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Vol 179
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Economic and socio-environmental feasibility of extraction of valuable non-ferrous and rare metals from coal and coal waste in Kuzbass

O. S. Krasnov1
V. A. Salikhov2
About authors
  • 1 — All-Russian Petroleum Research Geological Exploration Institute
  • 2 — Novokuznetsk State Polytechnic University
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The economic advisability of recovering a number of scarce metals from coal industry waste in Kuzbas is assayed. The problem of processing such waste remains urgent at present and in the future. This situation is explained by serious recession of exploration, reduction in reserve growth of mineral resources compared to their production, low profitability of many proved fields under current market conditions etc. In assessing economic advisability of recovering scarce metals from coal industry waste needs to be evaluated cost for recovering scarce metals from technogenic coal waste of specific type compared to ore deposits, correlated taxation magnitudes in developing ore deposits and coal industry waste as well as estimated ecology-economic effect of their processing.

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