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Vol 179

Vol 178
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Legal and economic conditions of realization of products of geological study of subsoils

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The causes of insufficient exploration volumes in Russia are analyzed. The major of them is an erroneous notion of the exploration product in market conditions. The exploration product is proposed to be defined as the totality of the exploration results (information), guaranteed subsoil use right to perform the next stage (mining), and power of assigning (selling) this right to another subsoil user (mining company). The necessity of the separate legal regulation of different types of geological information (raw, reporting, survey, and reference) and free access to reference and survey information is substantiated

How to cite: Khakimov B.V. Legal and economic conditions of realization of products of geological study of subsoils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 5-8.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Mineral and raw material resources in the economy of Russia

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Most of researchers estimate the future as struggle for resources. With rational use of the available huge natural-resource potential Russia during several decades will have an advantage over economically developed countries, having less important or considerably exhausted natural resources. Everything will depend on how rational this time advantage will be used, how efficiently the problem of integration of natural resources and achievements of the scientific-technical progress will be solved in the country, with transition on this basis to use of resource-saving technologies of deep comprehensive processing of the entrails’ resources and manufacturing of products competitive at the world market and having high value added.

How to cite: Larichkin F.D. Mineral and raw material resources in the economy of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 9-13.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Methodical bases and principles of formation of stimulating taxation at subsoil use

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In this paper the concept of incentive tax system formation in the sphere of mineral and raw complex of Russia is offered. Methodical principles of incentive taxation of entrails users’ profit are proved; the criteria and activities of privileged tax treatment in entrails use are stated.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A. Methodical bases and principles of formation of stimulating taxation at subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 14-19.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Organizational and economic models of subsoil use

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In article reveals a principle of ordering of existing models of industrial using by subsoil. Their author's classification on the basis of institutional economic school is offered. Opportunities of perfection of the Russian system of using by subsoil on the basis of development of contract relations are shown.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Ledovskikh V.A. Organizational and economic models of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 20-24.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Problems and prospects of production sharing agreements application in the development of the arctic shelf

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The article considers problems connected to gradual creation of a new strategic province on mining of hydrocarbon resources (arctic shelf of the RF) and role of agreements on division of products in this process. Advantages and shortcomings of the agreements are shown including those regarding organization mechanisms and tax regimes. Issues of participation of the corresponding regions in conclusion and support to realization of agreements on division of products are given in a separate section, measures directed to increasing «transparency» and concretization of such participation are given.

How to cite: Selin V.S., Zershchikova N.I. Problems and prospects of production sharing agreements application in the development of the arctic shelf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 25-30.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Economic assessment of operational risk factors of new wells development

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In many ways cost-performance ratio for wells depends on quality of solutions designed for well development. Economic assessment of well construction risks offers an opportunity to find adequate managerial decisions for prevention of possible design deviations and to submit respective recommendations for construction of new wells to be placed in operation.

How to cite: Krainova E.A., Kuyarova Y.V. Economic assessment of operational risk factors of new wells development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 31-35.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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State and prospects of development of mineral raw material base and uranium mining in the Russian Federation

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In this article author analyzed modern condition of Russian source of raw and mineral materials of uranium, its extraction and processing. Stated the values of perspectives in elimination of deficit of natural uranium for needs of nuclear energetic industry. The main directions of geological exploration to localize ore occurrences and search for new uranium deposits in Russia are proposed.

How to cite: Nazarova Z.M., Zhelnin E.P. State and prospects of development of mineral raw material base and uranium mining in the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 36-42.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Geological and economic assessment of valuable nonferrous and rare metals in coals of Kuzbass

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The geology-economic aspects of processing coal industry waste with recovering scarce metals from ash-slag waste in Kusbas are considered in the report. Geological, technological, and economic conditions are used as criteria for geology-economic assessment of the scarce metals according to the recommendations of UN reserve/resources classification. Based on the level of exploration, the presence of technologies for recovering scarce metals and the level of their demand, reserves of a number of scarce metals in ash-slag waste in Kuzbas can be evaluated as potentially economical, i.e. promising for recovering in short and medium-term prospect.

