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plant inhibitors

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors: current state of research and development

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Among the methods of corrosion control in the oil and gas production industry the leading place belongs to inhibitor protection, since there is no need for technological and technical changes in the existing equipment. The combination of high variability of inhibitor composition with changing conditions of its application and low capital investments makes it an indispensable reagent at oil and gas fields. The main classes of compounds used as active bases of carbonic acid corrosion inhibitors for the protection of oil and gas equipment are described. Classical organic active bases containing heteroatoms (oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen) are examined. Special attention was paid to alkylimidazolines and other nitrogen-containing compounds as the most frequently used as active bases of carbonic acid corrosion inhibitors in Russia and abroad. A wide range of possibilities to achieve the desired properties of corrosion inhibitors by varying the substitutes has been demonstrated. Nowadays, in addition to the traditional requirements for corrosion inhibitors, their safety for the environment is equally important. The information on prospective research and development aimed at improving the environmental characteristics of the reagents used is given. Plant extracts, synthetic and biological polymers involved in traditional corrosion inhibitors or used as new independent compounds are considered. It is shown that the effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors significantly depends on the pH of the medium, temperature, partial pressure of СО2, flow rate, and other factors.

How to cite: Chudakova M.V., Ovchinnikov K.A., Ulyanov D.N., Kunakova A.M., Saifutdinova L.R., Pimenov A.A., Maximov A.L. Carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors: current state of research and development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 3-21. EDN RSOAKK
Energy industry
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Evaluation of the impact of the distance determination function on the results of optimization of the geographical placement of renewable energy sources-based generation using a metaheuristic algorithm

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Since the United Power System was created electrical supply of remote and hard-to-reach areas remains one of the topical issues for the power industry of Russia. Nowadays, usage of various renewable energy sources to supply electricity at remote areas has become feasible alternative to usage of diesel-based generation. It becomes more suitable with world decarbonization trends, the doctrine of energy security of Russia directives, and equipment cost decreasing for renewable energy sources-based power plants construction. Geological exploration is usually conducted at remote territories, where the centralized electrical supply can not be realized. Placement of large capacity renewable energy sources-based generation at the areas of geological expeditions looks perspective due to development of industrial clusters and residential consumers of electrical energy at those territories later on. Various metaheuristic methods are used to solve the task of optimal renewable energy sources-based generation geographical placement. The efficiency of metaheuristics depends on proper tuning of that methods hyperparameters, and high quality of big amount of meteorological and climatic data. The research of the effects of the calculation methods defining distance between agents of the algorithm on the optimization of renewable generation placement results is presented in this article. Two methods were studied: Euclidean distance and haversine distance. There were two cases considered to evaluate the effects of distance calculation method change. The first one was for a photovoltaic power plant with installed capacity of 45 MW placement at the Vagaiskii district of the Tyumen region. The second one was for a wind power plant with installed capacity of 25 MW at the Tungokochenskii district of the Trans-Baikal territory. The obtained results show low effects of distance calculation method change at average but the importance of its proper choose in case of wind power optimal placement, especially for local optima’s identification.

How to cite: Bramm A.M., Eroshenko S.A. Evaluation of the impact of the distance determination function on the results of optimization of the geographical placement of renewable energy sources-based generation using a metaheuristic algorithm // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 141-153. EDN JSNZWK
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Promising reagents for the extraction of strategic metals from difficult-to-enrich mineral raw materials

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The need of the mining and processing industry for new types of directional reagents is due to the deterioration of the material composition of the processed ores. Low Au content (less than 0.5-1.0 g/t), finely dispersed Au inclusions (0.1-10.0 microns) in the ore, similar properties of the separated minerals have an extremely negative effect on flotation performance when using traditional reagents, which leads to significant losses of valuable metal with enrichment tailings. Expanding the range of domestic flotation reagents based on the latest achievements of fundamental research and their targeted application at mining and processing companies will compensate for the negative impact of the mineral composition of raw materials and ensure maximum extraction of strategic metals from difficult-to-enrich ores. The use of modern research methods (scanning electron and laser microscopy, UV spectrophotometry, XRF and chemical analysis) made it possible to visualize the adsorption layer of new reagents-collectors of a number of dithiocarbamates with different structures of a hydrocarbon radical and an organic modifier on the surface of gold-containing sulfides. The amount of adsorbed reagents on the surface of minerals has been experimentally determined. The specific features of the fixation of reagents on minerals of various compositions led to optimal correlations of their consumption in the flotation process. Scientifically based reagent regimes ensured an increase in the gold content in the concentrate and a decrease in the loss of gold with tailings by 5-6 % during flotation enrichment of the refractory ore of the Malinovskoe deposit.

