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Vol 147

Vol 148 No 1
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Investigation of the formation conditions and regularities of location of mineral deposits in the Earth’s crust

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The article considers the main directions of research in the analysis of the regularities of the location, properties and state of the main types of deposits of solid minerals in Russia. A summary of the available data on the main patterns of variability of both individual minerals and aggregates in the main types of endogenous ore deposits is made. Mineralogical features of large and unique deposits connected with granite magmatism are analyzed. It is concluded that their formation was determined by the long-term evolution of deep fluid systems serving as a means of mantle-core interaction and redistribution of matter in the Earth's crust. The principles of granite pegmatites analysis and methods of its carrying out are offered. The computational modeling of the processes of structure formation during magma solidification using the Monte Carlo method has been carried out. The possibilities of application of fractal analysis to solve the problems of ore geology are investigated. Possibilities of quantitative assessment of morphology of ore bodies are shown. Methods of studying and modeling of anomalous geochemical fields associated with mineral deposits are outlined. Tasks of geological exploration and prospecting works in connection with the further development of the coal industry are given.

How to cite: Gavrilenko V.V., Gulbin Y.L., Ivanov M.A., Kiryukov V.V., Lir Y.V., Marin Y.B., Marchenko A.G., Sendek S.V., Smolenskii V.V., Smyslov A.A. Investigation of the formation conditions and regularities of location of mineral deposits in the Earth’s crust // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 5-18.
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New computer geophysical technologies for prospecting, exploration, and mining of hydrocarbon deposits

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The article provides information about the results of the development of theoretical and experimental foundations of nonlinear geoelectrochemical methods. Geophysical and physical and mathematical models of jet diffusive galation of oil and gas deposits in heterogeneous soil are presented. The results of computer geophysical technology for studying the interwell space using seismic methods with a new borehole source of elastic vibrations using electrohydraulic effect initiated by an explosive wire. The survey is used to detect unswept oil in the late stages of reservoir development or in fields affected by branched and horizontal wells. The use of tomographic measurements in data processing enables detection of zones of residual oil saturation (unstrained oil) in the interwell space and additional recovery of hydrocarbons using branched operated wells driven from working wells.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Putikov O.F. New computer geophysical technologies for prospecting, exploration, and mining of hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 19-23.
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A new approach to the processing of seismic materials by the refracted wave method

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The article describes a new methodology for processing seismic data using the refracted-wave method. All seismic data are proposed to be processed on the basis of record migration (studying velocities at boundaries and in bedrock, recording displacements, and isolating useful events). The migration process involves wave imaging of all refracted boundaries of any shape using the kinematic and dynamic properties of the refracted waves. The result of data processing is a dynamic seismic section, similar to the section of the reflected wave method. Its geological interpretation uses not only kinematic but also dynamic properties of refracted waves. This makes it possible to predict not only the structural plan of deposits, but also their rock composition. The proposed method of processing has been tested both on model data and on real data of seismic refraction waves on the geophysical profile in the Barents Sea and on the Caspian Sea shelf. Examples are given of the processing of refracted wave data compared to the reflected wave section.

How to cite: Telegin A.N. A new approach to the processing of seismic materials by the refracted wave method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 24-29.
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Research and development of advanced technologies of drilling wells in complicated conditions

