under the influence of underground mining operations to provide a more accurate prediction of the occurrence of dangerous phenomena and assessment of their consequences. New approaches to similarity criterion based on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics; new types of equivalent materials that meet these criteria; systems for the formation of various initial and boundary conditions regulated by specially developed computer programs; new technical means for more reliable determination of stresses in models; new methods for solving inverse geomechanical problems in the absence of the necessary initial field data have been developed. Using the developed methodology, a number of complex nonlinear problems have been solved related to estimates of the oscillatory nature of changes in the bearing pressure during dynamic roof collapse processes; ranges of changes in the frequency of processes during deformation and destruction of rock mass elements, ranges of changes in their accelerations; parameters of shifts with a violation of the continuity of the rock mass under the influence of mining: secant cracks, delaminations, gaping voids, accounting for which is necessary to assess the danger of the formation of continuous water supply canals in the water-protection layer.
Date submitted2020-10-26
Date accepted2021-07-28
Date published2021-10-21
Investigation of the influence of the geodynamic position of coal-bearing dumps on their endogenous fire hazard
The paper investigates the hypothesis according to which one of the factors influencing the spontaneous combustion of coal-bearing dumps is its geodynamic position, i.e. its location in the geodynamically dangerous zone (GDZ) at the boundary of the Earth crust blocks. This hypothesis is put forward on the basis of scientific ideas about the block structure of the Earth crust and the available statistical data on the location of burning dumps and is studied using computer modeling. A dump located in the area of Eastern Donbass was chosen as the object of research. The simulation results show that the penetration of air into the dump body from the mine through the GDZ, which crosses the mining zone, is possible at an excess pressure of 1000 Pa created by the main ventilation fans. The fire source appearance in the dump body causes an increase in the temperature of the dump mass and becomes a kind of trigger that "turns on" the aerodynamic connection between the dump and the environment, carried out through the GDZ. It is concluded that the establishment of an aerodynamic connection between the mine workings and the dump through the GDZ can be an important factor contributing to the endogenous fire hazard of coal-bearing dumps. The simulation results can be used in the development of projects for monitoring coal-bearing dumps and measures to combat their spontaneous combustion.
Date submitted2020-09-10
Date accepted2020-11-25
Date published2021-06-24
Formation conditions of noble metal mineralization in sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ores of Kamchatka (on the example of Annabergitovaya Schel ore occurrence)
The authors present research results, the purpose of which is to study the specifics of noble metal mineralization and its genesis in sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ores of the Kamchatka nickel-bearing province. The paper is dedicated to one of its many ore occurrences called Annabergitovaya Schel (Annabergite Gap). The material composition of platinoid, silver, gold, bismuth and tellurium minerals, as well as sulfarsenides in the ores of this occurrence was investigated. Based on the data of mineral formation sequence and the use of geosensors, conclusions were drawn regarding the genesis of noble metal mineralization. Formation of platinoid minerals, silver and gold at the Annabergitovaya Schel ore occurrence is mainly associated with the epigenetic effect of post-ore granitoids on ore-bearing intrusion rocks of the Dukuk complex of the cortlandite-norite formation and on syngenetic ores. An early association of noble metal minerals is represented by sperrylite, irarsite, and rare unnamed phases of Pt + Ir + Te. Irarsite and Pt + Ir + Te phases were formed at the contact-metasomatic stage. Sperrylite can be assumed to be of magmatic origin. Silver sulfides and tellurides, silver and palladium bismuth tellurides, and native gold were formed at the late, hydrothermal-metasomatic, stage. The occurrence conditions of mineral parageneses, associated with noble metal mineralization, correspond to the formation of shallow-depth metasomatic rocks (≤5 km). Sub-developed quartz-feldspar metasomatites, associated with the formation of early platinoid arsenides and sulfarsenides, are in equilibrium with circumneutral solutions (pH of 4.5-6.5) at temperatures of 350-600 °C. Late hydrothermal association with Pd, Ag and Au minerals is close to propylites and was formed at pH values of 4.5-6.5 and temperature of 150-350 °C.
