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Vol 150 No 1

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This volume of "The Proceedings of the Mining Institute" for the first time in its almost century-long history publishes the scientific works of the younger generation of scientists who are not yet known to the general scientific community for their works. The articles were prepared on the basis of the reports of the young scientists of the Institute at the scientific conference "Mineral Resources of Russia and Their Development" held in April 2001.

How to cite: Board E. Introduction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 5-5.
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Regularities of transformation of the main components of the geological environment of St. Petersburg during the burial of bogs

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At present, when assessing the geo-ecological conditions of the city territory, the existence of buried marshes is not given proper attention. It is known that by the time of laying the city 75% of its area was boggy. Complete removal of boggy deposits was carried out only when their thickness does not exceed 3 m. Deeper marshes and swampy areas turned out to be buried and continue to “live”, being the most active geo-ecological element of the city's underground environment. Although swamp waters outside the zones of technogenic pollution are characterized by low salinity and mainly hydrocarbonate-sodium, less often calcium composition, they play a significant role in the formation of physical, chemical and biochemical environment of the underground space of the city. In such watered sections containing boggy sediments, sharply pronounced reducing conditions are noted. In addition, there is an activation of microbiological activity at considerable depth, since bog sediments contain a variety of physiological groups of microflora. Swamp sediments serve as an active natural sorbent for heavy metals, as well as a number of organic pollutants. On the one hand, the microbiological activity and diversity of bog biocenoses leads to the destruction of organic pollutants. On the other hand, the activity of the biotic component is usually accompanied by biochemical gas generation. The formation of methane, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc. is observed in the underground space of St. Petersburg. Low-soluble gases (methane, nitrogen) will affect the stress-strain state of sandy-clayey rocks, contributing to mudbursts, and in the presence of methane - spontaneous combustion. Soluble and highly water-soluble gases usually form a corrosive environment in relation to metals, concrete and other building materials. Studies of the impact of buried bogs on the environmental condition of the city performed in SPGGI allowed to identify and delineate zones with the highest level of negative processes that determine the safety of development and use of the underground space of St. Petersburg.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.Y. Regularities of transformation of the main components of the geological environment of St. Petersburg during the burial of bogs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 6-10.
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Prerequisites for the ennoblement of garnet from the new manifestation of the Polar Urals

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The work is devoted to a rare and most valuable variety of garnet - demantoid. In mineralogical directories, the color of demantocetz is described in the range from emerald green to chocolate and tobacco, and its price changes accordingly. Materials for this work were our own field observations and samples collected at a new manifestation of garnet in the Polar Urals. The laboratory researches have shown, that the selected crystals, probably, are andradite-demantoid, though the majority of grains are characterized mainly by yellowish shades. In some cases, heterogeneity in coloring was noted - emerald green center and yellowish periphery of crystals. In spite of the high dispersion, the strong yellowish or even brown coloring does not allow counting on the commercial success of the found fan as an ophanous raw material. Assuming that the coloring zoning is caused by the oxidation of iron in the mineral, it seems reasonable to try to change the color of the garnet by reduction of iron. Thus, there are mineralogical prerequisites for experiments to change the color of garnet, which, if successful, may lead to a significant increase in the value of jewelry raw materials.

How to cite: Alekhina V.V. Prerequisites for the ennoblement of garnet from the new manifestation of the Polar Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 10-13.
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Powerpoint computer presentation program

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The computer presentation of reports is now universally accepted at conferences of various levels. The possibility of creating a computer version of the presentation of the report allows the program PowerPoint, which is one of the components of the package Microsoft Office. The program PowerPoint makes it possible to create slides (sheets), illustrating the materials of the report, and augment them with sound and animation effects, which allows to present the report in the most obvious way. Since its introduction in 1987, Microsoft PowerPoint marked the beginning of a qualitatively new way of presenting reports on the computer. Nowadays a computer presentation of a report is not a separate set of slides, but an integrated computer action. PowerPoint creates audio-visual presentations for presenting various ideas, plans, projects, reports, etc. to a wide audience. The use of PowerPoint is illustrated by two different reports: “SPGGI through the Eyes of a Freshman” and “S. S. Smirnov as a Teacher and Scientist. To the 100th Anniversary of the GRMPY Department”. The presentations contain, respectively, 13 and 9 sheets each. The effects used and their implementation by means of the program PowerPoint are described. For greater expressiveness used sound accompaniment presentations.

How to cite: Bogatyreva A.G., Marasanova I.V. Powerpoint computer presentation program // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 13-16.
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Sea urchins of the Toxaster genus from Goteriv deposits in Turkmenistan

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Sea-urchins (endocyclic echinoids) play a significant role in stratigraphy of Cretaceous sediments in TurkmeniStan. They are numerous and versatile at genus and species levels, are typical of various parts of lower Cretaceous sediments. Sea-urchin shells have been selected from two section of the Bolshoy Balkhan edge - Kazanzhabu-run, Taschlydere ravine. Sediments in those sections are represented with different types of limestone: dolo-mitic, pelitomorphic and organic-fragmental with dolomite and malm interlayers. All the shells were found at the Goteriv layer bedding (lower part of the Kazanzhaburunskaya series). 10 species of the Toxaster genus have been determined and described, two of them probably being new. Despite the discoveries of numerous specimens of the same species, a number of differences at the species level have been noted in both sections (several shells of certain species have been found in one section and have not been revealed in the other). The described sea-urchins fauna, particularly such species as Toxaster retusus and Toxaster holas-teroides, enables correlation of the Bolshoy Balkhan sediments with the sediments of the neighbouring regions (Kopetdag, etc.) and even with the Goteriv sediments of foreign countries (Western Europe, Morocco, Algeria). Toxaster specimens show clear stratigraphic attachment to both layer and sublayer. Thus, in the above mentioned layers specimens typical of the Goteriv sediments in Portugal, France, Switzerland and other countries have been found. This proves the existence of a common paleobasin in the Lower Cretaceous period, which was the centre of Toxasteridae sea-urchins development and expansion. It is necessary to mention the fact, that there have also been found specimens of sea-urchins, typical only of the Bolshoy Balkhan sections and never encountered in other sections of the same age. This is, probably, concerned with particular pecularities of the Bolshoy Balkhan paleobasin.

How to cite: Gorshenina V.V. Sea urchins of the Toxaster genus from Goteriv deposits in Turkmenistan // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 16-20.
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Phylogeny and developmental phases of the Campanian-Maastrichtian foraminifers of the Baltic region

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The work is based on the study of core material provided by employees of VSEGEI. The section interval of 75 m was sampled. The material comes from sediments (presumably from the Cenomanian-Maastrichtian age) uncovered by well 33 (Prichaly village) in the Kaliningrad Region. The Late Cretaceous epoch was very favorable for the development of benthic foraminifer fauna. The peculiarities of benthic foraminifer complexes are closely related to the phases of basin development. Their changes were manifested at the species and partly at the genus level, which is represented by specific phylo-genes. For the detailed stratigraphy of the basin, phylogenetic series related to each other by gradual transitions, usual for species of the same genetic branch. The phylogeny of benthic foraminifers was established for each phase of basin development. Based on literary sources and studies conducted in the course of the work, the Late Cretaceous Campan-Maastrichtian phase of basin development was identified, in which two phylogenetic series of the genus Gavelinella are distinguished and one series is composed of the species group of the genus Brotzinella.