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The primary results of the research and engineering work of the Department of Technology and Technique of Well Drilling, carried out and completed in 2000, are presented. The main result of drilling long wells in the ice of Antarctica is the development of the project of environmentally safe opening of the subglacial Lake Vostok, a unique natural phenomenon, the complex study of which is of the greatest interest to the world scientific community. A 505 m long well with full core recovery was drilled on the Academy of Sciences glacier (Severnaya Zemlya archipelago) in the framework of the international environmental program PEGAIS. Geophysical measurements were carried out in the well. A new method of tubeless casing and sealing of anomalous intervals using a fusible binding material and a thermal plugging penetrator was developed. Basic theoretical and technological principles of liquidation plugging of hydrogeological wells with the use of economical and environmentally safe cementing mortar based on cheap mineral waste were developed. Effectively conducted research and experimental developments on the combined heat and hydrodynamic effects on low-productive sands to increase oil and gas production wells, clarified the laws of the hydro and foam core. New applied programs for PC were formed, allowing to increase adequacy of data and to expand the field of application in evaluation of regulation and stabilization of circulation and heat exchange processes during well sinking and development.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Kudryashov B.B., Nikolaev N.I., Nifontov Y.A., Chistyakov V.K., Shelkovnikov I.G., Yakovlev A.M., Kozlov A.V., Vasilev N.I., Zubkov V.M., Dmitriev A.N., Solovev G.N., Talalai P.G., Nikishin V.V., Taninskii P.Y., Tsygelnyuk E.Y. Research and development of advanced technologies of drilling wells in complicated conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 30-47.
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Improvement of prospective technologies for mineral deposit mining

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The results of scientific research of the Department of Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits, carried out in 2000 on problematic issues of underground mining of coal, shale and salt deposits, are presented. The requirements to the technological schemes of reservoir development in areas with limited size when using high-capacity mechanized mining complexes are formulated. Ways of increasing the efficiency of mining thin coal seams with the use of jet installations are proposed and substantiated. The causes of dynamic collapse of the roof rocks in the lower faces of the layered systems of development are investigated. Conclusions are made about the most promising ways of development of technogenic and oil and gas fields. Recommendations on underground coal combustion for steam and power generation have been developed.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Dyadkin Y.D., Kovalev O.V., Slyusarev N.I., Vasilev S.V. Improvement of prospective technologies for mineral deposit mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 48-60.
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Geodynamics and gas release from mined-out space in the Vorkuta coal mines

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The results of the analysis of the character of the growth with depth of methane content in beds and host rocks of coal deposits in the Pechora basin and the factors affecting it are presented. On the basis of field measurements of methane emission dynamics in the mine workings of a number of mines of the Vorkuta coal field and their statistical processing the effect of the increase in the relative methane emission by increasing the size of the mined-out space - the number of the waste pillars and the distance of the working face from the cut mine working is shown. The efficiency of the degassing schemes used to reduce gas release from the surrounding rock masses under development is analyzed. Geomechanical and gasdynamic models of a complexly structured undermined rock mass are proposed, allowing to justifiably calculate parameters of permeability distribution over its volume, air leakage fluxes from the cleaning face and gas-air mixture in the mined-out spaces.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Pavlova I.A., Bobrovnikov V.N., Popov M.M., Veselov A.P. Geodynamics and gas release from mined-out space in the Vorkuta coal mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 61-70.
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Technogenic evolution of underground space in Saint Petersburg: causes and consequences

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Natural and technogenic factors determining the evolution and destabilization of the geo-ecological state of the underground space of St. Petersburg are analyzed. Special attention is paid to buried marshes, drainage network and groundwater pollution as the least stable parts of the underground space. The main pollutants of the city are sewage and buried wastes, which bring not only a large amount of organic substances easily assimilated by microorganisms, but also additional microflora. Since the mid-20th century, petroleum hydrocarbons are considered to be active pollutants in the underground space. Large amounts of organic matter in the underground space leads to the formation of a reducing environment and microbiological activation. Conducted mass sampling of redox potential, determining the features of the chemical composition of groundwater, as well as assessing the bacterial mass in sandy clay sediments of the section indicate the importance of physico-chemical and biochemical processes in the evolution and destabilization of the underground space of the city. As a result of these processes, negative transformation of dispersed soils, leading to the formation of floats, the active development of gas-dynamic phenomena, and a high level of environmental aggressiveness are observed. A special form of corrosion of building materials caused by the activity of microorganisms (bio-corrosion), which enhances chemical, electrochemical and other types of underground exposure, has been analyzed. It was found that more than 50 percent of the total destruction of underground pipelines, foundations, and basement walls is the result of bio-corrosion.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Norova L.P. Technogenic evolution of underground space in Saint Petersburg: causes and consequences // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 71-85.
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Improving the efficiency of safe operation of railway tunnels in severe climatic conditions