How to cite: Salikhov V.A., Krasnov O.S. Geological and economic assessment of valuable nonferrous and rare metals in coals of Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 43-47.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Effectiveness of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use in the formation of subsoil use licensing system

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The review of publications on problems of strategic management has allowed to make a conclusion that efficiency of activity of the state bodies depends not so much on optimization of costs, how many from optimization of managerial processes. There is an objective necessity of transition for new area of management - the management focused on result. The management focused on result, is the control system connecting questions financial, personnel and operational management with expected results, and also achievement of the strategic purposes. It does not mean, that financial parameters become less important, it means, that they are necessary for balancing others - not financial parameters. This principle (the management focused on result) has allowed to broadcast concrete activity and strategy of Federal agency on subsoil use and its territorial bodies on maintenance of the state system of licensing of using with bowels in full enough set of parameters for an estimation of efficiency of this activity which actually forms system of the strategic control and management.

How to cite: Nikitina N.K. Effectiveness of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use in the formation of subsoil use licensing system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 48-57.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Peculiarities of organization of competitive procedures in regulation of relations of subsoil use

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Tenders and auctions are applied in many spheres of industry to make an optimal choice from many supplies. Procedures of tenders and auctions must be exactly determined for getting more effective result. Nowadays tenders and auctions procedure organization is one of the most important problems and the Government of Russian Federation does its best to solve this problem. The article describes peculiarities of tender and auction procedures in the mining industry. The tender and auction procedures applying to using of nature resources are compared with such state purchasing of goods, works and services procedures.

How to cite: Vasiliev Y.N. Peculiarities of organization of competitive procedures in regulation of relations of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 58-61.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Organizational problems of preparation of infrastructure for development of the Arctic Shelf of the Russian Federation

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In article problems of technical preparation of development of oil-and-gas deposits of the Arctic shelf of Russia are considered. On example Prirazlomny project the characteristic of development of a coastal infrastructure is given. It is brought to a focus to necessities of use of the mechanism of public-private partnership.

How to cite: Lapochkina L.V., Nikulina N.V. Organizational problems of preparation of infrastructure for development of the Arctic Shelf of the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 62-65.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Cost estimation of subsurface sites on the basis of comparative approach

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The Market Approach (Sales Comparison Approach) in mineral property valuation can boast easy-to-understand logic and yield reliable results. It can provide a reliable indication of a property's market value only if sufficient and representative data on arm’s lengths transactions with mineral properties that have similar characteristics are available. Official publications covering state bids are an essential source of this data. It is important to make sure that the bid be competitive and double-checked for compliance with the arm’s lengths criterion. Price per unit of reserves/resources is the most popular unit of comparison in mineral property valuation. Elements of comparison usually include physical and chemical properties, mineral quantity, applicable extraction and processing methods, geographic location with respect to availability of infrastructure and market for the product. To make models and calculate reliable adjustments, the data on similar mineral properties should be comparable and the elements of comparison selected on a uniform basis. It needs to collect some additional data on comparable mineral transactions.

How to cite: Lobov N.M., Kasatkina O.N., Krylov S.A. Cost estimation of subsurface sites on the basis of comparative approach // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 66-70.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Estimation of limit sizes of oil and gas fields, profitable for development in different geographical-economic and natural-climatic conditions of water areas of Russian seas

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The results of the estimation of the limiting sizes of oil and gas fields profitable for development in different geographic-economic and climatic conditions of Russia’s water areas are given, the influence of the various factors (nature-climatic, mining-geological, geographic-economic and sea depth) on a degree of their development economic efficiency is determined. The received accounts are a basis for the choice of prime directions and objects of sea exploration and can be used in creating the strategy of study and development of Russian continental shelf oil and gas potential as well as programs of oil and gas offshore licensing.

