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Vol 179
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Development of social block in the investment strategy of mining enterprise

Yu. V. Lyubek
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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Motivational social strategy of investment formation is based on the comprehensive monitoring analysis of the social situation with the provision of missions and concretization of the entire enterprise. The Strategic purposes of enterprise and results of analysis of social ambience find its reflection when shaping the complex social programs of development of enterprise. Development of projects of social sphere occurs In borders of comprehensive program. The Investment projects depending on purposes of realization will have the different scale of introduction. The Projects of different levels, answering criterion of efficiency, form the investment briefcase of enterprise. For whole planning reasonable to realize group of projects on different factors: on factors of efficiency of investments with provision for social effect, on temporary sign within strategy, as far as possible financial provision. Selected investment projects will form the base of complex social program of development of mountain enterprise.

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