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Kirill A. Ravelev
Kirill A. Ravelev
Chief Specialist
Gazprom Neft Company Group
Chief Specialist
Gazprom Neft Company Group
Saint Petersburg


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Analysis of the assessment of the prospects for the burial of CO2 in unexplored aquifer complexes on the example of a facility in the Perm Region

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One of the most important problems of our time is the annual increase in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. It is possible to combat this phenomenon by reducing emissions or developing and applying technologies for capturing, storing, using and disposing of CO 2 . In this work, an assessment of the expediency and possibility of carbon dioxide burial in deep aquifers is considered, the study of which is carried out to a small extent and due to the lack of useful material in them. The parameters and results of CO 2 injection into the aquifer of one of the oil fields of the Perm Region, the geological properties and characteristics of which are determined in this work, are studied. The criteria of applicability, methods of estimating the volume of the reservoir and laboratory studies to determine the properties of CO 2 and the features of its interaction with the model of the reservoir fluid are considered. The injection object and reservoir volume were determined, PVT studies of the target gas were performed, and its solubility in reservoir water was determined. The duration of filling the full volume of the trap when capturing 400 thousand tons of CO 2 per year from the target industrial facility is calculated to be 202 years. This conclusion signals the prospects for the burial of carbon dioxide in the underground deposits of an undeveloped aquifer complex in the Perm Region, which reflects the importance of studying such geological CO 2 burial sites in order to achieve global carbon neutrality goals.

How to cite: Masoud R., Ilyushin P.Y., Baldina T.R., Sannikova N.S., Kozlov A.V., Ravelev K.A. Analysis of the assessment of the prospects for the burial of CO2 in unexplored aquifer complexes on the example of a facility in the Perm Region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN SCSESI
Oil and gas
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Development of an algorithm for determining the technological parameters of acid composition injection during treatment of the near-bottomhole zone, taking into account economic efficiency

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Relevance of the research is due to the low proportion of successful hydrochloric acid treatments of near-bottomhole zones of carbonate reservoirs in the Perm region caused by insufficiently careful design and implementation of measures to stimulate oil production. Within the framework of this article, the development of a program is presented, which is based on an algorithm that allows determining the volume and rate of injection for an acid composition into a productive formation corresponding to the maximum economic efficiency during hydrochloric acid treatment. Essence of the proposed algorithm is to find the greatest profit from measures to increase oil recovery, depending on the cost of its implementation and income from additionally produced oil. Operation of the algorithm is carried out on the principle of enumerating the values ​​of the volume and rate of injection for the acid composition and their fixation when the maximum difference between income and costs, corresponding to the given technological parameters of injection, is reached. The methodology is based on Dupuis's investigations on the filtration of fluids in the formation and the results of the experiments by Duckord and Lenormand on the study of changes in the additional filtration resistance in the near-well zone of the formation when it is treated with an acid composition. When analyzing and including these investigations into the algorithm, it is noted that the developed technique takes into account a large number of factors, including the lithological and mineralogical composition of rocks, technological parameters of the injection of a working agent and its properties, well design, filtration properties of the formation, properties of well products. The article provides an algorithm that can be implemented without difficulty using any programming language, for example, Pascal. Selection of the optimal values ​​for the volume and rate of injection is presented in this paper, using the example of a production well at the Chaikinskoye oil field, located within the Perm region. Introduction of the developed algorithm into the practice of petroleum engineering will allow competent and effective approach to the design of hydrochloric acid treatments in carbonate reservoirs without a significant investment of time and additional funds.

How to cite: Krivoshchekov S.N., Kochnev A.A., Ravelev K.A. Development of an algorithm for determining the technological parameters of acid composition injection during treatment of the near-bottomhole zone, taking into account economic efficiency // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 250. p. 587-595. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.4.12