How to cite: Dmitrieva E.B. Phylogeny and developmental phases of the Campanian-Maastrichtian foraminifers of the Baltic region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 20-22.
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Analysis of deformation and calculations of the stability of the embankment of the Petrovsky stadium

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The stadium of federal significance, Petrovsky, is located in an area whose development began in 1710, which predetermined a high degree of contamination of the cut and a significant transformation of the composition of the pound water, as well as the condition and properties of the rocks. The main source of pollution is leaks from the sewage and stormwater systems. Studies have shown that the Quaternary sediments are the most transformed, which are characterized by a high degree of microbiological contamination. In July 2000. SPGGI conducted a specialized engineering-geological survey of the Petrovsky Stadium embankment. This made it possible to identify several characteristic types of embankment destruction: the formation of failures and displacement of the lower part of the banquet, changes in the outline of the cross profile of the masonry, the fall out and displacement of the facing stones, displacement of the sidewalk slabs, failures and cracks in the asphalt pavement and the formation of landslide cirques. Embankment landslide displacements are formed under the influence of the following factors: the presence of weak lake-glacial sediments in the section, characterized by quasiplastic state and the value of coupling 0.009 MPa at zero internal friction angle, the effect of hydrodynamic pressure, groundwater and additional loads, and the gradual deterioration of sand-clay rock strength when microbiological activity is activated. The factors that determine the development of landslide processes and, accordingly, deformations of the embankment and adjacent territory, established in the process of research, show that the existing embankment design has long ago exhausted its operational capabilities and does not guarantee the stability of the slopes. In this regard, the question of complete replacement of the embankment structure with a fundamentally new one, meeting the engineering and geological conditions of the territory under consideration should be considered.

How to cite: Zakharova E.G. Analysis of deformation and calculations of the stability of the embankment of the Petrovsky stadium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 22-26.
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Influence of mineral composition of ores on their technological properties (by the example of the Gaisky copper and sulfide deposit)

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The main ore minerals in the Gaisky deposit are pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. According to the material composition and textural and structural peculiarities, solid and disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite-phalerite natural types of ores are distinguished. At present the Gaisky concentrator processes copper and copper-zinc ores according to the gravity-flotation collective-selective scheme. Hardness and brittleness of minerals have the greatest influence on the result of ore processing. The nature and eminence of ores is mainly determined by the predominant mineral, pyrite. The hardness of pyrite is much higher than the hardness of chalcopyrite, sphalerite and bornite, so there is an overgrinding and slagging of useful minerals with simultaneous underdepositing of their clusters. The density of minerals, size and shape of their grains have a decisive influence on the results of gravity concentration, and native gold, pyrite and galena are accumulated in the concentrate. However, the flattening of gold during pre-grinding leads to its partial loss with gravity tailings. The flotation properties of minerals are decisively influenced by the surface character of the particles, which can be tentatively estimated by the reflection coefficient. Such connection can be used for qualitative prediction of heterogeneity and technological properties of sulfides. It is established that for all ore minerals from early to late generations the reflection coefficient, microhardness increase and the content of microimpurities and noble elements in particular decreases. The described regularities are reflected in distribution of minerals on products of technological processing, and this finally influences on quality of commodity products.

How to cite: Ilchenko V.O., Fedorov S.A. Influence of mineral composition of ores on their technological properties (by the example of the Gaisky copper and sulfide deposit) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 26-29.
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Experimental testing of a new classification of renal stones (uroliths)

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The study of the peculiarities of the internal structure of urinary stones (uroliths) is topical in connection with the development of new methods of treatment of urolithiasis by their destruction or dissolution directly inside the human body. The new classification of uroliths developed by M.A. Ivanov in collaboration with the staff of the Medical Academy n.a. I.I. Mechnikov. I.I.Mechnikov A.H.Panin and O.V.Stetsik, demonstrates the morphological and structural-material signs determining the ability of aggregates to disintegrate under the influence of laser radiation. It is based on the notion that most of the uroliths belong to the nodule aggregates of monocentric type. Classification features are the basic types of structures of these formations: radial-beam, spherulitic and granular (cryptic), which, depending on the chemical composition, allow to attribute the studied object to a certain type, basic or intermediate. An attempt was made to classify a group of 32 urolites. As a result, it was found that the examined samples are really aggregates of the nodule type, but of the polycentric type. All studied objects fit into the classification framework, but correspond to the intermediate types, because none of the features exhaustively determines the structure of the sample, in particular, does not affect its zonal heterogeneity. This fact should be taken into account in the further improvement of the classification of renal stones.

How to cite: Kormushkina E.A. Experimental testing of a new classification of renal stones (uroliths) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 30-32.
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Application of georadiolocation method for nondestructive control of the condition of hard-type roads

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Application of the georadiolocation method when inspecting hard-standing highways allows to measure the structural layers of the road and provides a continuous survey of the subgrade. The main advantage of this method is the high detail of the survey section and its productivity. GPR surveying is possible on the move with the use of a vehicle. The resolution capability of the survey depends on the frequency of the sounding pulse of GPR. To measure the structural layers of the pavement, as a rule, use antennas with central frequencies of 900 MHz and more, which provide an accuracy of measuring up to 1 cm. When determining the power and degree of homogeneity of drainage layer of soil, lithological partitioning of the embankment, search for local heterogeneities, which may be associated with different degrees of decompaction and humidity of soils, low-frequency antennas (500, 300 MHz) are used, allowing to study the section to a depth of 10 m at a resolution capacity of 0.3-0.5 m. To identify the layers on the GPR and determine the velocities of electromagnetic waves in the structural layers of the road, the drilling data are involved. Regression analysis is carried out on the boring data, which allows to reveal the character of functional connection between the thickness of the layers and the double travel time of electromagnetic waves. As the studies have shown, the correlation coefficient between these parameters is quite high (0.7 and more), which provides sufficient accuracy in determining the power of the structural layers.

How to cite: Kulikov A.I. Application of georadiolocation method for nondestructive control of the condition of hard-type roads // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 32-35.
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Mineralogical and geochemical features and staging of Au-Sb-W mineralization of Verkhne-Yenashiminskoye ore cluster deposits (Yenisei Ridge, Siberia)

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Olimpiada, Oleniye and other gold-sulfide deposits are localized in terrigenous-carbonate rocks. The main ore minerals are arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, antimonite, scheelite; rare minerals are wolframite, pyrite, bertierite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, jemsonite, gudmundite, coloradoite, zumoite, aurostibite, native gold and antimony. Gold in ores is present in three different forms: native (assay 910-997) in association with scheelite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite; chemically bound in arsenopyrite structure (up to 0.6 % by mass); aurostibite AiBg, coexisting with antimonite and Sb-sulfosoles. Ore elements are represented by the association (Au-As)i(Sb-Pb-Ag) at Olympiada and (Au-Ag-W)±Sb at Olenyi; their differences are due to variations in the mineral composition of ores: early gold-arsenopyrite and late silver-bearing sulfoantimonite with aurostibite (Olympiada); early gold-shelite-pyrrotite and late aurostibite-antimonite (Olenyi). The Au-Sb-W mineralization formed during the early rare-metal (quartz-wolframite, quartz-shelite-sulfide association) and later gold ore (gold-shelite-pyrrhotite, gold-arsenopyrite, polymetallic, gold-bertierite-antimonite, carbonate-fluorite-pyrite associations) phases.