How to cite: Kalist L.V. Estimation of limit sizes of oil and gas fields, profitable for development in different geographical-economic and natural-climatic conditions of water areas of Russian seas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 71-77.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Economic growth and energy factor

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Economic growth classification could be based on different criteria. In the common sense of quantitative or qualitative factors contribution economic growth is divided into extensive and intensive. Economic growth linked to the socio-economic systems periodicities and leading sector development is named agrarian (traditional), industrial and post-industrial (informational). Usually the economic growth rate is connected with the power consumption rate. Long-term world economic dynamics showed that through the period of the ХIХ - XX c. a strict interconnection between economic growth and power industry development was established. In the middle of 70-th of XX c. when energy evolutionary crisis expanded through the world economy these indicators direction changed and illustrated non-traditional trend during the last 30 years. The developing and transitional economies proceed the similar direction, developed countries showed the counterdirection of the rates of growth and rated of power consumption. The article deals with modern economic growth indicators, connected to the energy factor introducing new types of economic growth: innovation-oriented and energy-oriented. The paper reveals three possible scenarios of the Russian development connected to its structure and argues the new quality of innovation-oriented economic growth could be achieved in the framework of energy-oriented economy.

How to cite: Kuznetsova N.P. Economic growth and energy factor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 78-86.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Harmonization of economic relations of the state and enterprises of oil and gas complex

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Effective cooperation of authorities bodies and entrepreneurs is one of the important question of creation the favorable conditions for economic growth. The state’s role as a economic relations governor between authorities bodies and entrepreneurs has the most important meaning in oil and gas industry, which is leader of Russian economic growth.

How to cite: Fadeev A.M., Larichkin F.D. Harmonization of economic relations of the state and enterprises of oil and gas complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 87-91.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Fuel and energy complex of Russia in conditions of economy globalization

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Development of branches fuel energy complex (FEC) for the period up to 2020 in conditions of globalization is predetermined by following conditions: rates of growth of gross national product of Russia; structural changes of branches of economy of Russia; power consumption of gross national product of Russia; energy saving policy of the country in manufacture and consumption of power resources; an investment policy in development of economy of Russia; an investment policy in system of decrease in an ecological load on surrounding environment; an innovative policy in development of branches FEC. Effective performance of these conditions will allow to make branch and the enterprises of fuel energy complex competitive with the best enterprises of the developed foreign countries.

How to cite: Gridin V.G., Kharchenko V.A. Fuel and energy complex of Russia in conditions of economy globalization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 92-94.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Reforming the electric power industry of Russia - a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex

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In the article dependence of fuel and energy resources structure of fuel and energy complex on innovative processes in electric power industry is shown, necessity of reforming of electricpower inductry of Russia is proved. On experience of industrially-power complexes reforming of some economically developed countries, positive influence of market attitudes activization on growth of profitability of electric power industry and efficiency of thermal power station is disclosed.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Nikolaeva A.Y. Reforming the electric power industry of Russia - a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 95-98.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Formation of state energy saving policy

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The savings of energy is a part of the general policy of the state under the savings of resources, which in conditions of market economy is directed on rational and economical use of a mineral source of raw materials with the purpose of achievement of steady development of a national economy. The savings of resources is the complex problem, which is carried out by a purposeful state investment, financial, credit, tax, legal and scientific technical policy. In work the basic actions under the savings of energy in various branches of a national economy are stated. Questions of creation of the right organizational and legislative maintenance of formation of a state policy under the savings of energy are considered.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A., Kashtanova I.I. Formation of state energy saving policy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 99-103.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Problems of effective utilization of associated petroleum gas

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The significant part of the countries possessing stocks of oil, has poorly developed own process industry. Prompt reduction of stocks of oil (the peak of world extraction will be passed by 2020, and according to some information can be even by 2010) forces these countries to search for alternative sources of the income. Recently more and more than attention it is given natural gas, including casing-head gas and even to industrial emissions. In connection with that oil is not renewed resource in the oil companies process diversification has begun. The strategic purpose of world oil corporations becomes intensive development of gas sector, integration into electric power industry, coal branch and transformation finally in the power company. Oil extracting and petrochemistry gradually pass in the category of hi-tech branches. In work basic directions of processing of casing-head gas (CHG) known for today in a world practice and on the domestic oil and gas extraction companies are considered. The most bestselling products of processing CHG, as inside of the country, and abroad are presented. The most perspective projects are resulted.

