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georadiolocation studies

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive studies of the snow-firn layer in the area of the Russian Antarctic Vostok Station

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The article presents the findings from research conducted at Vostok Station during the 69th Russian Antarctic expedition. The primary goal of the research is to perform a thorough investigation of the snow-firn layer using both direct (drilling and core analysis) and indirect (georadiolocation and seismic exploration) methods. As part of the research, fundamental tasks related to the study of the structure and dynamics of the upper part of the ice sheet were addressed, as well as applied tasks aimed at justifying the depth of explosive charge placement for seismic work with the goal of conducting a detailed study of Lake Vostok and selecting the point for drilling access to the lake. Data on the microstructure and physical properties of the snow-firn layer were collected. The findings will allow for future improvements to the firn densification model, which is required to understand the evolution of ice grains during the early stages of metamorphism. The study's findings aided in the understanding of the structural features of the ice sheet's surface layer, allowing for more precise determination of the structural and physical characteristics of the snow-firn layer and ice, potentially leading to a better understanding of climatic and geological processes in Antarctica.

How to cite: Bolshunov A.V., Ignatev S.A., Gorelik G.D., Krikun N.S., Vasilev D.A., Rakitin I.V., Shadrin V.S. Comprehensive studies of the snow-firn layer in the area of the Russian Antarctic Vostok Station // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN KBAZNU
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Analysis of the assessment of the prospects for the burial of CO2 in unexplored aquifer complexes on the example of a facility in the Perm Region

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One of the most important problems of our time is the annual increase in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. It is possible to combat this phenomenon by reducing emissions or developing and applying technologies for capturing, storing, using and disposing of CO2. In this work, an assessment of the expediency and possibility of carbon dioxide burial in deep aquifers is considered, the study of which is carried out to a small extent and due to the lack of useful material in them. The parameters and results of CO2 injection into the aquifer of one of the oil fields of the Perm Region, the geological properties and characteristics of which are determined in this work, are studied. The criteria of applicability, methods of estimating the volume of the reservoir and laboratory studies to determine the properties of CO2 and the features of its interaction with the model of the reservoir fluid are considered. The injection object and reservoir volume were determined, PVT studies of the target gas were performed, and its solubility in reservoir water was determined. The duration of filling the full volume of the trap when capturing 400 thousand tons of CO2 per year from the target industrial facility is calculated to be 202 years. This conclusion signals the prospects for the burial of carbon dioxide in the underground deposits of an undeveloped aquifer complex in the Perm Region, which reflects the importance of studying such geological CO2 burial sites in order to achieve global carbon neutrality goals.

How to cite: Masoud R., Ilyushin P.Y., Baldina T.R., Sannikova N.S., Kozlov A.V., Ravelev K.A. Analysis of the assessment of the prospects for the burial of CO2 in unexplored aquifer complexes on the example of a facility in the Perm Region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 931-940. EDN SCSESI
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Specific action of collector from phosphoric acid alkyl esters class in flotation of apatite-nepheline ores

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Increasing amount of apatite-nepheline ores with complex mineral composition involved in processing, growing content of the associated minerals in ore which are similar in their floatability to apatite lead to the necessity of using highly selective collectors. Non-frothing flotation method gave a comparative assessment of floatability of pure minerals and demonstrated a high selectivity of the action of phosphoric acid esters in relation to apatite. The effect of four reagent modes differing in the number of selective synthetic collectors was studied using the example of flotation of an apatite-nepheline ore sample containing 17.27 % apatite and 40.18 % nepheline. Mineralogical analysis of crushed ore showed that it contained two apatite varieties – coarse-grained free and finer poikilitic as inclusions in rock-forming minerals. Free apatite opens and occurs as open grains even in coarse-grained (+0.16 mm) grades. Poikilitic apatite occurs as intergrowths with different minerals, mainly with nepheline and its alteration products (natrolite, spreustein, sodalite, etc.), and pyroxene. Optical microscopy demonstrated that a growing share of reagent from the phosphoric acid oxyethylated esters class in the composition of the collector mixture allows improving the quality of the produced apatite concentrates by reducing the number of apatite intergrowths with nepheline and pyroxenes in the concentrates. In the concentrate obtained in the most selective reagent mode, the intergrowths are characterized by a 50/50 and higher ratio in favour of apatite. Concentrates of lower quality comprised intergrowths with lower apatite content, to 20/80 or less.

How to cite: Mitrofanova G.V., Chernousenko E.V., Kompanchenko A.A., Kalugin A.I. Specific action of collector from phosphoric acid alkyl esters class in flotation of apatite-nepheline ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 637-645. EDN CSNOBO
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Analysis of the problems of high-quality drinking water extraction from underground water intakes on Vysotsky Island in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region

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This article presents the results of drilling, experimental filtration work and laboratory studies aimed at assessing the resources and quality of groundwater in the licensed area of Vysotsky Island located in the Leningrad region, in the Gulf of Finland in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Analysis of the results of hydrochemical studies and their comparison with data on water intakes in adjacent areas gives the right to conclude that it is possible to classify a hydrogeological unit as a different type of resource formation than those located in the surrounding areas. Groundwater in this area is confined to an unexplored deep fractured regional high-pressure zone. According to the received data, the explored water intake can be attributed to a unique groundwater deposit, which has an uncharacteristic composition of groundwater in the north of the Leningrad region, which may be due to the mixing of modern sediments and relict waters of the Baltic glacial lake. The stability of groundwater characteristics is confirmed by long-term monitoring.