How to cite: Savichev A.A., Nagaeva S.P. Mineralogical and geochemical features and staging of Au-Sb-W mineralization of Verkhne-Yenashiminskoye ore cluster deposits (Yenisei Ridge, Siberia) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 35-40.
Development of mineral deposits
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Analysis of the risk of investing in the development of a technogenic deposit

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The problem of accuracy and reliability of design solutions is a characteristic feature of the modern stage of development of all spheres of material production, including mining. The category of accuracy acts as one of the objective criteria of research results and affects them in two ways: on the one hand, it contributes to the progressive development of engineering and technology of material production, on the other hand, it plays the role of a filter, sifting out untenable scientific hypotheses, theories, and simultaneously stimulates the search for new, more objective models of the studied process. At the current stage of development of relations in the mineral markets and in connection with the need for licensing of mineral deposits, it is necessary to determine the risk of specific project decisions, which is derived from such factors as the ratio of reliability and uncertainty in the initial data; reliability of decision methods and the adequacy of evaluation criteria to real conditions. When solving the problem set in the form of a statistical model, an analysis of random variables with a conditional distribution function was carried out and a solution was obtained relative to some a priori distribution of states of the mining and technical system, minimizing the expected value of the loss function. Thus, the analysis of the risk of investing in the development of a technogenic deposit was carried out, and the feasibility of its open-pit development was determined. The necessity of increasing the accuracy, efficiency and reliability of design decisions in conditions of the market national model of economy, the stochastic nature of the initial data has been substantiated.

How to cite: Gridina E.B. Analysis of the risk of investing in the development of a technogenic deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 41-44.
Development of mineral deposits
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Research on the effectiveness of upward mining of ore deposits

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All over the world, there is a tendency to develop high-capacity deposits using the combined open-underground mining method with a descending order of mining floors. The article proposes an ascending order of floors in the application of combined field development. The essence of the proposal under consideration is as follows: the deposit is stripped at once for the whole depth of development in steps of 240 m, where concentration horizons are located. Each level of stripping is divided into levels from 40 to 120 meters high which are developed in ascending order. The levels are divided into extraction blocks, which are mined by the level-camera system of development. Narrow chambers 5 m long are mined in the block in the first place and backfilled with low-strength hard fill. After that, the remaining reserves of the 35-meter long block are mined and filled with hydraulic rock fill from mining and overburden of the open pit. Application of rock and low-strength solid stowing makes it possible to reduce the cost of extracted ore in spite of considerable initial capital expenses for carrying out capital workings - shafts and concentration horizons. This study convincingly proves that the ascending mining sequence of deep deposits with combined deposit mining is more effective than the traditional descending mining sequence with the use of a solid stowing.

How to cite: Minaev D.Y. Research on the effectiveness of upward mining of ore deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 44-47.
Development of mineral deposits
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Justification of water temperature and flow rate during erosion of preparatory chamber in the borehole method of development of lower horizons of Sol-Iletsk field

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The issues of mining the reserves of the lower horizons of the Salt-Iletsk rock salt deposit by dissolution through the wells from the surface are considered. The specifics of rock salt extraction by this method are determined by significant investments in the construction of brine field facilities and the complexity of quickly bringing the brine field to a given production capacity, which is caused, in addition to the significant cost of time for drilling and equipping wells, by the need to wash out the preparatory mine workings. Intensification of the preparatory mine opening will have the effect of reducing the payback period of capital investments, which, in turn, will affect the cost of produced brine. With the help of mathematical modeling of the process of intensification of the preparatory mine opening dissolution the following results were obtained: - optimal water consumption for dissolution of preparation workings 45-55 m3 /h (optimization criterion was electric power consumption for solvent injection); - optimal solvent temperature 180-220 °С (optimization criterion was electric power consumption for solvent injection and for water heating to the given temperature).

How to cite: Mozer S.P. Justification of water temperature and flow rate during erosion of preparatory chamber in the borehole method of development of lower horizons of Sol-Iletsk field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 47-49.
Development of mineral deposits
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Technogenic succession of the Luga River in the impact zone of OAO Phosphorit

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The impact of the mining and industrial enterprise JSC "Phosphorite" on the ecosystem of the Luga River has been studied. The most important ways of influence are established; its zone is defined. For quantitative assessment of multicomponent anthropogenic load on the aquatic environment the original quantitative indicator reflecting the multiplicity of exceeding the stability of biota was developed and applied. Anthropogenic changes in the main abiotic and biotic parameters of the environment have been taken into account and analyzed. According to the values of the "water pollution index" the water of the Luga River in the zone of impact is characterized as "polluted", the results of bioindication testify to an intensive eutrophication and tarification of the watercourse. The most significant and indicative were changes in macrozoobenthos, which in this regard was used as the main bio-indicator. As it turned out, in the zone of impact the stability of the ecosystem is significantly (in some parts of the zone - more than twice) exceeded. This level of technogenic load is close to critical, causing irreversible changes in the ecosystem. At the same time, the level of Phosphorit's impact on the hydro-ecosystem was still somewhat lower than expected, taking into account the specifics of fertilizer production technology and the scale of secondary waste accumulation. Taking into account the growth of fertilizer production against the background of approaching the level of impact to the critical one, it is necessary, at least, to halve the current technogenic load. Appropriate environmental protection measures should be developed and implemented immediately

How to cite: Petrov D.S. Technogenic succession of the Luga River in the impact zone of OAO Phosphorit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 50-53.
Development of mineral deposits
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Strengthening dusting surfaces

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Atmospheric emissions of hazardous substances during open pit mining are mainly associated with mechanical (dust) and chemical (CO*, NO*, SO*, etc.) impurities. The main sources of dust formation and dust emission into the atmosphere during open pit mining of mineral deposits are blasting, drilling, excavation, transportation of rock mass, stockpiling and crushing. In addition, such sources as dumps, beach areas of tailings storage and hydraulic dumps, and erosion zones are active both during work and after the termination of the work of the open pit. The search for rational means and methods of reducing dust and gas emissions into the atmosphere is an urgent task, especially for open pits. Here, the most promising and technological are wet methods, implemented in the process of moistening the dust-forming raw materials and dusty material, irrigation of them and the hovering dust by solutions and binding by liquid gel-like substances. Analysis of means and methods of dust control in open pits indicates the expediency of using wet methods with intensive dispersion of water solutions in the warm period of the year and snowmaking in the cold period at the main technological processes with stationary and semi-stationary sources. At the present time at the Department of Ecology, Aerology and Occupational Safety, laboratory research is being carried out to find an effective binder for coagulation of dust-forming raw materials and dusty material into pellets during their irrigation.