How to cite: Vazhenina L.V. Problems of effective utilization of associated petroleum gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 104-111.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Issues of reforming the gas market of Russia

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In modern economy the process of reforming touch on all of the companies of industry branches practically, the basic purpose of it is rise of the efficiency of functioning in the present and future period. The short review of the general trends of oil and gas market reforming in given, the problem of the retraction of gas market is separated, the models of creation of possible economic relations on gas market is proposed.

How to cite: Burenina I.V., Mokhov Y.M. Issues of reforming the gas market of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 112-115.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Principles of formation of oil and gas strategic reserve

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Factors and presuppositions of forming of strategic fond of reserve fields are determined. Conceptual model of creation oil and gas reserve fields are developed. Economic efficiency of un[1]distributed oil and gas fields development of North-West Federal District as most probably for formation of oil and gas reserve fields are defined.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E. Principles of formation of oil and gas strategic reserve // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 116-119.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Tendencies of development of state regulation of energy markets

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Energy basis of World economy is strictly narrow and world energy usage is extremely high and expanding. These factors influence changes in production structure, technology improvement and government regulation of energy recourses. Special attention must be paid to the problem of energy from Russian Federation as one of the moments of economy development.

How to cite: Dukhno S.I., Pisarenko J.V. Tendencies of development of state regulation of energy markets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 120-121.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Prospects of development of coal industry in conditions of reforming of internal energy market of Russia

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Development of coal-mining companies in Russia is considered from the position of changes that take place in the domestic fuel and energy market. The existing approaches to the problem of economically sound pattern of fuels consumption in the home market and to defining of long-term prospect of coal, gas and power industries projects are analyzed.

How to cite: Filatova O.Y. Prospects of development of coal industry in conditions of reforming of internal energy market of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 122-125.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Internal market of coal of Russia: state and prospects of development

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In the article the modern condition internal and a foreign market of coal in Russia is analyzed; the problem of necessity of development of a home market is considered; priority actions on creation of conditions for growth demand for coal at a federal and branch level prove.

How to cite: Martemyanova A.N. Internal market of coal of Russia: state and prospects of development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 126-128.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Increasing the investment attractiveness and financial stability of the heat and power component of Gazprom’s activity

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The purpose of this analysis is a determination of partial national relationship current status in the St. Petersburg’s market of heat-and-power engineering, showing up weak points in the financial scheme and working up possible ways of its investment opportunities increase. In this analysis considerate general problems of investment opportunities, financial stability and safety of St. Petersburg’s heat-and-power market. As а result of research in this article fix the price of criteria, that can be used for valuation of proposed market mechanism.

How to cite: Boltenkov A.A. Increasing the investment attractiveness and financial stability of the heat and power component of Gazprom’s activity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 129-131.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Analysis of profit growth of coal mining enterprises

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There are conditions of increase of profit providing the efficacy of their function owing to intensification of plant for the factories with a high competition working on the low cost part.

How to cite: Revazov M.A., Galiev Z.K., Yankevich K.A. Analysis of profit growth of coal mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 132-135.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Evaluation of industrial holding activity efficiency in the system of strategic management

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The present stage of Russian economy’s development is characterized by increase of integration processes intensity and a growing role of corporate associations of holding type in the Russian industry. Industrial holdings now take leading items in oil-and-gas, metallurgical, defensiveindustrial, chemical complexes of country, introduce a substantial contribution to formation of a profitable part of all levels budgets. Therefore economic growth and a standard of well-being of the population of country depends on efficiency of their activity in many respects. The questions of effectiveness estimation of industrial holding’s activity are considered in the article. The offered algorithm of effectiveness estimation of industrial holding’s activity is based on using of multifactorial model of estimation productivity of its branches activity, and the parameters describing the importance of these branches as elements of complex economic system.

How to cite: Yakupova N.M., Ismagilov S.I. Evaluation of industrial holding activity efficiency in the system of strategic management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 136-140.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Formation of industrial clusters in the development of the Arctic shelf

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Modern conditions of economics’ globalization require necessity of creating reliable and compatible energetic system from Russian oil & gas complex. The world’s experience shows that one of the most advanced way of effective management of oil & gas complex is creation the industrial clusters. Industrial cluster – group of the companies which are located at the same territory and have integral cooperation, which helps to increase the mutual efficiency of the companies.

