Technologies and technical means for investigation of subglacial lakes in Antarctic is a new developing scientific and technical direction, which today has no clearly established methodology. Based on the developed technology of drilling a new access well to lake Vostok and its penetration as well as analysis of existing methods and devices for bottom sediment sampling, a basic model of a sampler with a walking-type mover, capable of moving along different trajectories and operating in a wide technological range, is proposed. The proposed device model is equipped with different actuators for sampling the bottom surface with different physical and mechanical properties. Based on the presented basic model of the walking sampler, a mathematical model of the device was developed, which was based on the theoretical mechanics methods. As a result of conducted research the dependencies were obtained, which allow making a scientifically justified choice of optimal values for geometric and force parameters of the walking sampler. A conceptual design of the walking sampler has been developed, taking into account the mutual location and coupling of its main components, the overall dimensions of the delivery tool, as well as the esthetic component of the device.
The subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctic is a unique natural phenomenon, its comprehensive study involves sampling of water and bottom surface rocks. For further study of the lake, it is necessary to drill a new access well and develop environmentally safe technologies for its exploration. This article discusses existing and potential technologies for sampling bottom surface rocks of subglacial lakes. All these technologies meet environmental safety requirements and are conducive for sampling. The authors have proposed an alternative technology, using a walking device, which, due to its mobility, enables selective sampling of rocks across a large area from a single access well. The principal issues, related to the implementation of the proposed technology, are investigated within this article. This report is prepared by a team of specialists with many years of experience in drilling at the Vostok Station in Antarctic and in experimental work on the design of equipment and non-standard means of mechanization for complicated mining, geological and climatic conditions.
Requirements are formulated on motion trajectory of the front edge of the arm of PNB type loader needed to provide the maximum shoveling of bulk mass under the condition of fitting that trajectory into the dimensions of reception plate. Kinematic schemes are analyzed of mechanisms of shoveling arms. Rational parameters are suggested for that mechanism, which provide a 1.5 times increase of single-time shoveling of bulk load resulting in a 30 % increase of theoretical capacity of the machine. A technique is presented of defining the area embraced by the complex motion trajectory of the front edge of the arm. A mathematical model is designed of motion of the shoveling arm with curvilinear tail part using the techniques of vector algebra, second order central differences and triangulation. Geometric parameters of the mechanism of work tool of the loader are described by a linear equation yielding the functional dependence of coordinates of the position of front edge of the arm on the turning angle of the leading joint and the parameters of kinematic scheme. The effect is studied of the total mass of shoveling arm on the irregularity factor of mechanism motion. It is found that redistribution of mass between the work tool and the tail part of the arm within the given total mass of the tool suppresses the motion irregularity factor.
The article is devoted to the dynamic study of the underground shovel’s working tool mech-anism, assembled in accordance with a crank-rocker scheme, containing curved wings, as well as to the study of the effect on uneven movement rate, produced by the working tool mechanism; pa-rameters and structural characteristics of the shovel paw design shape. On the basis of a synthesis of the loading machine’s working tool mechanisms, a kinematic scheme with a shovel paw, con-sisting of a straight operating part and a curved working tail, is offered. A dynamic model of the mechanism based on a variable weight of shovel bulk cargo and drive parameters of the working tool is developed, a motion equation is made up. Comparison between statistical indicators of effec-tive output obtained from the shovel loaders drive mechanism and the results of a separate computer simulation of the mechanisms under analysis attest to the proposed model’s performability.
Influence of geometrical and kinematic parameters of the kinematic scheme of the mechanism of working body of a loader of type PNB on increase in theoretical productivity depending on position of the area of capture of cargo is shown and the analysis of change of speed and acceleration of an extreme point of working body of a paw for one turn of a crank is given.
The interaction of the flexible traction element with bottom mining device by the solution of the set of equations, which allows to determine the nature of the movement and the force between them, and also described the situation flexible traction element as it moves in the water.