How to cite: Savchenko A.V. Strengthening dusting surfaces // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 54-57.
Development of mineral deposits
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Improvement of the system of mining by floor drifts with coal hydrotreatment

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In modern market conditions, the viability of coal mines is determined by the competitiveness of their products. In turn, the competitiveness of mined coal depends on production costs. The solution of the problem of production costs reduction is vital for practically all Russian mines. The most acute problem of decreasing costs is for mines developing powerful steep seams of Prokopyevsk coal deposit in Kuznetsk coal field, where there are big coal reserves, and mining and geological conditions don't allow to use high-capacity cleaning equipment. Objective prerequisites for a sharp reduction of production costs in the mining of powerful steep seams are created by the hydraulic technology of coal mining. The purpose of this work is to create patentable, cost-effective technological schemes to reduce the amount of cutting work, reduce losses and improve the safety of miners. The idea of the work is to increase the height of the substage due to advanced loosening of the coal in its upper part. As a result of this research, a method of excavation of thick steep seams was developed, which allows: to reduce the cost of cutting work (40-50%), to exclude dynamic phenomena such as an air wave with a high velocity pressure, associated with simultaneous collapse of the roof rocks in large areas.

How to cite: Sidorenko A.A. Improvement of the system of mining by floor drifts with coal hydrotreatment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 57-60.
Development of mineral deposits
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Coal storage is a necessary element of the technological scheme of a modern coal mine

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The transition of the coal mining industry to work in a market environment has extremely exacerbated the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of coal mining enterprises. Among the characteristic features of coal mines functioning in modern conditions are: the instability of coal sales volumes, associated with sharp changes in market conditions, and the instability of fuselage flow from the mine. In modern conditions the role of "intermediary" between a mine and a consumer can be performed by a warehouse, which allows a mine to adapt more easily to fluctuations in demand for coal products. Warehouses are designed for accumulation and relatively long-term (within several months) storage of raw or enriched coal as well as coal briquettes. Warehouses provide independence of operation of coal enrichment and briquette plants or their technological departments from disturbances of external or intrafactory bunkers, as well as satisfaction of market demand regardless of the capacity of the enrichment plant and the cargo flow from the mine. An important parameter determining the amount of capital investment is the storage capacity. Determination of the optimal capacity of the warehouse, taking into account the factor "Dynamics of sales volume" is one of the most important practical problems, the correct solution of which largely depends on the efficiency of the coal-mining enterprise in market conditions.

How to cite: Timofeeva N.P., Shcherbakov N.A. Coal storage is a necessary element of the technological scheme of a modern coal mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 60-63.
Development of underground space
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Research on the accuracy characteristics of Leica total stations and laser tape measures

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The TDA-5000 is one of the best examples of modern electronic total stations. This instrument is capable of solving the widest range of geodetic tasks, from creating surveying grounds for topoplans to 3D object modeling. Built-in targeting and automatic tracking function allows to automate the work completely, and the ability to record information (made measurements) on PCMCI card installed in the device - to perform tasks even easier and faster. The declared manufacturer accuracy of this device is 0.5" when measuring horizontal and vertical angles; when measuring distances 0.5 mm. The following was investigated: accuracy and limits of automatic aiming; accuracy of the angular part of the device; accuracy of the rangefinder part of the device. All researches of TDA-5000 showed the following: the angle measurement error is 0.3"; error of homing on ГК 0.6", on ВК 1.4"; mean square error of distance measurement 0.2 mm; maximum deviation angle of the initial point of search from the center of prism 1.5°; maximum deviation angle of sighting ray from the normal to the prism 27° The received results show that the device is suitable for highly accurate tasks. It is very advantageous to use such instruments for applied tasks because the TDA-5000 system is highly mobile.

How to cite: Ivanov M.A., Stepkin A.Y., Shkavera K.N. Research on the accuracy characteristics of Leica total stations and laser tape measures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 64-67.
Development of underground space
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Selection of rational schemes for opening deep horizons of mines OAO Sevuralboksitruda in conditions of shock hazard

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The development of the mining industry is associated with the development of deposits at great depths in difficult mining and geological conditions. A number of large Russian mining companies have already reached deposit development depths of 1000-1500 m, the depth of the projected Severouralsk mines is 1500-2500 m. For deep mines, an important problem is the choice of the optimal option for the penetration and transportation of minerals to the surface. In work three variants of opening of deep horizons of mine "Red Riding Hood" of JSC "Sevuralboksitruda" are considered: opening of deep horizons with deepening of existing vertical shafts, the stage scheme of opening by slopes with a base horizon -860 m, the stage scheme of opening by blind vertical shafts with base horizon -860 m and a device of underground head frames. Technical and economic evaluation of the most rational options was carried out. Analysis of results showed that the volume of capital mining works on a variant with opening by blind gradients is more on 17120 m 3 at cost of excavation on a surface of 1 m 3 rock, including general expenses of a mine, 2350 rubles. The second variant in the approximate cost expression will exceed the third in the sum 40232000 rubles. The received sum is approximately one third of annual financing of mining-capital works for "Sevuralboksitruda". Consequently, according to technical and economic indicators it is expedient to open deep horizons according to the step-by-step scheme by blind vertical shafts with the base horizon -860 m and the device of underground headframes.

How to cite: Kolosova O.V. Selection of rational schemes for opening deep horizons of mines OAO Sevuralboksitruda in conditions of shock hazard // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 68-71.
Development of underground space
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Development of methods for calculating average loads on cylindrical shaft support

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Field observations show that the distribution of stresses around mine workings is uneven both in transverse and longitudinal directions. To take into account this distribution of stresses, we consider the interaction of the mine support with the surrounding rock massif. The roof support is considered as an elastic long closed cylindrical shell. The load acting on the shoring changes irregularly both along the shell and in the transverse direction: p = p(x,0), where x is the distance along the generatrix expressed in fractions of the radius; 9 is the central angle expressed in radians. Then, two cases can be considered: the support is under the action of axisymmetric radial load depending only on one variable x, the support is subjected to load depending only on the angle 9 The solution of the problem for the load of the form P = p(x, 9) is obtained by summing up these two solutions. Let's estimate average loads on a roof support for typical conditions of shaft construction in the elastic mode of interaction: R 0 = 3.0; R l = 3.5 m; R - 3.25 m; h - 0.5 m; Vj = 0.25; / = 0; v - 0.25; = 2 - 10 4 MPa; £ = 2 - 10 4 MPa Thus, when modeling vertical shaft support by a closed cylindrical shell the calculated average load is three times less than the corresponding value for a flat problem.