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The main factors determining the peculiarities of accident-free operation of railway tunnels under windless climate conditions are considered. It is shown that ice formation caused by a combination of two unfavorable phenomena: relatively low air temperature in the tunnel and high watering of the tunnel is especially dangerous. The paper presents the results of the experimental studies indicating that the gas composition of the tunnel air is determined not only by the harmful gaseous impurities emitted by the carriers but also by methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon coming from the surrounding rocks and water. The mechanism of radon impact on tunnel personnel has been studied and a large-scale description of its possible impact on air quality in the tunnel has been given. Many regions of the Russian Federation, including those where the longest railway tunnels of Russia are located: Baikalskiy and Severo-Muiskiy, can be classified as radon hazardous. Creation of rational ventilation conditions influencing not only the radiation situation but also the thermodynamic characteristics of the air should be considered as a fundamental means of achieving the required air quality in the tunnels. In order to increase the stability of ventilation conditions the possibility of using different regulating devices has been studied. The maximum influence on the air flow is exerted by the installation of a ventilation door, which allows to change the air inflow by 70% of the initial indicator. The principles of creation of the favorable temperature conditions in the railway tunnels, which is one of the effective means of ice formation prevention, have been implemented and tested on site.

How to cite: Gendler S.G., Smirnyakov V.V., Terentev R.P. Improving the efficiency of safe operation of railway tunnels in severe climatic conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 86-94.
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Causes of rock deformations on the contours of mine workings under the action of blast waves

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Blast wave influence on rock stability in mine openings is given an account of. Results of mathematical modelling of a dynamic stress field created in the massif due to wave interaction with the mine opening have been analysed. A stress field influenced by short wave blasts has been studied. Equations of dynamic balance for theoretically elastic environment, supplemented with boundary and initial conditions for the corresponding components of stress tensor, serve as the basis of a mathematical model developed by V.V. Karpenko and G.A. KoIton. The set of 5 equations was solved using S.K. Godunov numerical technique. Input data are assumed on the basis of the mining conditions at the Severniy (Northern) mine (blast hole diameter - 76 mm; blast type - granulite AC-8). A particular case of blast influence at 10 m range between the charge and the gallery roof (r =370) has been studied. Distribution diagram parameters of the forward-moving elastic wave compression phase have been determined using analytical dependence for a cylinder-shaped charge blast (amplitude σ o = 9.6 MPa, period of time t - 1.2 ms, speed C 1 - 4500 m/s). It has been demonstrated, that form the direction of the forward-moving wave, refracted and diffracted waves create in the massif an extensive zone of radial tension stress, peaking at 1.6 at the distance of 0.8-1.0 R from the contour. In lateral areas, the blast wave produces concentration of tangential compression stresses up to 1.6 σ o . An estimation of mine destruction caused by the energy of dynamic development has been given. Besides dynamic compression and tension stresses, repeated blasts and impulse stress load and relief on the massif also influence stability of the mine openings. An estimation of rock stability criteria at the entry contour during joint action of static and dynamic stresses has also been given.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Karpenko V.V., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Kolosova O.V. Causes of rock deformations on the contours of mine workings under the action of blast waves // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 95-99.
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Use of underground space to improve safety and environmental friendliness of nuclear power plants

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One of the drastic measures to increase environmental safety and safety in operation of nuclear power plants is to use underground space for their location. Operating experience of underground nuclear power plants (UNPP) has shown high levels of their safety and reliability of the reactor and processing equipment as well as environmental protection. The rise in UNPP safety is secured by the rock massif strength, its insignificant penetration properties, reactor opening impermeability and system of gas gathering and outgassing through lining and drainage. To reduce long-term exposure of the walls of the reactor opening to high temperatures in case of a failure, a water sprinkling system is provided. In case of an emergency increase in pressure in the reactor opening, the gas-vapour mixture will pass through the rack massif and, due to its low temperature, gas condensation will occur and the wave front propagation will decrease in speed. Quantitative assessment of security arrangement demonstrates that the highest level of security is achieved at UNPPs with double casing and UNPPs with pressure release. One of the drawbacks of UNPPs is an increase in their cost and construction time. According to various estimates, the increase in the cost of UNPP construction relative to the construction of a land-based NPP is 15-25%, and the construction period increases by 1.5-2.5 years. An effective way of reducing construction costs for UNPP is to combine it with burial grounds for radioactive waste, that are adopted for recycling and storing waste both produced by the UNPP and brought from other nuclear enterprises of the region.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Ochnev V.N. Use of underground space to improve safety and environmental friendliness of nuclear power plants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 100-104.
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New developments in mechanical equipment at the Faculty of Mining and Electrical Engineering

