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Vol 218
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Crisis in mica production industry of the Belomorskaya pegmatite province and perspective of its overcoming

N. D. Malov1
V. V. Shchiptsov2
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  • 1 — JSC «Sevzapgeologia»
  • 2 — Institute of Geology Karelian Research Centre, RAS
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The crisis of the Belomorian pegmatite province mica sector and perspectives of its overcoming causes and consequences of the mica sector crisis in the North-West Belomorie related to studies and a production of lamellar micaceous pegmatite is discussed. The alternative importance of the unique deposit in the Mezhozernoe (Eastern Hizovaara, Northern Karelia) – primary source of scarceness lamellar light mica is confirmed. The results of mineralogical and technological researches show that it is a promising target for mining and processing a small ferrous flake muscovite.

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