How to cite: Kononova N.S., Demenkov P.A. Development of methods for calculating average loads on cylindrical shaft support // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 72-74.
Development of underground space
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Application of excel spreadsheets in the calculation of building structures for bending

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The main mechanical characteristics of building structures are generally recognized as a way to visualize the distribution of these characteristics in the structure. When studying the course of structural mechanics the tasks of calculating various structures for bending are performed. One of the well-known modern Windows applications are different versions of Microsoft Excel, implemented in the Microsoft Office software package, which is studied in the first year. A wide range of mathematical functions contained in Microsoft Excel, the implementation of the processes "Autofill", "Autosummary" allows you to significantly increase the speed of the calculation and avoid accidental computational errors. The tables with the calculations of the bending moment, longitudinal and cutting forces of the curvilinear arch, a typical shape of mine workings of underground structures, loaded with the uniformly distributed vertical and horizontal loads, have been made by means of the Microsoft Excel file. The software package MatLab has been used for the construction of diagrams of the calculated quantities; it gives an opportunity to represent an arbitrary number of dependences on the given sets of arguments and functions in one diagram. The auxiliary calculations for converting the obtained values of the diagrams into the coordinate system of the package were performed and the diagrams of the bending moment, transverse and overcrossing forces were obtained.

How to cite: Nikitin M.A., Pavlenko K.M. Application of excel spreadsheets in the calculation of building structures for bending // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 75-78.
Development of underground space
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Computer presentation of the report "Application of Excel Spreadsheets in Calculation of Beams for Strength and Stiffness" by means of Powerpoint

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The computer presentation of reports is widely accepted at conferences of different levels. The possibility of creating a computer version of the presentation of the report provides the program PowerPoint. Tools of the program PowerPoint and software package Microsoft Excel were applied to the calculation of the method of initial parameters of the prismatic beam made of the same material. No built-in templates were used in the preparation of the presentation, but an author's version was created. Animation effects have been applied to the individual elements of each sheet to make the presentation easier to understand. Change of sheets on the screen is made by the author in the course of the presentation. The presentation contains 9 sheets detailing the process of calculating the beam using Microsoft Excel. The first sheet is the title page, the other sheets show the type of the initial equation of beam bending, boundary conditions, solution of the equation, tables with formulas used in the calculation and the results obtained. A separate sheet is devoted to the stages of formatting of deflections, shear forces and bending moments built by means of Microsoft Excel.

How to cite: Yakovleva T.A. Computer presentation of the report "Application of Excel Spreadsheets in Calculation of Beams for Strength and Stiffness" by means of Powerpoint // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 78-81.
Mining electromechanics
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Algorithm and information processing hardware of the DC drive laboratory bench

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Virtual instruments are widely used in almost all fields of human activity. The main advantages of such systems are flexibility and versatility. At present such devices are used in the laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics of SPGGI(TU) as a part of the SMVS-1 laboratory bench. Transients in thyristor drive are displayed on PC screen. A multifunctional device NVL 33 is the device which is designed for operation as a part of IBM PC. NVL 33 device performs the following functions: analog-to-digital conversion; digital-to-analog conversion; digital input-output; counting the number of external pulses; formation of time intervals. ADC programming includes the following operations: input switch control; gain control; ADC startup; waiting for readiness after ADC conversion cycle; ADC code readout. To observe the signal in real time, high computing power of a computer is required. Digital signal processors (DSPs) are used to solve this problem. Despite certain limitations, they are still one of the most promising means of signal processing.

How to cite: Beznosenko D.M. Algorithm and information processing hardware of the DC drive laboratory bench // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 82-85.
Mining electromechanics
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Selection of settings of digital overhead line protection devices with insulated wires

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Analysis of scientific and technical achievements in the field of transmission and distribution of medium voltage electricity showed that one of the main ways to improve the reliability and efficiency of 6(10) kV overhead lines is the replacement of bare wires with protected wires and installation of appropriate overvoltage and overcurrent protection devices. In this case, the probability of occurrence of multiphase short circuits and single-phase earth faults is reduced. However, thermal and lightning effects can damage the insulation and melt the wires, which will require significant costs to restore power. Therefore, when using protected wires, it is necessary to increase the sensitivity, speed and reliability of relay protection and network automatics of distribution networks, which is achieved by using digital relays. The current cutoff based on electromechanical relays can be used under certain conditions as an additional protection together with overcurrent protection (overcurrent protection). The trip relay operates without time delay (f P . 3 = 0) and protects only part of the area protected by overcurrent protection, but it quickly disconnects the largest and most dangerous fault currents for isolated conductors (near the supplying power substation). The most promising in terms of protection of overhead lines with protected wires from two- and three-phase short circuits are digital (microprocessor) relays of protection of electrical installations. Digital relays have wide functionality with low weight and dimensions, have high accuracy and perform continuous diagnostics and self-diagnostics.

How to cite: Borodyanskii Y.M. Selection of settings of digital overhead line protection devices with insulated wires // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 85-88.
Mining electromechanics
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Load transformer ratio control of power transformers

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Under the conditions of rising prices for electric power, the improvement of consumption modes acquires special importance. Analysis of the use of technical means showed that group voltage regulation in networks of mining enterprises is carried out mainly with the help of mechanical devices for voltage regulation under load (AVR) - power transformers with capacity above 1 MV-A. Among many ways to improve modes of consumption a special place belongs to voltage mode regulation, as it allows to reduce power component for 10-15%, to maintain stability of electrical equipment operation and increase its service life. The article reviews the design of on-load tap changers, shows the methodology of selecting the settings of on-load tap changer operation for enterprises, where there are electric consumers, power supply of which is carried out by long lines, as well as electric consumers working in heavy load conditions (coal and shale mines, coal and ore pits, etc.). The calculation methodology is given, which allows to determine the economic effect obtained by introduction of the on-load tap-changer and the target function of economic efficiency of regulation is built, clearly demonstrating the advantages of application of such devices.

How to cite: Voloshkin M.M. Load transformer ratio control of power transformers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 89-91.
Mining electromechanics
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Design and research of hydraulic drive for underwater drilling of exploration wells

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For the geological study of the sea shelf, it is necessary to create new effective technical means. Technical parameters of drilling rigs for work in difficult hydrogeological conditions should allow to work at sea depths of 200 m and below, and also provide sinking of boreholes with depth up to 30 m in formations of IV-IX categories of drillability. According to foreign and domestic literature four basic types of rigs, capable to meet the mentioned requirements are determined: - drilling rigs of "terrestrial" type, mounted on specialized vessels with anchor stabilization system over drilling site; - specialized drilling vessels with dynamic stabilization system and vertical displacement compensation; - hose-cable vessels; - underwater, remotely controlled drilling rigs, which tendency is clearly seen at present time. The hydraulic drive of an underwater drill rig for drilling exploration wells is considered, and the equipment is selected taking into account its dynamic characteristics. The state of theory and practice in the field of underwater prospecting and exploration is considered. The operating parameters during drilling and the required hydraulic motor power are determined. The analysis of drilling rig operation is made. The mathematical description of the dynamics of the rig is made. Block diagram, differential equations and graphs of dynamics are made, and also their analysis is given.