How to cite: Fadeev A.M. Formation of industrial clusters in the development of the Arctic shelf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 141-144.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Innovations in the development of enterprises of the mineral resource complex of Russia

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The economic system of Russia is at a stage of transition to innovative type of development. In these conditions of the enterprises of mineral-raw sector has problems of positioning in the market of innovations, the subsequent development of innovative strategy and realization of tactical actions. In clause classification of agents of the innovative market from a supply and demand of innovations is lead, problems of insufficient innovative activity of the enterprises of mineral-raw sector are formulated and a number of ways of the decision of the revealed problems is offered.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Kichigin A.V. Innovations in the development of enterprises of the mineral resource complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 145-149.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Economic and socio-environmental feasibility of extraction of valuable non-ferrous and rare metals from coal and coal waste in Kuzbass

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The economic advisability of recovering a number of scarce metals from coal industry waste in Kuzbas is assayed. The problem of processing such waste remains urgent at present and in the future. This situation is explained by serious recession of exploration, reduction in reserve growth of mineral resources compared to their production, low profitability of many proved fields under current market conditions etc. In assessing economic advisability of recovering scarce metals from coal industry waste needs to be evaluated cost for recovering scarce metals from technogenic coal waste of specific type compared to ore deposits, correlated taxation magnitudes in developing ore deposits and coal industry waste as well as estimated ecology-economic effect of their processing.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Salikhov V.A. Economic and socio-environmental feasibility of extraction of valuable non-ferrous and rare metals from coal and coal waste in Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 150-154.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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New directions of decrease of costs and increase of stability of the mining-chemical enterprise

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The article considers issues of functioning of a big mining and chemical enterprise under the conditions of complicating factors decreasing its stability. There are shown ways of cost reduction not connected to high capital costs such as improvement of use of workforce and improvement of production organization. The mainstream of the article is the necessity of continuous search for compromises, coordination of contradictory interests at all of the governance levels. At the same time corporative relations and problems of socially-oriented management increasing stability of the enterprise’s performance are given in a separate section.

How to cite: Selin I.V. New directions of decrease of costs and increase of stability of the mining-chemical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 155-160.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Assessment of potash industry companies’ competitiveness potential

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Development of the modern enterprise and duly prevention of internal and external threats of its existence demand «diagnosis» and an estimation of its economic condition which can form a basis for acceptance of strategic administrative decisions in order to increase economic efficiency and competitiveness. The estimation of competitiveness of the company is necessary for the effective investment of resources and elaboration of competitive strategy of the organization, that is why it represents the major economic task. The estimation of potential competitiveness of the Russian Federation’s potash companies in 2006 shows excess of the majority of parameters of the Join Stock Company «Silvinit» over the same parameters of the Join Stock Company «Uralkali». The account of prognosis dynamics of competitiveness parameters of the companies for 5 years proclaims the significant potential of competitiveness of JSC «Uralkali».

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Ponomarenko T.V., Sultani A.N. Assessment of potash industry companies’ competitiveness potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 161-168.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Increase of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprise

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Increase of competitiveness of the enterprise – one of the pressing questions for modern Russia. Despite of an amplifying attention to this question the ambiguous approach to an estimation of competitiveness of the enterprises till now is kept. To solve complex social and economic problems in conditions of a rigid competition the knowledge and application of tools of new economy – will help essence and the mechanism of action of economic laws, laws of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, methods and models of management. In clause the analysis of the leading metallurgical enterprises of Russia to attributes of competitiveness for the given period of time is spent, actions on increase of competitiveness of Open Society «Severstal», in particular development of the project of formation of effective strategy of development are offered.