The article deals with contemporary problems of the world mineral complex, reflects the main issues of relevance and prospects of integrated development of solid mineral resources of the seabed. The composition, morphology and potential reserves of iron-manganese nodules are presented, a complex of equipment for the extraction of iron-manganese nodules and power characteristics that influence the extraction process are considered. On the basis of a mathematical model, the relationship between the force and kinematic characteristics is defined. The basic equation of motion of bottom devices is derived, concluded the possibility of solving this equation by numerical methods.
In article possibility of performance improvement of a gathering-arm loader at the expense of adjustment of the kinematic circuit oscillating crank mechanism a method of synthesis of a path of driving of the leading edge of a gathering arm on the given conditions of processes of implementation, capture and bulk cargo transportation is considered.
In this article, the results of the kinematics and dynamics analysis of a single-toggle jaw crusher mechanism are represented. Connection between operation mode parameters of the crusher and its technical characteristics is shown. Such parameters as position of the toggle plate, pin angle of the crusher, rotation speed and the eccentricity of the main shaft are described.
The main results of research work performed at the departments of the mechanical cycle of the Faculty of Mining and Electromechanics in 2000 are presented. Research and design works for making effective and environmentally safe machines and complexes for mining and processing industries are made at the Faculty of Mining and Electromechanics under the guidance of leading experts. The analysis of design and operating characteristics of manufactured dump trucks is given and modern principles of formation of design and operating requirements to them are formulated. A methodology and mathematical model for determining the optimal characteristics of the complexes have been developed. Studies on the development of hydraulic transport equipment for underwater development of offshore mineral deposits have been carried out. New technological schemes of slurry hydrotransportation in flexible sectional pipelines of variable curvature united by spherical joints are proposed. Research work on the development of the theory of working processes and improvement of electromechanical mining equipment complexes for energy-saving technologies was carried out.
Представлены результаты расчетов на ЭВМ энергетических характеристик проходческих комбайнов со сдвоенными корончатыми и шнековыми исполнительными органами. Приведены параметры исполнительных органов с минимальными удельными энергозатратами на разруше ние породы.
Изучение и промышленное освоение ресурсов морского дна невозможно без технических средств и, в первую очередь, подводного горного оборудования. Важная роль среди подводных горных машин отводится данным агрегатам, несущим на себе добычные и геолого-разведочные рабочие органы в виде всасывающих наконечников, рыхлителей, ковшей, подборщиков, отвалов, грунтовых насосов, эрлифтных головок, зондов, крыльчаток, штампов и др.
При проведении инженерно-геологических работ на научно-исследовательском судне «Академик Александр Карпинский" ПГО «Севморгеология» в Тихом океане была испытана глубоководная исследовательская установка УГИ-4М, предназначенная для проведения измерений в натурных условиях механических свойств океанических донных отложений на глубине до 6000 м ...
В настоящее время активно развивается промышленное освоение океана и одно из основных направлений работ по исследованию его ресурсов - добыча полезных ископаемых. Для добычи полезных ископаемых на шельфе создан комплекс машин и аппаратов, куда входят землесосы, подводные бульдозеры типа "Комацу", роботы "Нихон" и "Комацу", аппарат РУМ, система "Хитачи", различные шагающие установки, разработанные и испытанные в Советском Союзе ...
При опытной разработке морского дна на шельфе Балтийского моря в 1977 г. испытана шагающая машина с эрлифтным рабочим органом, которая движется по морскому дну за счет изменения положения центра масс при перемещении рабочего органа вдоль несущей рамы на одну из консолей ...
Исследованиями института ВНИИГалургии определены перспективные комплексы для камерной системы разработок, состоящие из комбайнов для отбойки руда, самоходных погрузочных и транспортных машин для погрузки и доставки руды по камере, скребковых и ленточных конвейеров для транспортирования руда к отводу ...
На примере вибрационной погрузочной машины разрабатывается метод расчета действующих нагрузок в кинематических парах эксцентрикового привода вибрационного погрузочного лотка. При этом используется графический метод кинетостатического исследования, с помощью которого определяются величины и направления реакции в шарнирах.