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A. A. Smyslov
A. A. Smyslov


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Regional forecasting and metallogenic studies of uranium and their role in the formation of the mineral resource base of nuclear industry in Russia

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Review of the up-to-date state of the mineral resources base of uranium shows that the current value of uranium production from the Russian ore deposits can not supply even the country’s internal needs as at present so in the close five year future. In the vastest country, any large nor super-large uramum ore deposit was not discovered during last two decades or more. Actually advised for prospecting areas have within their limits an appraised amount of 5-10 thousand tons of the metal as hypothetical resources (Pi category), which indicates the principally low potential of those territories, the low probability to discover there some large uranium ore bodies. The situation needs to research some ways for more effective forecasting of promising uranium-bearing structures. For the purpose, the principal commercial type of uranium deposits are considered on the base of analysis of their ore-forming and uranium-concentrating processes. By example of the unique ore bodies of the Athabasca region, there are distinguished several, disengaged in time, preparative and concentrating processes subsequently participating in the uranium ore forming. Comparison of deposits in the Athabasca province and the Ladoga region shows that in the latter ones ore bodies are connected with the lesser number of oregenerating processes, and thus, those objects have the lower uranium-bearing potential. In the whole, analysis of the actual state of the uranium mineral resources base and the potential uranium-bearing of the Russia’s geological structures leads to conclusion about necessary strengthening of geological trend in metallogeny-forecasting and prospecting for uranium. It means development of the complex geological, geophysical, mineralogical-geochemical and some other typees of investigations aimed for revealing of the structural-substantial peculiarities in the uranium-promising formations and geological structures, as well as to thorough study of the ore-forming systems evolution.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Kozlov A.V. Regional forecasting and metallogenic studies of uranium and their role in the formation of the mineral resource base of nuclear industry in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 12.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Endogenous, exogeneous and technogenic factors of environmental impact on human environment within north-west of Russia

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The living environment of the Northwest region of Russia is significantly affected by both natural geological (endogenous and exogenous geodynamic, geochemical and radiogeochemical) and anthropogenic factors. The greatest environmental hazards are those areas where there is a combination of high probability of dangerous natural phenomena and excessive technogenic impact on the environment. Such areas include the west of the Kola Peninsula, a number of territories of the Leningrad Region, and others.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Marchenko A.G., Kulachkov L.V., Botalova E.A. Endogenous, exogeneous and technogenic factors of environmental impact on human environment within north-west of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 248-250.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Scientific basis for prediction and evaluation of large and unique mineral deposits of fuel and energy and mineral raw materials

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The project objectives are to justify modern systems of balanced reproduction and use of forest resources, cyclically and structurally linking the processes of reforestation, forest care and forest use in a single complex; to develop new methods and technologies of sustainable nature management, expanding the integrated and low-waste use of natural resources; characterization and forest effectiveness of promising technologies of primary use, forest care, reforestation; assessment of ecological and biological diversity. The research is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of modern reforestation, tending and forest use methods and technologies; to reveal the structural changes in the forest environment caused by the use of the mentioned technologies and the most perspective nature- and resource-saving technologies of reforestation and forest use; to determine the possible options to optimize the management regime in the forest reforestation-forest use cycle; to develop systems of balanced complex reproduction and use of forest resources.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Sendek S.V. Scientific basis for prediction and evaluation of large and unique mineral deposits of fuel and energy and mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 184-188.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Geodynamic and other natural factors of the ecological state of Russia's geological environment

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Natural processes with negative impacts on the natural environment and human life safety are widely manifested on the territory of Russia: endogenous (seismic hazard) and exogenous (mudflows, avalanches) geodynamic phenomena, as well as the accumulation of anomalous concentrations of toxicants in geological bodies.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Marchenko A.G., Kulachkov L.V., Botalova E.A., Tutakova A.Y., Alekhina V.V., Baranauskaite I.A. Geodynamic and other natural factors of the ecological state of Russia’s geological environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 271-274.
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Investigation of the formation conditions and regularities of location of mineral deposits in the Earth’s crust

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The article considers the main directions of research in the analysis of the regularities of the location, properties and state of the main types of deposits of solid minerals in Russia. A summary of the available data on the main patterns of variability of both individual minerals and aggregates in the main types of endogenous ore deposits is made. Mineralogical features of large and unique deposits connected with granite magmatism are analyzed. It is concluded that their formation was determined by the long-term evolution of deep fluid systems serving as a means of mantle-core interaction and redistribution of matter in the Earth's crust. The principles of granite pegmatites analysis and methods of its carrying out are offered. The computational modeling of the processes of structure formation during magma solidification using the Monte Carlo method has been carried out. The possibilities of application of fractal analysis to solve the problems of ore geology are investigated. Possibilities of quantitative assessment of morphology of ore bodies are shown. Methods of studying and modeling of anomalous geochemical fields associated with mineral deposits are outlined. Tasks of geological exploration and prospecting works in connection with the further development of the coal industry are given.

How to cite: Gavrilenko V.V., Gulbin Y.L., Ivanov M.A., Kiryukov V.V., Lir Y.V., Marin Y.B., Marchenko A.G., Sendek S.V., Smolenskii V.V., Smyslov A.A. Investigation of the formation conditions and regularities of location of mineral deposits in the Earth’s crust // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 5-18.
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Geological structure, mineral resources and environmental condition of the Russian subsoil (based on the materials of the Geological Atlas)

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The materials on the geological structure, minerals and the environment of the country's subsoil on the basis of the maps (scale 1:10000000) included in the "Geological Atlas of Russia" are considered. The list of atlas maps grouped in four sections is given, and a number of scientific conclusions are drawn, which follow from the analysis of geological, geophysical and environmental materials on geodynamics, patterns of mineral distribution and environmental conditions of Russia.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A. Geological structure, mineral resources and environmental condition of the Russian subsoil (based on the materials of the Geological Atlas) // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 142. p. 3-19.
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Геохимическое районирование при геолого-съемочных и прогнозно-металлогенических исследованиях

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Геологическая съемка и геологическое картографирование, у истоков которого стояли такие выдающиеся геологи, как А. П. Карпинский и Д. В. Наливкин, оказали решающее влияние на развитие отечествен­ной' геологической науки и решение прикладных задач формирования минерально-сырьевой базы страны. В прикладной и теоретической гео­химии в отличие от геологии и геофизики вопросам геохимической съемки уделялось значительно меньшее внимание ...

How to cite: Smyslov A.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1989. Vol. 119. p. 24.