How to cite: Matveeva T.N., Gromova N.K., Lantsova L.B. Promising reagents for the extraction of strategic metals from difficult-to-enrich mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 269. p. 757-764. EDN XAAEGH
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive utilization of urban wastewater sludge with production of technogenic soil

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The article presents the analysis of the existing approach to wastewater sludge treatment and justifies the selection of the most promising management technology that allows maximum use of wastewater sludge resource po-tential. To obtain a useful product (biocompost) suitable for use as part of technogenic soil, experimental studies of aerobic stabilization of organic matter of dehydrated urban wastewater sludge with the addition of other waste by using passive composting technology were carried out. The technology is included in the list of best available technologies (BAT). The selection of the most optimal components for the mixture was based on the results of determining the C and N content, humidity and pH of the components used that ensured the composting of organic waste. The results of laboratory studies of the obtained biocompost according to the main agrochemical and sanitary-epidemiological indicators are presented. Testing was carried out according to the criterion of toxicity of the biocompost’s aqueous extract. The assessment of the technogenic soil was performed when using biocompost in its composition for compliance with existing hygienic requirements for soil quality in the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the vegetation experiment, optimal formulations of the technogenic soil were determined, i.e., the ratio of biocompost and sand, under which the most favorable conditions for plant growth are observed according to a combination of factors such as the number of germinated seeds, the maximum height of plants and the amount of biomass. The conducted research makes it possible to increase the proportion of recycled urban wastewater sludge in the future to obtain soils characterized by a high degree of nutrient availability for plants and potentially suitable for use in landscaping, the biological stage of reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands, as well as for growing herbaceous plants in open and protected soil.

How to cite: Bykova M.V., Malyukhin D.M., Nagornov D.O., Duka A.A. Comprehensive utilization of urban wastewater sludge with production of technogenic soil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 453-465. EDN IAYJKS
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex

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The scale of land pollution with oil waste necessitates the use of economical and effective methods of recultivation. Phytoremediation is one of the simplest methods, but it has a number of limitations, so additional preparation of the territory is often required before it is carried out. Preliminary electrical preparation and subsequent seeding of special phytoremediants are of interest. Passing a constant electric current through the soil volume under a low voltage removes toxicants from deep soil layers even with flooding. In addition, it reduces pollutant content in the upper layer, where the plants root system is located, which creates more favorable conditions for phytoremediants. Adequately selected types of plants will ensure additional soil cleaning, improve its structure and air exchange. The results of two research directions are presented. Experiments on the study of plant resistance to oil-contaminated soil substrate allowed establishing contamination thresholds at which it is advisable to sow a particular species, and to choose optimal phytoremediants. The study of the oil-containing soil cleaning in a monocathodocentric electrochemical installation with the fixation of main characteristics (oil products concentration, soil temperature, volt-ampere characteristics) allows us to develop technical measures to prepare territories for phytoremediation taking into account the relief features.

How to cite: Shulaev N.S., Kadyrov R.R., Pryanichnikova V.V. Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 265. p. 147-155. EDN WJRQDO
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Natural gas methane number and its influence on the gas engine working process efficiency

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The natural gas usage as a vehicle fuel in the mining industry is one of the priority tasks of the state. The article pays special attention to the component composition of natural gas from the point of view of its thermal efficiency during combustion in the combustion chamber of a power plant on a heavy-duty vehicle in difficult quarry conditions. For this, domestic and foreign methods for determining the main indicator characterizing the knock resistance of fuel in the combustion process – the methane number – are considered. Improvement of technical and economic indicators will be carried out by changing the composition of the gas mixture based on methane to fit the design features of the gas power plant, the methane number will be the determining indicator. A theoretical analysis of the influence of the methane number on such engine parameters as the compression ratio and the maximum speed of the flame front propagation in the second phase of combustion in the engine cylinder, expressed through the angle of rotation of the crankshaft, is presented. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, the dependences of the influence of the methane number on the efficiency of the working process of the engine and its external speed characteristic were obtained.