How to cite: Kichigin A.V., Vasiltsov V.S. Increase of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 169-172.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Development of social block in the investment strategy of mining enterprise

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Motivational social strategy of investment formation is based on the comprehensive monitoring analysis of the social situation with the provision of missions and concretization of the entire enterprise. The Strategic purposes of enterprise and results of analysis of social ambience find its reflection when shaping the complex social programs of development of enterprise. Development of projects of social sphere occurs In borders of comprehensive program. The Investment projects depending on purposes of realization will have the different scale of introduction. The Projects of different levels, answering criterion of efficiency, form the investment briefcase of enterprise. For whole planning reasonable to realize group of projects on different factors: on factors of efficiency of investments with provision for social effect, on temporary sign within strategy, as far as possible financial provision. Selected investment projects will form the base of complex social program of development of mountain enterprise.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. Development of social block in the investment strategy of mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 173-176.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Development of methods of an estimation of efficiency of investment projects of the enterprises of mining industry

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In postwar years as criterions efficiency were used attitude of national incom to production assets and increase of national incom to capital embedding. For estimation of absolute efficiency at a rate of branches and enterprises is recommended was use attitude of increase arrived to capital embedding, caused this increase, factors profitability. Most further development of methods of estimation of efficiency of capital embedding in our country there was is directed on account of factor of time in economic calculations, development of criterions to comparative efficiency of capital investments, motivation with positions of normative factors to efficiency or pay-back periods. Formula is offered for calculation of integral economic effect with provision for economic damage to natural ambience and after-pays and taxes from profit.

How to cite: Tsvetkova A.Y. Development of methods of an estimation of efficiency of investment projects of the enterprises of mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 177-182.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Investment risks of metallurgical enterprise

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Problems attraction of means become aggravated. In clause dynamics investment development branch is studied, methodical bases the analysis of the factors influencing acceptance investment decisions and algorithm of a complex estimation investment appeal on structural parts of the enterprise are offered.

How to cite: Olenin D.S., Vasiltsova V.M. Investment risks of metallurgical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 183-187.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Environmental-economic accounting as a means of increasing the competitiveness of the mining enterprise

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The necessity of environmental management accounting system’s development as the basis of competitiveness in market is analyzed. OJSC «Severstal», being one of the biggest international steel producers, carries out integrated environment program. OJSC «Karelsky okatysh» produces metallurgical raw material of high quality and works for contemporary environment requirements. There is an effectiveness estimation of environment cost’s management and prospective economic effect. Wide-ranging and long-term development of environmental activity provides the growth of competitiveness.

How to cite: Gapeeva E.I. Environmental-economic accounting as a means of increasing the competitiveness of the mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 188-191.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Assessment and substantiation of sustainable development of the region

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The article deals with designing an integrated model of economic system development, which would reflect all aspects of its functioning. Estimation of sustainable development of the system is offered to be carried out with the so called integrated factor of sustainable development, which is calculated on the basis of economic, social and ecological stability factors. The variant of development, when the maximum value of the integrated stability factor, is reached is the most sustainable (with the values of economic, social and ecological stability factors exceeding 1). Thus, criterion of the system stability can be formulated as maximization of the value of the integrated stability factor.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y. Assessment and substantiation of sustainable development of the region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 192-194.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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System of economic evaluations in nature management

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The conceptual methods to an economic evaluation of natural resources are considered in the article. The classification of methods of this assessment is given by the author of the article. The features of an economic estimation of natural resources on a microeconomic level are determined. Principles of a public policy in the field of Nature management are stated.

How to cite: Drogomiretsky I.I., Kantor E.L. System of economic evaluations in nature management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 195-199.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Development of methodology of economic estimation of secondary mineral resources

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In the article the extreme analysis of a series of the methodological approaches to an economical estimation of secondary mineral resources applied in a domestic science is executed. The reference directions of perfecting of methodological bases of an economical estimation of secondary mineral resources are proposed. Applying an index of integrated economic benefit is justified as yardstick of an estimation of public productivity of secondary mineral resources.

How to cite: Berezovskiy P.V. Development of methodology of economic estimation of secondary mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 200-204.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Mining-industrial enterprises of Russia in the emerging system of land relations

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In 2007 year State Duma accepts the package of bills prepared by Government, aimed at the forcing of land market development in Russian Federation. The most important of them is the law about a ransom of land by enterprises and organizations. Lands under privatized objects of realty should be register officially in property before 1 January 2010 year. In the article are considered the problems of the process of official registration in property or on lease of land lots being of mining industry enterprises on the right of without time-limit use and are analyzed the possible consequences of their ransom for financial-economic activity these enterprises.

