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N. K. Nikitina
N. K. Nikitina
All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources Economics and Subsoil Use
All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources Economics and Subsoil Use


Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Effectiveness of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use in the formation of subsoil use licensing system

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The review of publications on problems of strategic management has allowed to make a conclusion that efficiency of activity of the state bodies depends not so much on optimization of costs, how many from optimization of managerial processes. There is an objective necessity of transition for new area of management - the management focused on result. The management focused on result, is the control system connecting questions financial, personnel and operational management with expected results, and also achievement of the strategic purposes. It does not mean, that financial parameters become less important, it means, that they are necessary for balancing others - not financial parameters. This principle (the management focused on result) has allowed to broadcast concrete activity and strategy of Federal agency on subsoil use and its territorial bodies on maintenance of the state system of licensing of using with bowels in full enough set of parameters for an estimation of efficiency of this activity which actually forms system of the strategic control and management.

How to cite: Nikitina N.K. Effectiveness of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use in the formation of subsoil use licensing system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 48-57.