Date submitted2021-02-05
Date accepted2021-03-30
Date published2021-04-26
Assessment of negative infrastructural externalities when determining the land value
- Authors:
- Elena N. Bykova
The work forms and substantiates the concept of land value, based on a new institutional theory. The infrastructural component of the cost of land in the presented concept determines, on the one hand, the efficiency of the use of natural resources, properties, demand for land on the market, on the other hand, the costs, which are determined not only by capital investments in construction of engineering infrastructure, but also by losses associated with restrictions on activities within zones with special conditions for territory use, creation of unfavorable conditions for economic activity, small contours, irregularities and others on a specific land plot, which are external negative infrastructural externalities that create losses of rights holders of land plots that are not compensated by the market, falling within the boundaries of these zones. Methods for assessing the impact of such negative infrastructural externalities on the cost of land encumbered by zones in different conditions of land market activity have been developed and tested, based on an expert-analytical approach (depressed market); the ratio of market values of land plots encumbered and unencumbered by a specific zone, and qualimetric modeling (inactive market); modeling by introducing into the model the factor of presence of zones with special conditions for territory use, based on the grouping of zones according to similar regulations for use, or by introducing the parameters of this factor (active market). Methods for taking into account spatial deficiencies and compensating for restrictions and prohibitions on activities on the territory of land plots with an individual market assessment are proposed.
Date submitted2019-12-20
Date accepted2020-09-01
Date published2020-10-08
Features of the underground storages construction in depleted oil and gas condensate fields
The paper considers the features of the underground storages (US) construction in depleted oil and gas condensate fields (DOGCFs). The requirements for the structure of the formation, corresponding to the parameters of the object for possible US creation are presented. The influence of geological, hydrogeological, mining and technical rock formation conditions on the reliability and tightness of underground storages, including underground gas storages, has been evaluated. The necessary conditions for the US design are analyzed at the example of the Ach-Su oil and gas condensate field, in the presence of a well-explored trap with acceptable parameters for the construction of an underground storage. An important aspect is the geological conditions that meet the criteria for selecting the object: the required structure, the absence of fracturing faults, high reservoir properties of the formation, a sufficient volume of the deposit for the storage. Geological conditions lay the basis for determining the individual characteristics of the US construction technology at each DOGCF. The refined results for the current gas-saturated pore volume and the rate of pressure drop in the formation are presented, which makes it possible to select improved technological indicators in the course of operation of the created US. In order to select the optimal option for the design and construction of the US, the results of economic and geological scenarios analysis were studied concurrently with the capabilities of the technological operation of the object and transport system, which can ensure the maximum daily production of the storage.
Date submitted2019-07-09
Date accepted2019-09-07
Date published2020-04-24
Promising model range career excavators operating time assessment in real operating conditions
The development prospects of the mining industry are closely related to the state and development of modern mining machinery and equipment that meet the technical and quality requirements of mining enterprises. Enterprises are focused on a quantitative assessment – the volume of mineral extraction, depending on the functioning efficiency of a promising series of mining machines, which include modern mining excavators. Downtime and unplanned shutdowns of mining excavators directly depend on the operating conditions of the mining machine, which has negative influence on the machine as a whole and its technical condition, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of using expensive mining equipment and economic losses of the mining enterprise. The rationale for external factors that affect the operating time and technical condition of mining excavators is given. For a more detailed assessment of the influence of external influences on the efficiency of operation of mining machines, the influencing factors are divided into two groups: ergatic, directly related to human participation, and factors of a natural-technogenic nature, where human participation is minimized. It was revealed that factors of a natural-technogenic nature have the greatest influence. An algorithm is proposed for a comprehensive assessment of the technical condition and forecasting of operating time both in nominal and in real operating conditions, taking into account factors of a natural and technogenic nature. It is proposed, based on the developed program for planning and evaluating the life of a mining excavator, to adjust the schedules for maintenance and repair (MOT and R) in order to minimize the number of unplanned downtime of a mining excavator and maintain it in good condition.