How to cite: Didmanidze O.N., Afanasev A.S., Khakimov R.T. Natural gas methane number and its influence on the gas engine working process efficiency // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 251. p. 730-737. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.5.12
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Improving the efficiency of relay protection at a mining and processing plant

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The paper presents the results of constructing effective relay protection in the power supply system of a mining and processing plant (MPP). A brief description of the MPP is given, the power supply and substitution circuits used to calculate the short-circuit currents are given. A statistical analysis of failures in the electric network of the MPP has been carried out, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the nature of failures ranges. Analysis of the registered faults shows that a significant part of them are line-to-earth faults, which in most cases turn into multiphase short circuits, which are interrupted by overcurrent protection. In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of the relay protection, the power supply scheme of the MPP was refined and analyzed. The calculation of the short-circuit currents was made, which made it possible to calculate the settings of the relay protection and give recommendations on the place of its installation and adjustment in order to ensure the normal operation of electricity consumers. To reduce the number of failures to the cable insert on the line leaving the administrative and household complex (AHC), and to increase the reliability of power supply to consumers, it is advisable to divide the capacities of the existing 10 kV line into two parallel ones by laying a second line. It is recommended to install a current cut-off on the line outgoing to the AHC, the feasibility of the installation of which was shown by calculations. This will reduce the chance of failures to the cable gland. Data on the setting currents of overcurrent protection and current cut-off are given on the selectivity card.

How to cite: Klyuev R.V., Bosikov I.I., Gavrina O.A. Improving the efficiency of relay protection at a mining and processing plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 248. p. 300-311. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.2.14
Metallurgy and concentration
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Development of new compositions for dust control in the mining and mineral transportation industry

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Dust control in summer and winter periods is a topical problem associated with conducting open pit mining operations; however, at negative temperatures the additional requirements are imposed on dust suppressants. Preventive compositions are proposed, in which light and heavy gas oils, obtained from catalytic cracking and delayed coking, are used as base components. Involvement of heavy fractions allows to increase the flash point, thereby reducing the flammability of dust suppressant, improve its adhesion properties by increasing the content of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and reduce the cost of the final product. In order to improve low-temperature and adsorption properties of developed dust suppressants, heavy oil residues (cracking residue and tar) are included in their composition in various concentrations: 2-10 wt.%. Alternative compositions of dust suppressants, obtained by water emulsification of vinylated alkyd oligomer, are developed; the ability of this dispersion to form strong films on dusty surfaces is examined. The efficiency of using aqueous solution of vinylated alkyd oligomer as a summer dust suppressant is demonstrated. The results of this study include the development of new preventive compositions with improved low-temperature properties and confirmation of the theoretical part of the study by the results of performance tests on a laboratory facility.Alternative compositions of dust suppressors have been developed, which were obtained by emulsifying a vinyl alkyd oligomer (VAO) in water; the ability of this dispersion to form strong films on dusty surfaces has been studied. The efficiency of using an aqueous solution of vinyl alkyd oligomer in the summer period as a dust suppressant is shown. The results of this study are the development of new prophylactic formulations with improved low-temperature properties and confirmation of the theoretical part of the study by the results of tests of operational characteristics in a laboratory facility.

How to cite: Kondrasheva N.K., Kireeva E.V., Zyryanova O.V. Development of new compositions for dust control in the mining and mineral transportation industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 248. p. 272-280. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.2.11
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Biogeochemical assessment of soils and plants in industrial, residential and recreational areas of Saint Petersburg