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The main results of research work performed at the departments of the mechanical cycle of the Faculty of Mining and Electromechanics in 2000 are presented. Research and design works for making effective and environmentally safe machines and complexes for mining and processing industries are made at the Faculty of Mining and Electromechanics under the guidance of leading experts. The analysis of design and operating characteristics of manufactured dump trucks is given and modern principles of formation of design and operating requirements to them are formulated. A methodology and mathematical model for determining the optimal characteristics of the complexes have been developed. Studies on the development of hydraulic transport equipment for underwater development of offshore mineral deposits have been carried out. New technological schemes of slurry hydrotransportation in flexible sectional pipelines of variable curvature united by spherical joints are proposed. Research work on the development of the theory of working processes and improvement of electromechanical mining equipment complexes for energy-saving technologies was carried out.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Kuleshov A.A., Makhovikov B.S., Timofeev I.P. New developments in mechanical equipment at the Faculty of Mining and Electrical Engineering // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 105-111.
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Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry

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In the article, the main directions of the 2000 research in the field of creating electrical complexes for mining oil gas industries are considered. They are: the application of non-contact regulated power drive with control algorithms for mining machines and mechanisms; ensuring higher productivity and energy saving development of electrical technologies and special technical means for mining operations development of automated electrical complexes and systems based on the introduction of microprocessor technology; design, development and implementation of computer technology and automated control of energy consumption and adaptation of new types of electrical equipment, ensuring increased reliability and efficiency of electrical complexes; development and implementation of the concept and algorithms of usage management in oil production complexes; development of automatic control system of multifunctional resonant angle transducers with motion of different frequency and amplitude; application of methods of direct electrotechnology, based on electromechanical transfer of electric field energy in the rock proper to obtain technological effect development of electrical complexes of automatic and automated systems, which can be designed and developed as autonomous systems of different purposes.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Kozyaruk A.E., Proskuryakov R.M., Rudakov V.V., Shonin O.B. Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 112-127.
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Assessment of environmental hazard of technogenic massifs of mining and metallurgical production

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An assessment of the man-caused impact of mining and mineral processing enterprises on the soil and water reservoirs, the atmosphere and, as a consequence, an increase in the morbidity of the population is given. The greatest pollution and disturbance of the environment is associated with the storage sites of solid and liquid waste, which occupy more than 120 hectares in the Russian Federation. The problem of creating a classification of waste storage facilities, their thorough characterization and environmental risk assessment is very pressing. Solving this problem will help to prevent or reduce environmental impact of storage places by means of justified choice of type and design of waste storage for projectable enterprises and development of a package plan for environmental sanitation and reclamation of the territories under the impact. It will also help to cut down construction, operation and environmental expenses. Implementation of land reform requires strengthening state supervision of land and water use and conservation based on large-scale implementation of modern means of monitoring land and water conditions, as well as development of environmentally safe norms and requirements for land and water use. The results of the development and implementation of new methods of rapid assessment of the impact of solid waste on land and water reservoirs are presented. A new complete classification of technogenic tracts, based on the principle of their formation, their multivariate impact on the environment and methodological approach to the ecological and economic risk assessment of the impact of technogenic tracts on the environment is given.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A. Assessment of environmental hazard of technogenic massifs of mining and metallurgical production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 128-137.
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Impact of OAO Phosphorit on the ecological system of the Luga River and its tributaries

