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Vol 179
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Harmonization of economic relations of the state and enterprises of oil and gas complex

A. M. Fadeev1
F. D. Larichkin2
About authors
  • 1 — Association of Oil and Gas Industry Suppliers Murmanshelf
  • 2 — G.P. Luzin Institute of Economic Problems, KSC RAS
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Effective cooperation of authorities bodies and entrepreneurs is one of the important question of creation the favorable conditions for economic growth. The state’s role as a economic relations governor between authorities bodies and entrepreneurs has the most important meaning in oil and gas industry, which is leader of Russian economic growth.

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  1. Ленин В.И. ПСС. Т.43. С.223.
  2. Абалкин Л. Экономические воззрения и государственная деятельность С.Ю.Витте / Ин-т экономики РАН. М., 1999.
  3. Львов Д.С. Вернуть народу ренту. М.: Алгоритм, 2004.
  4. Рогачева И.А. Государство и природные ресурсы / И.А.Рогачева, В.Е.Храпов. СПб: Наука, 2004.
  5. Шамхалов Ф. Государство и экономика. Основы взаимодействия. М.: Экономика, 2000.

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