How to cite: Kazakov S.V. Design and research of hydraulic drive for underwater drilling of exploration wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 92-96.
Mining electromechanics
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Improvement of mine drainage management system by means of short-term forecast of water inflows

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Increase of power component in production cost of mining enterprises leads to necessity of use of multi-unit dewatering units of coal mines for regulation of schedules of electric loads, For this purpose, pumping of water arriving in mine workings from surface or from aquifers should be made during periods of off-peak loads. This circumstance significantly complicates the task of controlling electric drives of pumping units, but can give a significant economic effect due to reduction of payment for the declared capacity and reduction of maximum loads on the power supply system. When controlling water pumping under these conditions, there is a need for predicting the size of water inflow at short time intervals. Technological substantiation of the possibility of constructing a forecasting system is given and the applicability of the binomial distribution for estimating the random component of changes in the water inflow, which depends on the technological water flow rate is pointed out. Comparison with experimental data indicates good convergence of the results. The structural scheme of the proposed control system is given.

How to cite: Lisitskii A.V. Improvement of mine drainage management system by means of short-term forecast of water inflows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 96-99.
Mining electromechanics
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Hydraulic transport of highly concentrated water-coal slurries

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When improving the technology of preparation at the first stage of production, water-coal slurries (WCS) by their energy indicators are not inferior to such traditional types of energy fuels as oil or gas, as they belong to the hydrocarbon group of energy raw materials. Since most coal mines are located at considerable distances from industrially developed regions, the issues of hydraulic transportation of prepared CCS are of paramount importance. According to their physical and mechanical properties the CCP are non-Newtonian fluids, hydraulic transportation of which in the most favorable modes can be provided only in full study of the dependence of the rheological properties of suspensions on the coarseness of coal particles and their volume content. Based on the analysis of experimental data obtained in the laboratory of hydraulic transport of ores and ore products it is proposed to consider HPC as a Newtonian fluid and define the non-Newtonian properties by the Rabinovich correction with a structural number for calculation of rheological parameters of HPC. Adequacy of the obtained calculation formulas in the future should be confirmed by additional studies.

How to cite: Svirskii V.A. Hydraulic transport of highly concentrated water-coal slurries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 99-102.
Mining electromechanics
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Control of synchronous drives of stationary plants during start-up

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The necessity of forming the specified starting characteristics of stationary plants of mining enterprises with synchronous drive of medium and high power is shown. The synchronous motor with excitation system with two-way converter is considered. This excitation system meets the technical requirements for the considered types of drives. When starting and self-starting the motor, the bilateral converter is used as an inverter, and during synchronous operation as a controlled rectifier. At the same time, its operating mode depends on the voltage level in the supplying network and the value of the current induced in the field winding of the motor. It seems necessary to consider the issues of stable operation of the two-way converter in the inverter mode and to investigate the motor starting characteristics with this system in order to obtain the corresponding analytical dependences and calculation methods. Idealized dependences of the maximum value of the inverted current on the control and commutation angles and the parameters of the power transformer were obtained. When analyzing these dependences, it is determined that in real conditions, the maximum value of the control angle at the same parameters of the power transformer and the value of current i f is less than in the idealized ones.

How to cite: Tatarenkov E.V., Ustinov D.A. Control of synchronous drives of stationary plants during start-up // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 103-106.
Mining electromechanics
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Simulation of a vertical hydraulic transport system with a submerged capsule

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The system of hydraulic transport in underwater mining of solid minerals, which consists of two parts: - a horizontal pipeline; - a vertical pipeline is considered. The most complicated section of vertical hydraulic transport is also presented. Operation of the vertical hydraulic transport system consists in the two-stage process of lifting the hydro-mixture of the mineral from the bottom sump to the vessel. At the first segment, from the sump to the immersion capsule, the lift is carried out due to the difference between the hydrostatic pressure at the immersion depth of the capsule and the atmospheric pressure. The calculation formulas for determining the optimal submersion depth of the capsule depending on the depth of the underwater deposit, concentration of the solid material in the volume of the hydro-mixture, system capacity and other characteristics are presented. Adequacy of theoretical formulas should be confirmed by experimental results, which is the subject of further research.

How to cite: Chilikin I.A. Simulation of a vertical hydraulic transport system with a submerged capsule // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 106-108.
Mining electromechanics
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Underwater production machine with hydro-turbine drive

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An underwater mining machine is designed to collect nodules from the surface of the seabed at a depth of 60-80 m. The technological process of underwater mining usually contains independent actions: separation from the mass, collection and transportation of minerals. The controlled actuator of the underwater mining machine does not guarantee simultaneous rotation and movement; however, it operates with high stability. The operating stability of such a drive is improved by introducing a rigid kinematic coupling between the feeding and cutting parts, when the solid mechanical characteristic of the cutting part is not less than that of the feeding part. The introduction of a rigid kinematic coupling allows the hydraulic turbine not to stop in case of an array with a different resistance. Such a condition is not satisfied if a hydraulic turbine drive is used as the main drive, but is guaranteed when a volumetric hydraulic drive is used. When the soft mechanical characteristic of the cutting part and the hard mechanical characteristic of the feeding part are combined, the hydraulic turbine stops (the displacement pump drive of the hydraulic drive rotates at a constant angular velocity). In order to stabilize the operating energy at maximum power, it is necessary to ensure the regulation of the hydraulic drive of the feed mechanism.

How to cite: Shalygin A.V. Underwater production machine with hydro-turbine drive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 109-112.
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Optimization of slurry separation processes using LAROX OY press filters

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The aim of this work is to improve the mathematical description and hardware design of separation processes of process water and discharge solutions of hydrometallurgical production. The paper shows that automated filter presses of FPAKM type and their improved models - LAROX OY filter presses can be used with high efficiency at modern hydrometallurgical plants, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests. The tests were performed on a special laboratory filter press manufactured in Finland, which allows simulating the operation of large industrial filter presses with high precision. During the experiments the samples of technological pulps of some domestic enterprises were tested. When evaluating the efficiency of separation of suspensions on filter presses it is more rational to use the method of mathematical modeling. For this purpose, the available literature on the processes of filtration of suspensions, washing and drying of the resulting sediment, hydrodynamics and heat transfer in the dispersed media has been analyzed. Based on the collected data, a generalized mathematical description of these processes is made. This model can find wide application in practice at designing, selection and adjustment of automated filter-presses, and at its inclusion into the software of the latter it will allow increasing the efficiency of their work.

How to cite: Golubev V.O. Optimization of slurry separation processes using LAROX OY press filters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 113-116.
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Study of ionic exchange in soils for the purpose of their purification from heavy metals

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Adsorption of strontium and iron from aqueous solutions on various minerals was studied. According to the sorption capacity, the studied minerals can be arranged in the following sequence: Cambrian clay ~ kaolinite > potassium feldspar > albite > oligoclase. This sequence correlates well with the specific surface of the studied minerals determined by thermal argon desorption and their exchange capacity determined by methylene blue adsorption. Coefficients of distribution of Sr 2+ and Fe 3+ between minerals and aqueous solutions and ionic exchange constants between Sr 2+ and Fe 3+ were determined. The value of the latter value was 23.6 for albite and 17.1 for oligoclase. Therefore, aqueous solutions of iron (III) may be recommended for cleaning soils from strontium contamination.