How to cite: Nikishin V.V., Blinov P.A., Fedorov V.V., Nikishina E.K., Tokarev I.V. Analysis of the problems of high-quality drinking water extraction from underground water intakes on Vysotsky Island in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 264. p. 937-948. EDN ZGVJSR
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Improving the reliability of 3D modelling of a landslide slope based on engineering geophysics data

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Landslides are among the most dangerous geological processes, posing a threat to all engineering structures. In order to assess the stability of slopes, complex engineering surveys are used, the results of which are necessary to perform computations of the stability of soil masses and assess the risks of landslide development. The results of integ-rated geological and geophysical studies of a typical landslide slope in the North-Western Caucasus spurs, composed of clayey soils, are presented. The purpose of the work is to increase the reliability of assessing the stability of a landslide mass by constructing a 3D model of the slope, including its main structural elements, identified using modern methods of engineering geophysics. Accounting for geophysical data in the formation of the computed 3D model of the slope made it possible to identify important structural elements of the landslide, which significantly affected the correct computation of its stability.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Burlutsky S.B., Shuvalova R.A., Zhdanov S.V. Improving the reliability of 3D modelling of a landslide slope based on engineering geophysics data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 771-782. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.86
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Filtration studies on cores and sand packed tubes from the Urengoy field for determining the efficiency of simultaneous water and gas injection on formation when extracting condensate from low-pressure reservoirs and oil from oil rims

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Oil rims as well as gas condensate reservoirs of Russia's largest Urengoy field are developed by depletion drive without formation pressure maintenance, which has led to serious complications in production of oil, gas and condensate. In addition, field development by depletion drive results in low values of oil and condensate recovery. These problems are also relevant for other oil and gas condensate fields. One of the possible solutions is simultaneous water and gas injection. Rational values of gas content in the mixture for affecting gas condensate fields and oil rims of oil and gas condensate fields should be selected using the data of filtration studies on core models. The article presents the results of filtration experiments on displacement of condensate and oil by water, gas and water-gas mixtures when simulating the conditions of the Urengoy field. Simultaneous water and gas injection showed good results in the experiments on displacement of condensate, residual gas and oil. It has been ascertained that water-gas mixtures with low gas content (10-20 %) have a better oil-displacement ability (9.5-13.5 % higher) than water. An experiment using a composite linear reservoir model from cemented core material, as regards the main characteristics of oil displacement, gave the same results as filtration experiments with sand packed tubes and demonstrated a high efficiency of simultaneous water and gas injection as a method of increasing oil recovery at oil and gas condensate fields.

How to cite: Drozdov N.A. Filtration studies on cores and sand packed tubes from the Urengoy field for determining the efficiency of simultaneous water and gas injection on formation when extracting condensate from low-pressure reservoirs and oil from oil rims // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 783-794. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.71
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Crisis in mica production industry of the Belomorskaya pegmatite province and perspective of its overcoming

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The crisis of the Belomorian pegmatite province mica sector and perspectives of its overcoming causes and consequences of the mica sector crisis in the North-West Belomorie related to studies and a production of lamellar micaceous pegmatite is discussed. The alternative importance of the unique deposit in the Mezhozernoe (Eastern Hizovaara, Northern Karelia) – primary source of scarceness lamellar light mica is confirmed. The results of mineralogical and technological researches show that it is a promising target for mining and processing a small ferrous flake muscovite.

How to cite: Malov N.D., Shchiptsov V.V. Crisis in mica production industry of the Belomorskaya pegmatite province and perspective of its overcoming // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 172-178.
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G.V.Bogomolov and his role in development of national hydrogeology

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In March 2015 the scientific community celebrated the 110th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders of the hydrogeological and engineering-geological school, an honouree of State Award of the USSR and the Byelorussian SSR, Academician Gerasim Vasilyevich Bogomolov. The article is devoted to several important stages of the development of Russian hydrogeology, which are primarily associated with the research conducted by G.V.Bogomolov. His role in the development of hydrogeology in Belarus, i.e. theory and practice of the use of groundwater, is emphasized. This article is about the man who was a brilliant geologist, scholar, lecturer and an outstanding research manager. G.V.Bogomolov founded a school of disciples and followers who continued to develop and put into practice the academician’s ideas in various branches of geological theory and practice.

How to cite: Ustyugov D.L., Norova L.P. G.V.Bogomolov and his role in development of national hydrogeology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 16-24.
Philosophy and history of science, culture and education
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Challenges and perspectives for innovative interactive communication technologies in teaching humanities

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The ongoing reform of higher education in Russia requires finding new approaches to syllabus planning, new ways to manage and supervise students’ individual academic activities. Humanities are not limited to information transfer, they aim at developing students’ analytic abilities as well. Thus, the interaction between students and teachers becomes of utmost importance. The reform allows increasing the share of extramural activities, which creates a challenge of preserving interactivity. In the article, the author has considered cutting-edge interactive communication technologies that can help teachers coordinate students’ extramural studies and encourage their epistemic curiosity they need to absorb humanities.

How to cite: Rassadina S.A. Challenges and perspectives for innovative interactive communication technologies in teaching humanities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 187. p. 207-212.
Effective communication skills development as social and cultural component of foreign language teaching ...
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Information culture as one of aspects forming linguistic skills of students in the technical universities

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This paper deals with information culture as one of aspects forming linguistic skills. It is of greater extent defined by information proficiency of students in the technical universities.

How to cite: Grinko A.V. Information culture as one of aspects forming linguistic skills of students in the technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 187. p. 258-260.