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Soils and plants of Saint Petersburg are under the constant technogenic stress caused by human activity in industrial, residential, and recreational landscapes of the city. To assess the transformed landscapes of various functional zones, we studied utility, housing, and park districts with a total area of over 7,000 hectares in the southern part of the city during the summer seasons of 2016-2018. Throughout the fieldwork period, 796 individual pairs of soil and plant samples were collected.A complex of consequent laboratory studies performed in an accredited laboratory allowed the characterization of key biogeochemical patterns of urban regolith specimens and herbage samples of various grasses. Chemical analyses provided information on the concentrations of polluting metals in soils and plants of different land use zones.Data interpretation and calculation of element accumulation factors revealed areas with the most unfavorable environmental conditions. We believe that a high pollution level in southern city districts has led to a significant degree of physical, chemical, and biological degradation of the soil and vegetation cover. As of today, approximately 10 % of the Technosols in the study area have completely lost the ability to biological self-revitalization, which results in ecosystem malfunction and the urgent need for land remediation.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Bech J., Matveeva V.A., Alekseenko A.V. Biogeochemical assessment of soils and plants in industrial, residential and recreational areas of Saint Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 241. p. 125-130. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.1.125
Oil and gas
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The modern technology of drilling and casing of well during the exploration of gas hydrates

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In the paper, the perspectives of exploration and completion of gas hydrate fields and the drilling problems in the gas hydrates of the northwest china are studied. It has been established, that the main reasons of complications in the Muli field are the secondary hydrate formation on the walls of the well and drilling assembly and ice formation inside the set cement during the well drilling and completion in permafrost. It has been shown, that in the areas with permafrost during the drilling of the layers containing gas hydrates, temperature and pressure changes can lead to the dissociation of hydrates. At the same time, pressure increase in the annular space due to the gas release, can lead to the secondary formation of gas hydrates, drill string stuck, ceasing of drilling fluid circulation, which is the reason of serious trouble in the wellbore. The results of the research on the development of drilling fluids compositions, which lower the drilling troubles of permafrost, are presented. Comparative experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of thermodynamic and kinetic inhibitors, which prevent the repeated hydrate formation. It has been established, that the kinetic inhibitors have the clear advantage: they have good inhibiting effects even with low amounts of additives. In the laboratory conditions, the researches have been conducted to evaluate the phase equilibrium of gas hydrates during their reaction with the water solutions, containing kinetic inhibitor PVP. A thin clay drilling mud has been developed on the water base, providing the holding of the temperature in the level of –2 °С and its effectiveness for the gas hydrate fields in the PRC has been shown. Casing effectiveness of unstable rocks during the drilling in the conditions of negative temperatures inside the well largely depends on their physical-mechanical properties, composition and the technical indicators of cement materials. The authors suggest the composition of quick-setting cements based on aluminum binding materials. It has been established, that the analyzed compositions have the ability to considerably improve the results of cementing.

How to cite: Nikolaev N.I., Tyanle L. The modern technology of drilling and casing of well during the exploration of gas hydrates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 206-214.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Systematization of factors to be considered in mine abandonment design

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Subsoil is not just a source of mineral resources; it also serves as a burial site of industrial and domestic wastes, a storage place for oil and gas, and an environment for constructing underground facilities and creating preservations and nature sanctuaries. Subsoil area development is intensified and diversified with each passing year, exerting great influence on ecological systems and all their components. Special attention should be paid to terrain as upper facet of lithosphere, submitted to maximal impact of anthropogenic processes. Activation and emergence of natural and anthropogenic processes causes changes manifested in various combinations of negative events. Most important events include deformations of rock mass and land surface: exhaustion and pollution of ground and surface water, waterflooding and swamping of tapped sites, soil dehydration and salinization, air pollution, land site withdrawal from commercial circulation etc.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P., Fedotova Y.V., Doroshenko V.V. Systematization of factors to be considered in mine abandonment design // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 221-224.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Problems and ways of exploration of the raw material resources base of the Zapoliarny branch of the Norilsk Nickel CO

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Consideration is given to the geological, mining and operating conditions of the Norilsk industrial district. The analysis is made of the present-day state of mining production of the Zapoliarny branch of the Norilsk Nickel Co. The principal trends in the safe and efficient exploration of the raw material resources base have been stated within the Norilsk industrial district .

How to cite: Bogdanov M.N., Galaov R.B., Shabarov A.N., Zvezdkin V.A. Problems and ways of exploration of the raw material resources base of the Zapoliarny branch of the Norilsk Nickel CO // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 99-103.