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Vol 196
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The investigation of complex production of ferromanganese nodules during its movement by flexible traction elements

I. P. Timofeev1
I. A. Korolev2
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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The article deals with contemporary problems of the world mineral complex, reflects the main issues of relevance and prospects of integrated development  of solid mineral resources of the seabed. The composition, morphology and potential reserves of iron-manganese nodules are presented, a complex of equipment for the extraction of iron-manganese nodules and power characteristics that influence the extraction process are considered. On the basis of a mathematical model, the relationship between the force and kinematic characteristics is defined. The basic equation of motion of bottom devices is derived, concluded the possibility of solving this equation by numerical methods.

Go to volume 196


  1. Добрецов В.Б. Мировой океан и континентальные водоемы: минеральные ресурсы, освоение, экология / В.Б.Добрецов, В.А.Рогалев, Д.С.Опрышко. МАНЭБ. СПб, 2007. 796 с.
  2. Добрецов В.Б. Освоение минеральных ресурсов шельфа. Л.; 1980. 272 с.
  3. Лукошков А.В. Техника исследования морского дна. Л., 1984, 264 с.
  4. Тимофеев И.П. Шагающие машины для освоения ресурсов морского дна. Л., 1987. 176 с.

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