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Vol 150 No 1
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Research article

Optimization of slurry separation processes using LAROX OY press filters

V. O. Golubev
About authors
  • Student, research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The aim of this work is to improve the mathematical description and hardware design of separation processes of process water and discharge solutions of hydrometallurgical production. The paper shows that automated filter presses of FPAKM type and their improved models - LAROX OY filter presses can be used with high efficiency at modern hydrometallurgical plants, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests. The tests were performed on a special laboratory filter press manufactured in Finland, which allows simulating the operation of large industrial filter presses with high precision. During the experiments the samples of technological pulps of some domestic enterprises were tested. When evaluating the efficiency of separation of suspensions on filter presses it is more rational to use the method of mathematical modeling. For this purpose, the available literature on the processes of filtration of suspensions, washing and drying of the resulting sediment, hydrodynamics and heat transfer in the dispersed media has been analyzed. Based on the collected data, a generalized mathematical description of these processes is made. This model can find wide application in practice at designing, selection and adjustment of automated filter-presses, and at its inclusion into the software of the latter it will allow increasing the efficiency of their work.

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