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S. P. Reshetnyak
S. P. Reshetnyak
advisor to CEO, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Hyproshakht Co.
advisor to CEO, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Hyproshakht Co.


Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Substantiation of techniques and methods of technogeneous deposits forming represented by rock refuse and waste rock dumps at open pit mining

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There are large waste rock dumps and uneconomical ore storages when open pit mining is used. Mining companies must create these dumps and storages observing special rules, if mineral deposits might be utilized in future. The technological properties of ores and rocks as  well as the conditions of forming and storage should be taken  into consideration. It is possible to reach high productive efficiency if the market will demand these commodities.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P., Arkhipov A.V. Substantiation of techniques and methods of technogeneous deposits forming represented by rock refuse and waste rock dumps at open pit mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 30.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Main problems of new generation open pit mines design

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Mining evolution is divided on the three phases in terms of the physical and intellectual activity: 1) primitive, 2) mechanization or physical liberation, and 3) automation or intellectual liberation. These phases correspond to the three levels of the mining cognition: empiric, analytic, and information technology  (IT). The transition to the third phase is going now and it will be finished by unmanned mining technology creation in the foreseeable future. So the development of the third generation’s mine design will be the important  task.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P. Main problems of new generation open pit mines design // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 154.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Deep open pit walls design using rock mass stress-strained state

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One of the main deep open pit mining problems is the wall stability for a long time. It is obvious that the basic area of stress concentration in deep pits is the lower  edges of pit  walls. We have been studying the possibility of reducing stress concentrations like these by means of the alteration of the open pit bottom part configuration. To do this, there was considered  the  shape with a smooth passage from walls to the bottom of the pit (by widening the berms in the lower part) instead of trapezoid shape. Calculations were carried out  for deep open pits with a flat and rounded bottom across and along the strike of the ore body.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P., Fedotova Y.V., Savchenko S.N. Deep open pit walls design using rock mass stress-strained state // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 169.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Determining the mine working height for the development of tailing dumps hydraulic excavator backdigger

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Development water sated tailing dump are accompanied explosive failure banks  even  at their height less 10 meters. Thereupon, the problem decision on research competence a slope and to a choice of optimum height production a dredge face «backdigger», established on the  top  platform  tailing dump, will allow to reduce equipment downtimes and to increase intensity mining.

How to cite: Kholodnyakov G.A., Argimbaev K.R., Reshetnyak S.P. Determining the mine working height for the development of tailing dumps hydraulic excavator backdigger // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 138.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Systematization of factors to be considered in mine abandonment design

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Subsoil is not just a source of mineral resources; it also serves as a burial site of industrial and domestic wastes, a storage place for oil and gas, and an environment for constructing underground facilities and creating preservations and nature sanctuaries. Subsoil area development is intensified and diversified with each passing year, exerting great influence on ecological systems and all their components. Special attention should be paid to terrain as upper facet of lithosphere, submitted to maximal impact of anthropogenic processes. Activation and emergence of natural and anthropogenic processes causes changes manifested in various combinations of negative events. Most important events include deformations of rock mass and land surface: exhaustion and pollution of ground and surface water, waterflooding and swamping of tapped sites, soil dehydration and salinization, air pollution, land site withdrawal from commercial circulation etc.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P., Fedotova Y.V., Doroshenko V.V. Systematization of factors to be considered in mine abandonment design // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 221-224.