How to cite: Ivanov M.V., Chirkst D.E. Study of ionic exchange in soils for the purpose of their purification from heavy metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 116-119.
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A model of charge melting in the bath of an ore-thermal furnace

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In Russia, copper-nickel sulfide ores are processed mainly by pyrometallurgical methods. One of the most important processes in pyrometallurgical ore processing is ore smelting. At Pechenganickel, the smelting of sulfide copper-nickel ore is performed in ore-thermal six-electrode furnaces. Ore-thermal smelting has the significant advantage of being able to process virtually any type of metallurgical feedstock, but it also has disadvantages. The main disadvantages are leakage of the unit, as a result of which it is a source of large emissions of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, besides, ore-thermal furnaces are extremely complicated objects from the automation point of view. At present, a plan for the reconstruction of Pechenganickel's pyrometallurgical operations is being developed. One of the components of this plan is the transition to briquette smelting. To study the peculiarities of melting briquetted raw materials in ore-thermal furnaces, a dynamic model of charge melting in these units has been developed. The main results of computational experiments based on the developed model are given in the proposed article.

How to cite: Lastochkina M.A. A model of charge melting in the bath of an ore-thermal furnace // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 119-123.
Economics and management
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Intelligent technologies for automating managers' activities in the organizational management system

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Under the conditions of computerization, human activity in the sphere of management acquires new features: there is an increasing need to be based on the so-called activity approach, based on the design of human activity in the control loop similar to the design of technical subsystems, except that it should take into account the creative mastery of control tasks. Creating a well-organized process on the basis of automated technologies, not allowing a waste of time and increasing labor productivity when performing real work, is the main direction of artificial intelligence. Among the control tasks to be solved, preparation and analysis are of the greatest interest, where an intelligent approach to the presented task is possible by extracting and calculating the necessary information. Currently, experts face many challenges associated with the creation of the most complete set of methods for solving organizational problems by automated control systems, allowing to give not fragmentary, but complete information. It is necessary to find a compromise between the traditional practice of programming artificial intelligence tasks and methods of work, allowing to create algorithms, which would provide the efficient work of a large number of processors. In this case, the time spent on information preparation of management decisions will be reduced by about 60%, and the resulting solution will be more rational. Further research in the field of intellectualization of automated systems will allow to simplify complex models and designs and to develop universal methods of their solution.

How to cite: Abu-Khassan U.A. Intelligent technologies for automating managers’ activities in the organizational management system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 124-128.
Economics and management
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Leasing - an alternative to bank loans for the purchase of fixed production assets

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At the modern stage of formation of the market economy of the Russian Federation, newly created, small and medium-sized enterprises must acquire and update the fixed assets of production, thereby increasing the competitiveness of their products. For enterprises that do not have sufficient funds to purchase equipment, there are two ways out: either take a loan from a bank or use the mechanism of leasing. Leasing is a complex of property relations arising in connection with the acquisition of property and its subsequent transfer for temporary use. It is a contract of financial lease, under which one party (the lessee) can use the property owned by the leasing company (the lessor) and purchased by order of the lessee for a certain fee. Acquisition of property under a financial lease agreement is more profitable than under a purchase agreement using a bank loan, which is confirmed when calculating cash flows in either case. According to the tax legislation the whole amount of the leasing payments is included in the cost of production, thus reducing the taxable base, and consequently reduces the amount of the profit tax payable. The possibility for the lessor to apply the mechanism of accelerated depreciation makes it possible to achieve savings on the property tax. The development of the leasing industry has a positive impact on the economic development of the country as a whole.

How to cite: Avgustinovich E.N. Leasing - an alternative to bank loans for the purchase of fixed production assets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 128-131.
Economics and management
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Controlling as a management mechanism for a mining and metallurgical enterprise

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Currently, in an unstable economy, there is a need for the emergence of controlling - a modern mechanism of enterprise management, which ties together accounting, information support and control, integrates and coordinates the activities of various services of the enterprise to achieve the ultimate goal (cost optimization and profit maximization). At the organization of controlling at the mining and metallurgical enterprise (SME) it is necessary to consider features of its organizational structure and branch specificity. In this paper, the key objectives of operational controlling, which aims to create a system for managing the activities of structural units of the enterprise, ensuring their smooth operation and focus on achieving current results. The most important object of operational controlling is production costs. The introduction of operational controlling at SMP is associated with the need to identify and regulate those types of costs that have the greatest impact on the level of total costs of the enterprise. In the course of cost analysis of Pikalev Association "Glinozem" the author identified three representative items for the main and auxiliary production shops. By means of receiving regression equations in the form of U = aX + bY + kZ + c the quantitative influence of each of the factors on the general level of costs was established. Thus, there is an opportunity to regulate the costs of the selected items-factors and to influence their level in order to optimize the total costs.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Controlling as a management mechanism for a mining and metallurgical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 131-135.
Economics and management
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Improvement of the Employee Incentive System at OJSC Vorgashorskaya Mine

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The description and analysis of the current position of the incentive system of the employees of OJSC Vorgashorskaya Mine are given. Comparison of two approaches to determination of labor remuneration costs - labor and market ones - is given. The last one means determination of personal interest of an employee in the stable position of a mine in the market: the higher is a worker's labor performance, the higher is his income, which is directly connected with the enterprise income. At present demand for coal is one of the main factors influencing the mining plan of OJSC "Vorgashorskaya Mine". It has been revealed that the market orientation is currently preferable for the mine. In this connection a variant of improvement of the system of bonus payment to engineering and technical workers (ETW) of the mine management apparatus, which depends on the indicator of reduction of production cost. It introduces a fund-forming indicator of premiums, called the rate of cost reduction, the numerical value of which does not remain constant for the next planning period, and changes according to changes in the cost structure. In addition, the paper proposes to add two more grades to the wage grid. This achieves the stimulation of workers with the highest discharge, who make a great contribution to the results of both the collective and the enterprise as a whole. In the new tariff conditions, the employee sees the prospects of growth of his skills, professionalism and, of course, his income.

How to cite: Savinov D.A. Improvement of the Employee Incentive System at OJSC Vorgashorskaya Mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 136-139.
Economics and management
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Factors shaping the security of the mining and metallurgical enterprise in market conditions

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In the conditions of development of regional market relations the experience of entering the market is different for each economic entity, but there are common features in the improvement of economic and financial condition of the enterprise. Each of the enterprises, transitioning to functioning under market conditions, has a number of common difficulties. The nature of these difficulties can be explained on the basis of the principle of three constraints. The first kind of constraints are resource constraints (an enterprise cannot produce more goods than it has resources at its disposal). The second type is demand constraints (an enterprise cannot sell more products than can be bought at a given price level). The third type of restriction is a restriction in the sources of investment (the enterprise cannot spend more than its own or borrowed resources). Differences in the degree of severity of these constraints depend on many factors, including industry specifics. For mining companies, the most important constraint is the availability of raw material resources. The degree of rigidity of the other two constraints is determined by the existing situation at the enterprise: for enterprises with an established raw material base, the primary constraint is the sales constraint; for enterprises with a resource-constrained economic system, on the contrary, it is a constraint on investments. Depending on the existing constraints, the reasons for their emergence and consequences, as well as on the possibility to reduce the constraints, the enterprises can be characterized in terms of the intensity of their development and sustainability.