How to cite: Kharitonova G.N., Alieva T.E. Mining-industrial enterprises of Russia in the emerging system of land relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 205-209.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Water resources of Russia and their utilization in the system of market relations

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Our country is included into number of world leaders on stocks of so scarce product as fresh water. Today water is recognized in the world by the basic goods of XXI century. Stocks of fresh water in Russia make more than 20 % of their world reserves. The effective order of water resources is a problem of nation-wide scale. Economic regulation of water attitudes is shown. In clause parameters of use of water resources are resulted, the characteristic of water fund and a water-economic complex of Russia is given.

How to cite: Shpagina A.N. Water resources of Russia and their utilization in the system of market relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 210-215.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Problems of development of public-private partnership forms as an alternative to privatization in Russia

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This article covers to problems of development of various forms of state-private partnership in strategically important obtaining and processing industries, transport, communication, etc. To the basic forms of such partnership concern such as: leasing, product sharing agreements, the state-private (joint) enterprises and concessions. The basic attention in this article is given to foreign experience of application of concessions and problems and the reasons of their slow development in modern economy of Russia. Among such reasons it is possible to allocate: a sluggishness of legislature on formation legislative bases of concessions, absence corresponding institutional infrastructures, vigilance of a society concerning concessions, etc. during too time at last in 2005 it is accepted Russian federal law «About agreements of concessions» and the first precedent that agreements on construction of a paid motorway «The Western high-speed diameter» in Saint Petersburg has appeared.

How to cite: Tertyshnyi S.A. Problems of development of public-private partnership forms as an alternative to privatization in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 216-221.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Peculiarities of application of methods for estimating the value of vegetation resources in megapolis

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The article is devoted to economic valuation of green plantings of Saint-Petersburg and contains results of the field and methodical researches spent in territory of area Vasileostrovskogo per 2005-2007. Calculations of cost of reconstruction of trees, bushes, lawns and flower-beds through methods of home-municipal and integrated indicators of cost of reconstruction are cited. Close result, which allow using any of shown methods in Saint-Petersburg, have been got.

How to cite: Kovyazin V.F., Nevskaya M.A. Peculiarities of application of methods for estimating the value of vegetation resources in megapolis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 222-226.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Public-private partnership in the development of real estate market infrastructure

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The state-private partnership in Russia to be in a stage of becoming. Investments in infrastructural branches will promote attraction of investments and growth of economy. Formation of an infrastructure of the market of the real estate is necessary for increase of an overall performance of all infrastructural branches. Development of state-private partnership will create favorable conditions for enterprise activity in sphere of construction, will promote an all-around development of the building industry, formation of contractual attitudes at which the state will incur a part of risks and to guarantee to business sufficient profitableness of projects under condition of preservation of a social orientation of the program, its price availability.

How to cite: Lenkovets O.M. Public-private partnership in the development of real estate market infrastructure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 227-231.
Russia in the system of world economic relations and foreign experience in MBC a
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Strategy of development of the world oil and gas complex: prospects of diversification

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The article is dedicated to the issues of international oil-and-gas complex development in the context of world economy globalization, growth of hydrocarbon exploration, development and transportation risks, and changing positions of key players in the energy market owing to strengthening of national oil-and-gas companies. Also main directions of business diversification in international as well as national oil-and-gas companies are considered.

How to cite: Telegina E.A. Strategy of development of the world oil and gas complex: prospects of diversification // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 232-240.
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Features of restructuring of foreign and Russian oil and gas companies

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Certain experience in development of re-structuring in various branches is accumulated complying with highest world standarts. Re-structuring in oil-and-gas complex includes three main aspects: Perfection of structure and functions of management by oil companies. Perfection of financial and economic policy of oil-and-gas companies and achievement on this basis of production efficiency, its competitiveness and improvement of all technical and economic parameters. Overcoming of gap in technical and economic aspects of companies activity. Various models of re-structuring of oil-and-gas companies in Russia and abroad are considered, their features and influencing factors are allocated.

