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V. P. Kostromin
V. P. Kostromin
engineer, senior research assistant
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
engineer, senior research assistant
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Preventive measures of gas-dynamic phenomena in the workings drivage on the rockburst- outburst-hazardous seams under extremely complicated geological and mining conditions

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A complex of measures preventing the manifestation of rockbursts and sudden outbursts of coal and gas has been developed. Criteria of forecasting, an assessment of efficiency of the preventive measures are suggested, as well as the necessary technical facilities and technologies.

How to cite: Kostromin V.P. Preventive measures of gas-dynamic phenomena in the workings drivage on the rockburst- outburst-hazardous seams under extremely complicated geological and mining conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 109-111.