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The impact of the mining enterprise OAO Phosphorit on the ecosystem of the Luga River and its tributaries has been fully assessed. It turned out that a significant contribution to the total technogenic load of the hydro-ecosystem is made not only by wastewater discharge, but also by the transfer of pollutants into the atmosphere. A considerable increase in the impact of the enterprise on the Luga and its nearest tributaries, including those located upstream, has been recorded. Not only clear changes in various abiotic indicators of exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations of biogenic elements - mineral and organic phosphorus, nitrates, ammonium, fluoride ions, sulfate, combination of oil products, but also the main biotic parameters (structural and functional characteristics of microphytobenthos, phito- and zooplankton, zoobenthos, ichthyofauna) were established. In the area of influence of OAO Phosphorit, the overall level of anthropogenic impact on the hydro-ecosystem is 2-3 times higher than the stability of the ecosystem, which is significantly (40%) higher than the background indicator. According to research results, negative changes in the Luga ecosystem are still reversible at present. However, even a relatively small (30% or more) increase in anthropogenic load can lead to rapid and irreversible biotic degradation of rivers in the entire zone of influence of Phosphorit. This defines high requirements for the development and implementation of a system of environmental protection measures for Phosphorit, especially taking into account the volume of production growth.

How to cite: Shuiskii V.F., Petrov D.S., Petrova T.A., Maksimova T.V. Impact of OAO Phosphorit on the ecological system of the Luga River and its tributaries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 138-150.
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Utilization of carbon-bearing waste from the coal and timber industries

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Permanent accumulation of carbonaceous waste at coal mining and forestry enterprises in volumes comparable to those of primary recovery has a great impact on the environment. Even an environmental disaster can be foreseen in the near future. Large volumes of accumulated carbonaceous waste represent a valuable source of energy. Their effective processing will save large amounts of energy resources - oil, natural gas, coal and shale oil, which are the basis of the fuel and energy balance of Russia, and bring a large income. It is estimated that the annual shortage of refined fuel in the amount of about 10 million tons for the public utilities for the period until 2005 can be closed by the production of briquette fuel using recycled carbonaceous waste - waste from sawing and lumbering and shale deposits in the Leningrad region. Processing of sawmill and logging waste, shale oil into briquette fuel is possible at the cost of modern technologies and equipment, as well as unconventional technological solutions (compression of briquette mixture using uniaxial compression in hydraulic presses or compression "endless wedge" in extrusion presses).

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Nifontov Y.A., Nifontova T.I., Benin A.A. Utilization of carbon-bearing waste from the coal and timber industries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 151-160.
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Development of technology for preparation of water-coal suspensions for combustion in furnaces of steam boilers and combustion chambers of gas-turbine plants

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Coal-water slurry (CWS), which is a hydro mixture of ground coal and water, can be regarded as a technological type of power-plant fuels. Provided that necessary requirements are met during CWS preparation, CWS can make a valuable alternative to traditional types of liquid and gaseous power-plant fuels, such as natural gas, mineral and boiler oil, for burning in boiler furnaces and combustion chambers of gas-turbine units. To secure power plant conversion using CWS, it is necessary to consider a number of tasks related to the development of requirements for the preparation of CWS from coals of different categories, hydraulic long-distance transportation of CWS and design of CWS injection devices to ensure combustion of suspension jet in a short flame. The general problem of using CWS as a fuel for power plants is considered and general research trends in this area are shown.

How to cite: Aleksandrov V.I. Development of technology for preparation of water-coal suspensions for combustion in furnaces of steam boilers and combustion chambers of gas-turbine plants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 161-163.
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Optimization of slurry separation processes using LAROX OY filter presses

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The basic dependences of filtration, flow formation and drying processes given in various scientific papers are generalized. A detailed algorithm for calculating these processes has been developed, taking into account hydrodynamic and heat and mass transfer patterns of the above processes. On the basis of previously collected experimental data the possibility of application of LAROX OY filter-press for filtration of crushed ore suspension at hydrometallurgical enterprises has been substantiated. Experimental data on separation of suspensions are processed and prepared for numerical calculation.

