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Vol 218
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Extraction of ions of silver from hydrochloric acid solutions by tributylphosphate

L. A. Voropanova1
N. B. Kokoeva2
About authors
  • 1 — North Caucasian Mining and Metallurgy Institute (State Technological University)
  • 2 — North Caucasian Mining and Metallurgy Institute (State Technological University)
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The high results of the silver ions extraction from the hydrochloric acid solutions of tributylphosphate during extractant portional introduction were obtained. The extractant batch inclusion increases silver extraction process and reduces the extractant expenditure. The best extraction results were obtained for the solutions with concentration 3N HCl, 240 NaCl g/dm 3 and temperature t  = 20 °C. The principal technological scheme of the silver ions extraction from the hydrochloric acid solutions is presented.

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