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A. I. Perepelitsyn
A. I. Perepelitsyn
head of board on supervision in mining, metallurgical and oil-gas industries of Rostechnadzor of RF
Rostechnadzor of RF
head of board on supervision in mining, metallurgical and oil-gas industries of Rostechnadzor of RF
Rostechnadzor of RF


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Aspects in geomechanics and safety in exploration of solid mineral deposits

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The paper deals with the aspects of safety in mining at the ore mine «Norilsk nickel», the Yakovlevsky iron ore deposit, the Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium deposit of salts. It was shown that with due account of state of mining at the objects related to the utilization of the Earth's interior, the normative-legal support of mining regulation in the field of geomechanics is rather actual and it requires researches into the activities of mining enterprises as well as in the control work carried out by supervisory bodies of Mining Supervision.

How to cite: Perepelitsyn A.I. Aspects in geomechanics and safety in exploration of solid mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 23-25.