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A. V. Lisitskii
A. V. Lisitskii
Student, research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
Student, research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Mining electromechanics
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Reduction of energy consumption for pumping water by mine dewatering plants during parallel operation of pumps with frequency-controlled drive

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For deep coal mines, parallel operation of dewatering pumps on one pipeline allows to considerably reduce equipment cost and operation expenses, which provides reduction of total costs of water pumping. However, wide application of parallel operation of pumps is prevented by difference of their pressure characteristics during operation. The expediency of correction of pressure characteristics by means of regulation of rotation frequency of electric drives of pump units is considered.

How to cite: Lisitskii A.V. Reduction of energy consumption for pumping water by mine dewatering plants during parallel operation of pumps with frequency-controlled drive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 117-118.
Mining electromechanics
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Improvement of mine drainage management system by means of short-term forecast of water inflows

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Increase of power component in production cost of mining enterprises leads to necessity of use of multi-unit dewatering units of coal mines for regulation of schedules of electric loads, For this purpose, pumping of water arriving in mine workings from surface or from aquifers should be made during periods of off-peak loads. This circumstance significantly complicates the task of controlling electric drives of pumping units, but can give a significant economic effect due to reduction of payment for the declared capacity and reduction of maximum loads on the power supply system. When controlling water pumping under these conditions, there is a need for predicting the size of water inflow at short time intervals. Technological substantiation of the possibility of constructing a forecasting system is given and the applicability of the binomial distribution for estimating the random component of changes in the water inflow, which depends on the technological water flow rate is pointed out. Comparison with experimental data indicates good convergence of the results. The structural scheme of the proposed control system is given.

How to cite: Lisitskii A.V. Improvement of mine drainage management system by means of short-term forecast of water inflows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 96-99.