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Vol 198
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Substantiation of techniques and methods of technogeneous deposits forming represented by rock refuse and waste rock dumps at open pit mining

S. P. Reshetnyak1
A. V. Arkhipov2
About authors
  • 1 — Mining Institute of the Kola Research Centre of the RAS
  • 2 — Mining Institute of the Kola Research Centre of the RAS
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There are large waste rock dumps and uneconomical ore storages when open pit mining is used. Mining companies must create these dumps and storages observing special rules, if mineral deposits might be utilized in future. The technological properties of ores and rocks as  well as the conditions of forming and storage should be taken  into consideration. It is possible to reach high productive efficiency if the market will demand these commodities.

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  1. Решетняк С.П. Пути создания технологий предотвальной переработки минерального сырья / С.П.Решетняк, А.А.Билин // Комплексная разработка рудных месторождений мощными глубокими карьерами: Тр. Международ. совещания (Мельниковские чтения) / КНЦ РАН. Апатиты, 1995. С.12.

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