Date submitted2019-05-14
Date accepted2019-07-05
Date published2020-04-24
Development of spacer fluids and cement slurries compositions for lining of wells at high temperatures
Article is devoted to creation of new compositions of process solutions for lining of directional wells at high temperatures. Developed compositions provide high durability characteristics of cement stone. It is shown that with an increase in packing density of cementing slurry components durability characteristics increase and porosity and permeability of cement stone decrease, whereas an increase in temperature and pressure leads to a significant increase in compressive and bending durability, which is associated with presence of quartz in them. It has been established that introduction of special structure-forming additives to the composition of developed cementing solutions allows formation of sedimentation-resistant cement systems that can provide an increase in durability characteristics of cement stone and, in general, quality lining of directional wells. Study of rheological properties of developed cementing compositions showed that the systems have high yield strength at increased temperatures and pressures. Developed compositions of water-based spacer fluids increase the cleansing degree for both casing and rocks surfaces from mud and clay cake residues, which improves the cementing quality of oil and gas wells. Mechanism for increasing the washing ability of spacer fluids and durability characteristics of cement stone, depending on composition and properties of their constituent components, is disclosed.
Date submitted2019-04-27
Date accepted2019-07-10
Date published2019-10-23
Estimation of Rock Mass Strength in Open-Pit Mining
The paper presents results of an experimental study on strength characteristics of the rock mass as applied to the assessment of open-pit slope stability. Formulas have been obtained that describe a correlation between ultimate and residual strength of rock samples and residual shear strength along the weakening surface. A new method has been developed to calculate residual interface strength of the rock mass basing on data from the examination of small-scale monolith samples with opposing spherical indentors. A method has been proposed to estimate strength characteristics (structural weakening coefficients and internal friction angles) of the fractured near-slope rock mass. The method relies on test data from shattering small-scale monolith samples with spherical indentors, taking into ac- count contact conditions along the weakening surface, and can be applied in the field conditions. It is acceptable to use irregular-shaped samples in thetests.
Date submitted2009-10-23
Date accepted2009-12-11
Date published2010-09-22
Aspects in geomechanics and safety in exploration of solid mineral deposits
- Authors:
- A. I. Perepelitsyn
The paper deals with the aspects of safety in mining at the ore mine «Norilsk nickel», the Yakovlevsky iron ore deposit, the Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium deposit of salts. It was shown that with due account of state of mining at the objects related to the utilization of the Earth's interior, the normative-legal support of mining regulation in the field of geomechanics is rather actual and it requires researches into the activities of mining enterprises as well as in the control work carried out by supervisory bodies of Mining Supervision.
Date submitted2009-10-22
Date accepted2009-12-27
Date published2010-09-22
Preconditions for prediction of technogenic seismic activity by cycles of objects of the solar system
- Authors:
- B. G. Tarasov
- A. G. Olovianny
- L. V. Bugaenko
The paper contains the statistical rows of rockbursts, sudden outbursts of methane at coal mines and ore mines in Russia for the period from 1954 to 2007, as well as the reflection in them of the eleven-year cycles of the Sun activity. Some results are presented of computer modeling of activation periods of outburst-hazardous state of rock mass at coal mines of the Kuzbass basin. Recommendations are given.
Date submitted2009-10-12
Date accepted2009-12-19
Date published2010-09-22
Preventive measures of gas-dynamic phenomena in the workings drivage on the rockburst- outburst-hazardous seams under extremely complicated geological and mining conditions
- Authors:
- V. P. Kostromin
A complex of measures preventing the manifestation of rockbursts and sudden outbursts of coal and gas has been developed. Criteria of forecasting, an assessment of efficiency of the preventive measures are suggested, as well as the necessary technical facilities and technologies.
Date submitted2009-10-13
Date accepted2009-12-29
Date published2010-09-22
Assessment of the level of technological production of coal reserves in mine fields with intensive mining of fiat-lying coal seams
- Authors:
- S. G. Baranov
- M. A. Rozenbaum
The levels of technological production of coal reserves in the stoping faces have been determined depending on the main determining factors, such as suitability of conditions, their preparation and equipment of longwalls.