How to cite: Slukina E.V. Factors shaping the security of the mining and metallurgical enterprise in market conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 139-143.
Economics and management
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The essence of labor remuneration in a market economy

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When carrying out production activities at the enterprise, various resources are used, which can be divided into three main groups - natural, material (capital) and human (live labor). The management of human resources requires approaches and methods different from those of other types of resources. People participate in the production process with certain goals. They expect from the enterprise the opportunity to realize their goals, their personal interest, to receive remuneration, the availability and size of which determines their standard of living. It is possible to satisfy such requirements only by developing better forms and systems of remuneration of employees at the enterprise. In a market economy, the approach to labor distribution is changing. The basis for equal pay for equal work should be taken not by the cost of time and skill level, but by the result of labor - the market's recognition of the product of labor as a commodity. Funds from the sale of goods become the highest criterion for evaluating the quantity and quality of producers' labor and the main source of their income. This necessitates a departure from the existing, but already ineffective principle of priority of remuneration of labor to a more expedient in market relations principle of priority of the price of production. Payment for labor under this option depends on the price of products on the market. For the enterprise itself there is actually no need to plan and control the norms of labor costs. Even before the start of the process it is possible to predict the amount of labor payment. The incentive system should have a clear link between the size of remuneration of an individual employee and the results of the activity of the whole organization.

How to cite: Tesovets A.A. The essence of labor remuneration in a market economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 143-147.
Economics and management
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Improving the economic efficiency of gold mining enterprises through the use of new technologies and integrated use of ores

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The general regularities of gold mining in Russia are considered. Preliminary economic calculations of the efficiency of applying new technologies of extracting gold from refractory gold-sulfide ores of the Olimpiada deposit based on biohydrometallurgical production methods are given. This method will make it possible to extract 7.5 t of gold annually from unoxidized primary ores, which, taking into account the withholding taxes, will increase the company's profit by USD 20.5 mln. Options for the most complete use of complex ash-antimony-antimony ores were considered, which can provide additional economic benefit through the integrated use of raw materials: obtaining commercial antimony and sulfuric acid.

How to cite: Fuks A.V. Improving the economic efficiency of gold mining enterprises through the use of new technologies and integrated use of ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 147-151.
Economics and management
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Payments in water use with the use of rent relations

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Three quarters of our planet are occupied by water surfaces of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Russia, having 20 % of all world reserves of fresh surface and underground waters, has a great responsibility before the world community for their rational use and protection from anthropogenic influence. The functions of paid natural resource use, including paid water use, include: 1) improvement of environmental situation, reproduction of water resources, restoration of water bodies and quality of water resources by accumulating necessary funds for implementation of appropriate environmental protection measures and stimulating natural resource users for more rational and economical use of natural (water) resources; 2) providing real economic benefits of natural resource use to subjects of property Currently, the rent income is partially withdrawn through excise taxes and profit tax. System of dues, taxes and payments for use of water bodies should reflect situation of each particular water user, take into account peculiarities of water resources use and possibilities of differential rent. Formation of water rent is possible in the following sectors of economy: agriculture, industry, heat and power facilities that use channel reservoirs as recycling water supply systems, transport, and recreation.

How to cite: Khudeshenko E.R. Payments in water use with the use of rent relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 151-154.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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The ecology of Russian cities in the north. VORKUTA industrial region

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Owing to the rapid pace of development of different branches of industry, of the extractive industry in particular, the problems of the environmental protection become the foremost problems. The article deals with the problems of the environmental deterioration in the northern regions of Russia, where big extractive industrial complexes were built during the years of the Soviet Power. And it is evident, that the importance of the North as the main source of coal, gas, oil and metals will only grow, but, however, the uncontrolled use of its potential has already led to the accumulating of different types of pollution on this territory. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the main ecological problems in such centre of the coal mining industry as Vorkuta. Factories there exceeded all maximum rates of permissible emissions of harmful substances. Activity of collieries and of the cement factory is the main reason of the air pollution. Besides, the dessication and pollution of the top water seems to be one of the most serious problems. The river Vorkuta, the water of which is now biologically purified at 5 special stations, is named as an example of the successful taking measures of the elimination of the results of the negative man's impact. But in other respects the ecological situation in this region keeps to be tense. Different methods of improving of the state of the environment in Russia as a whole and in industrial area of Vorkuta in particular are suggested. The rejection of the «colonizer's ideology», according to which the North is viewed only as the source of mineral, energy, biological etc reserves, is considered to be the most important. Only reasonable management will allow us to hope for a promising future.

How to cite: Vahnina M.N. The ecology of Russian cities in the north. VORKUTA industrial region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 155-158.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Study of air flows in the Vorontsov cave system

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Vorontsov cave system is located in the Sochi region about 18 km from the Black Sea coast. The cave system belongs to the largest caves in Russia, embedded in limestone. The total length of the cave is more than 11.1 km. The cave has 10 known entrances. Height difference of the location of holes more than 225 m. The relevance of the study of air flows in the cave system in practical terms is related to the excursion and tourist development of the cave and analysis of those sanitary and hygienic conditions in which excursionists find themselves when visiting the cave. From the scientific point of view the study of air streams is of interest from the point of view of finding out the question about the influence of these streams on the processes taking place in the cave system. As a result of an expeditionary study in August 2000 it was found that the total amount of air passing through the main part of the cave system in the summer time, reaches 17000 m e/h. The amount of condensation moisture is estimated at 130 l /h. The minimum amount of limestone dissolved by condensation water is estimated at 45 kg/year, which can only affect the morphology of the most ancient cavities of the cave. It was also found that the air passing through the known inlets of the main part of the cave is outgoing, suggesting the presence of a presently unknown inlet through which air enters. The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Federation Integration Program.

How to cite: Gorodetskii A.A., Kotlov O.N., Pokrovskii K.M. Study of air flows in the Vorontsov cave system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 159-161.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Music in the life and work of the Decembrists

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This paper analyzes the influence of the first Russian revolutionaries - the Decembrists - on the development of Russian musical culture. This work consists of four independent parts, each of which examines the Decembrists' views on music in general and on Russian music in particular. The Decembrists' transformative plans included a large place in the issues of musical creativity. They consciously set as their goal the struggle for an advanced culture, for the enlightenment of the people. This was reflected in the Decembrists' constitutional projects and in their ideological work. From the point of view of the Decembrists, music should be used in the education of personality as a kind of enrichment and deepening of feelings and the human mind, the improvement of its moral image. Decembrists sought to use these possibilities of music in various areas of application of their creative forces. Before the music set the task of forming not only high ethical qualities of personality, but also elevated aesthetic ideals. Also, the first Russian revolutionaries paid great attention to the folk song, which they valued for the artistic and educational possibilities. The Decembrists repeatedly emphasized that throughout the country's history, the song is a constant companion to the life of their countrymen. The paper emphasizes that the Decembrists' musical creativity also acquired features of enlightenment. They educated or had a decisive influence on the whole pleiad of Russian musicians. Due to Decembrists' pupils the ranks of progressive cultural figures were enlarged at the end of 19th century.

How to cite: Zelenov A.V. Music in the life and work of the Decembrists // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 162-164.