How to cite: Krainova E.A., Thuy Zuong D.L. Features of restructuring of foreign and Russian oil and gas companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 241-245.
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Russian fuel and energy complex and world economy

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In work the analyses of Russian fuel and energy complex condition, structure of potential cost of the confirmed extracting mineral raw material stocks, annual consumption of the mineral raw material basic kinds of the countries of the world is done. The role of a Russian fuel and energy complex in development of the Russian economy is reflected. Connection of the Russian fuel and energy complex and world economy is shown. The role of a fuel and energy complex in foreign trade of Russia is noted.

How to cite: Iseeva L.I. Russian fuel and energy complex and world economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 246-249.
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Financing of geological exploration works in Russia and foreign countries

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Russia has a large mineral resource base. Proven reserves and resources are estimated very high. There was a drastic reduction of geological investigations and explorations in last 15 years. The main reason of this was a lack of investments. Production volumes of many minerals have not been renewed with researches and exploration for a long time. In this article the sources of investment, measures of state support including legislative, tax policy are under consideration. It will help to develop a mechanism inciting companies investment activity for prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits.

How to cite: Fedchenko A.A. Financing of geological exploration works in Russia and foreign countries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 250-257.
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Exploration and evaluation of mineral resources in international standards of financial reporting

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The International Accounting Standards Board issued International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 «Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources». The standard applied to all entities engaged in exploration for and evaluation of oil and gas and mineral resources. In the given paper exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources according to International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) are determined in a detailed way.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. Exploration and evaluation of mineral resources in international standards of financial reporting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 258-261.
Russia in the system of world economic relations and foreign experience in MBC a
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Role of European Union investments in the development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia

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The mutual relations of Russia and EU in fuel and energy complex is one of numerous mutual dependencies and main guarantee of power safety of the European continent. The transition from simple trade with power resources to wider and deeper cooperation based on the joint investments has key importance for maintenance and further development of stable deliveries of power resources to the European market and development of long-term power partnership of Russia and EU. Without considerable increase of the investments in the power sector Russia can not ensure stable increase of petroleum and gas deliveries to the world market.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Role of European Union investments in the development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 262-267.
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Improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of reproduction of raw material base of oil industry in Russia

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In this paper there have been presented an economic-organazing mechanism of the mineral resourse base renewal of Russia's oil industry, which takes into account foreign experience of controlling the mineral resourse base renewal. As a base of oil reserves growth the attraction of investments into geological exploration branch is considered. Also there have been presented basic guidelines of investment attraction into mineral resourse base renewal of Russia's oil industry, which is based on state financing, funds of subsoil users and private investments. To create favourable financing climate in geological exploration branch it has been proposed to improve finance and credit mechanism of subsoil use, the present licensing system and tax policy. The realization of the proposed guidelines of improvement of economic-organazing mechanism of mineral resourse base renewal in Russia's oil industry is considered as a base for ensure the optimal ratio between the amount of extraction and addition to oil extraction.

How to cite: Nikolaychuk L.A. Improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of reproduction of raw material base of oil industry in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 268-272.
Russia in the system of world economic relations and foreign experience in MBC a
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Russia in conditions of world economy globalization

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The brief characteristic of globalization process in modern international economic relations as well as interactions of national facilities in the world markets is widely brought. The factors promoting globalization of an economic activity, formation of the international economic and power organizations and structures in which Russia accepts active participation are stated.

How to cite: Zhimirova A.V. Russia in conditions of world economy globalization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 273-277.
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Prospects of development of fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Tajikistan

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In the article to be spent the analysis of fuel and energy complex development in Tajikistan Republic and prospect of its development. Improvement of the basic industry will provide high efficiency of its economics and, decrease the country’s energy dependence. But this presses is impossible without discovering new hydroelectric power stations, deposits of hydrocarbonic raw materials, intensification of oil, gas and coal recovery on developed deposits, without qualified specialists.

How to cite: Ziyaeva Z.Z. Prospects of development of fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Tajikistan // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 278-281.