How to cite: Beloglazov I.N., Tikhonov O.N., Golubev V.O. Optimization of slurry separation processes using LAROX OY filter presses // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 164-170.
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Modeling of process equipment and process control systems of industrial furnaces for metal production

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A brief summary of the research and engineering work performed by professors, graduate students, and students of the Department of Furnaces, Control and Automation of Metallurgical Processes in 2000 is given. Two main directions of research activities were modeling of technological equipment for metal production and modeling of control systems for industrial metallurgical furnaces. In the first direction of research the following mathematical models were developed: converter conversion of smelting shop of Pechenganickel metallurgical plant; ore thermal smelting process; dissolution and liquation processes; waste water treatment using calcium hydrocarboaluminate. The technology of zinc-tin iron dust processing in a rotary kiln was also developed. A method of separating suspensions using LAROX PF press-filters was introduced. The second area of research includes works on development of spectral density method for synthesis of control systems with intermittent lag and on improvement of efficiency of manipulation of gas regimes in converters.

How to cite: Galnbek A.A., Beloglazov I.N., Vlasov K.P., Dubovikov O.A., Zaryanova O.V., Vyrubova T.F., Firsov A.Y., Turinskii Z.M., Ivanov E.A., Kadyrov E.D., Anashkin A.S., Lastochkina M.A., Milovidova I.Y., Golubev V.O., Klimentenok G.G., Bondarchuk A.M., Orishchuk A.A., Maksimets N.N., Spichak I.A. Modeling of process equipment and process control systems of industrial furnaces for metal production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 171-179.
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Research and development in the field of complex processing of non-ferrous metal ores

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The issues of improving the technology of complex processing of non-auxite aluminum raw materials - nepheline; synthesis of refractory titanium compounds; technology for the extraction of platinum and its companions; improvement of apparatuses for autogenous melting of sulfide materials are considered. The research was supported by the RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research). (The Programme of the Leading Scientific Schools Support - Project 00-15-99070).

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M. Research and development in the field of complex processing of non-ferrous metal ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 180-185.
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Extraction of rare metals and radionuclides from lean raw materials and soils

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The content of rare-earth metals (REM) in Kola apatite is about 1%. In the production of concentrates over 8 million tons per year, more than 80 thousand tons of REM are dumped into waste dumps annually, polluting the environment. The main bulk of apatite is processed according to the sulfuric acid scheme to produce extractive phosphoric acids. To extract rare-earth metals from phosphoric acid streams with a capacity of 45 t/h, it is necessary to develop a process lasting several minutes, which does not affect the basic technology and does not require expensive costs of reagents. Crystallization of lanthanide combinations on inoculum directly from production solutions of extractive phosphoric acids meets the requirements. Another pressing problem is the purification of soils contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides. In laboratory and natural conditions, the purification of soils from 90Sr contamination of the 5th quarter of Vasilievsky Island and Novozybkovsky district of the Bryansk region from 137Cs contamination has been studied. Among different methods of soil decontamination, the most cost-effective and suitable for large soil masses and large territories is soil washing with diluted solutions of mixtures of ammonium and iron (3+) salts. This method can also be used to clean soils from heavy metal contamination in mining regions.

How to cite: Chirkst D.E., Litvinova T.E., Cheremisina O.V. Extraction of rare metals and radionuclides from lean raw materials and soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 186-193.
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Research work of the Department of Engineering Geodesy

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A brief account of the main directions of research and engineering activities of the Department of Engineering Geodesy is given. The development of scientifically justified methods of complex research of three-dimensional deformations of tower-shaped structures and architectural monuments of Staraya Russa is continued. New formulas for calculating slope for cramped conditions were introduced. An analytical method for the processing of paired photographs for applied photography has been developed. Principles of coordinate-measurement systems application were developed. Methodological provisions for cadastral mapping using modern electronic geodetic instruments were developed for the cadastral evaluation of land and real estate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. A new methodology for accuracy assessment based on tensor analysis and application of vector error theory was developed. Research in the field of mining geomechanics was continued: a three-dimensional computer model of rock mass along the oil pipeline route was created.