Date submitted2009-09-01
Date accepted2009-11-20
Date published2010-06-25
Mathematical models of technical state estimation of ship elements
- Authors:
- I. I. Nikolaenkov
- A. P. Gospodarikov
The methods of mathematical models estimation of ship elements technical state were worked out in this work. The latter were realized for different conditions of ship elements work.
Date submitted2009-08-22
Date accepted2009-10-30
Date published2010-02-01
Individual thermosteam bath
- Authors:
- N. A. Kotenkov
In work the developed device – an individual thermosteam bath is presented, allowing to lower risk сooling diseases and other occupational diseases to raise comfort of conditions and labour productivity of miners. Distinctive feature consists that the head of the patient is out of a zone of influence of hot steam. Accordingly there is no loading on vessels of a brain and there is no oxygen lack. In the course of application of the given device vessels extend, blood goes on periphery, releasing all organism from the stagnant blood formed as a result of narrowing of vessels, arterial pressure is normalised, work of all bodies improves. The strengthened movement of blood promotes good thermoregulation, increase of immunity and adaptation of an organism to adverse environmental conditions.
Date submitted2009-08-19
Date accepted2009-10-02
Date published2010-02-01
The estimation features of vulnerability and desintegration оf subway construction materials in Saint Petersburg
- Authors:
- P. V. Kotyukov
In this paper the features of subway construction materials degradation depending on engineering-geological, hydro-geological and geoecological conditions of Saint Petersburg underground space are considered. The basic types of subway construction placing and their destruction specificity depending on influence of water-bearing horizons hydrodynamic and hydro chemical conditions, natural and natural-technogenic gas bio-production and microbial activity are analyzed. The examples of the disintegrated materials and new growths (salt efflorescence, stalactites and others) chemical compound features depending on the content of ground waters basic components affecting on tunnels lining are resulted.
Date submitted2009-08-17
Date accepted2009-10-18
Date published2010-02-01
Geotechnical engineering and hydrogeological specifics of estimate high-rise buildings construction and operation conditions (in terms of local zone on the right bank of Neva river)
- Authors:
- A. M. Zhukova
In the paper specificity of geotechnical engineering conditions in the local zone of the right river Neva bank are considered. The influence of underground topographies of Pre-Quaternary soils roof formed by paleovalleys on the specificity of engineering geological profile is analyzed. Influence of tectonic faults on physical and mechanical properties of Upper Kotlin clays (Upper Vendian) which it is planned to use as the basis for high-rise constructions is considered. Negative influence of Low Kotlin (Upper Vendian) pressure water-bearing horizon on clay properties in the construction foundation and structural materials is investigated.
Date submitted2009-07-02
Date accepted2009-09-30
Date published2010-04-22
On mechanisms for improvement of mine surveying works
- Authors:
- V. V. Gritskov
The article considers the aspects concerned with the improvement of mine surveying under conditions of market relations. It is shown that the financing of the urgent problems in safe mining operations related to the utilization of the Earth's interior, is practically absent on the federal level. In this connection, the development of the federal programme «Safe Utilization of Mineral Resources and Conservation of Reserves» is a high-priority task, which should include also the aspects of geodynamic safety in mining.
Date submitted2008-11-25
Date accepted2009-01-17
Date published2009-12-11
The basis of minimal industrial maintenance of useful component for deposits of complex mineral raw material
- Authors:
- V. V. Ternovoy
- A. I. Samoilenko
- O. I. Tsarakov
The problems of the calculation of the minimal industrial maintenance for complex ores of nonferrous metals are considered. Then the calculation of the minimal industrial maintenance of nickel according to different formulas for the technical-economic basis of exploratory conditions of concrete ore deposits and the analysis of results were carried out.
Date submitted2008-10-18
Date accepted2008-12-24
Date published2009-12-11
Higher efficiency in drilling of oil and gas wells under complicated conditions
- Authors:
- N. I. Nikolaev
- A. I. Ivanov
The results of researches of properties of the new native waterswelling polymer «Petrosorb» are given. Description is given to the design of plugging-up tool for liquidation of catastrophic absorption of flushing fluid in the course of drilling of oil and gas wells.