How to cite: Pavlov V.I., Korobkov S.A., Golovin G.A., Zubov A.V., Kiselev V.A., Kornilov Y.N., Pandul I.S., Petrov V.V., Khazov O.E., Potyukhlyaev V.G. Research work of the Department of Engineering Geodesy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 194-197.
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Mathematical modeling of physical processes in some problems of geomechanics

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Finite-difference and numerically analytical methods for solving dynamic and elastic-plastic problems of geomechanics are proposed. Using the finite difference method and on the basis of the principles of the mathematical modeling of physical processes the tensor components, which characterize the dynamic stress field in rocks around the vaulted excavation of the type under the oblique action of the stress wave on it, were determined. An iterative process, which allows calculating the components of the stress tensor and the velocity of the plastic flow of rocks around mine workings at great depths, is designed with the help of numerical analytical method. Reliability and validity of the method is confirmed by comparing the obtained calculations with the results of solutions found by other authors and experimental data.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Karpenko V.V., Kolton G.A. Mathematical modeling of physical processes in some problems of geomechanics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 198-202.
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Computer technology in education and testing systems

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The article presents research work of the Informatics and Computer Technologies Department on the application of modern computer technologies for teaching and testing systems. Two research works are described: a universal system of computer testing and a system for assessing the quality of articulation of Russian digits. The universal system of computer testing is developed on the basis of new information technologies, testing records and testing itself. The testing system is oriented to a wide range of uses, including knowledge control in the learning process and test taking. The system for assessing the quality of articulation of the ten Russian digits is based on modern advances in speech technology and allows you to evaluate both the overall quality of articulation and pronunciation errors of word length. An experimental study of the system allowed us to conclude that the assessment it produces corresponds to the experts' assessment in about 73% of cases.

How to cite: Bezmozgin B.Z., Golovenchits N.Y., Kondrashev A.P., Makhovikov A.B., Onushkina I.O., Prudinskii G.A. Computer technology in education and testing systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 203-209.
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Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection at mining enterprises

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The problems of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials and natural resource potential are considered. Also considered the economic assessment of the consequences of the negative impact on the environment, evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental control. The economic estimation of natural resources is considered as a part of the problem of determining the economic efficiency of all social production. In all this, the most promising is the rent method. It is well combined with the system of market categories and is adequate to market relations. The feasibility study of the field development project is the basis for calculating the mining rent, and the calculation of the size of the rent is based on the assessment of cash flows. Assessment of economic consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment serves to determine the efficiency of nature management system, justification of nature management strategy and directions of nature protection activity. The criterion of efficiency of environmental protection activities at mining enterprises is the achievement of regulatory requirements and environmental cleanliness with minimal expenditures of resources. The effectiveness of control over the use of natural resources is evaluated in order to improve the economic mechanism of rational use of natural resources. The main objects of research here are the tax system and the investment base of nature management. Priority directions of nature management and basic principles of nature management economy in modern conditions are formulated.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Kuklina E.A., Nevskaya M.A., Golovanova T.V. Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection at mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 210-223.
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Strategy and evaluation of the effectiveness of mineral complex enterprises in market conditions

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The results of scientific research carried out at the Department of Economics in 2000 are taken into account. The research is presented in the dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. The works are topical and aimed at improving the tax policy in the mineral complex (on the example of the Leningrad region); economic assessment of the prospects for the development of a coal company (Intaugol OJSC); development strategy of building materials industry (building materials industry of the Leningrad region); assessment of efficiency of production investments of operating mining and metallurgical enterprise in the market economy (JSC MMC Pechenganickel); The strategy of the fuel and energy complex under the conditions of reforming energy prices; evaluation of the effectiveness of the investment strategy of an oil producer (OAO Surgutneftegaz); optimization of the gas share in the regional fuel and energy balance (St. Petersburg); development of an internal pricing mechanism for the daily management of a mining company.

How to cite: Iseeva L.I. Strategy and evaluation of the effectiveness of mineral complex enterprises in market conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 224-233.