Date submitted2024-03-07
Date accepted2024-06-14
Date published2024-07-04
Anomaly detection in wastewater treatment process for cyber resilience risks evaluation
Timely detection and prevention of violations in the technological process of wastewater treatment caused by threats of different nature is a highly relevant research problem. Modern systems are equipped with a large number of technological sensors. Data from these sensors can be used to detect anomalies in the technological process. Their timely detection, prediction and processing ensures the continuity and fault tolerance of the technological process. The aim of the research is to improve the accuracy of detection of such anomalies. We propose a methodology for the identification and subsequent assessment of cyber resilience risks of the wastewater treatment process, which includes the distinctive procedure of training dataset generation and the anomaly detection based on deep learning methods. The availability of training datasets is a necessary condition for the efficient application of the proposed technology. A distinctive feature of the anomaly detection approach is a new method of processing input sensor data, which allows the use of computationally efficient analytical models with high accuracy of anomaly detection, and outperforms the efficiency of previously published methods.
Date submitted2024-01-18
Date accepted2024-05-02
Date published2024-12-25
Industrial clusters as an organizational model for the development of Russia petrochemical industry
The article explores the challenges facing Russia petrochemical industry over the past decade and examines the reasons behind its significant lag compared to other industrialized nations. It presents a review of academic research on clusters accompanied by a comparative analysis, generalization, and consolidation of factors influencing the development of the petrochemical industry in Russia. It is argued that advancing the petrochemical industry from production plants to integrated production complexes necessitates a shift towards clustering, which will improve resource utilization efficiency, bolster product competitiveness, and reduce production costs. The article examines and consolidates key cluster concepts, encompassing definitions, characteristics, composition, and constituent elements. It also examines strategic documents guiding the development of the petrochemical sector, assesses the progress made in forming petrochemical clusters in Russia, and draws upon European and Asian experiences and government support tools in the domain of petrochemical clusters. The successful development of petrochemical clusters in Russia is argued to be strongly dependent on state initiatives and support for infrastructure development. Additionally, the presence of research organizations within clusters is crucial for fostering high-tech product innovation and forming an efficient value chain that integrates research and development with specific assets. When establishing petrochemical clusters in Russia, it is essential to consider the unique characteristics of each cluster, including the types of raw materials and resources used, the necessary infrastructure, and the specific support measures and incentives provided by the state.
Date submitted2022-09-26
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2024-04-25
Technology of absorption elimination with cross-linking plugging material based on cement and cross-linked polymer
The peculiarity of the geological structure of carbonate reservoirs is their complex permeability and porosity characteristics, reflecting the simultaneous presence of cavities variety (fractures, caverns, pores). Loss of circulation during penetration of fractured rock intervals significantly increases well construction time due to lack of efficient plugging isolation compositions. The main disadvantages of traditional compositions are high sensitivity to dilution in the process of their injection into the absorption zone, as well as insufficient structural strength to prevent the isolation composition from spreading during the induction period. For efficient isolation of catastrophic absorption zones in conditions of high opening of absorption channels a new cross-linking plugging isolation composition has been developed, which allows to exclude disadvantages of traditional isolation compositions. Application of the composition will allow to reduce the injection volume of the isolation composition and the time of isolation works due to its resistance to dilution and movement of formation water in the absorption interval.
Date submitted2021-01-21
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2023-12-25
Adaptation of transient well test results
Transient well tests are a tool for monitoring oil recovery processes. Research technologies implemented in pumping wells provide for a preliminary conversion of measured parameters to bottomhole pressure, which leads to errors in determining the filtration parameters. An adaptive interpretation of the results of well tests performed in pumping wells is proposed. Based on the original method of mathematical processing of a large volume of field data for the geological and geophysical conditions of developed pays in oil field, multidimensional models of well flow rates were constructed including the filtration parameters determined during the interpretation of tests. It is proposed to consider the maximum convergence of the flow rate calculated using a multidimensional model and the value obtained during well testing as a sign of reliability of the filtration parameter. It is proposed to use the analysis of the developed multidimensional models to assess the filtration conditions and determine the individual characteristics of oil flow to wells within the pays. For the Bashkirian-Serpukhovian and the Tournaisian-Famennian carbonate deposits, the influence of bottomhole pressure on the well flow rates has been established, which confirms the well-known assumption about possible deformations of carbonate reservoirs in the bottomhole areas and is a sign of physicality of the developed multidimensional models. The advantage of the proposed approach is a possibility of using it to adapt the results of any research technology and interpretation method.
Date submitted2020-10-05
Date accepted2021-03-30
Date published2021-06-24
Improving the efficiency of relay protection at a mining and processing plant
The paper presents the results of constructing effective relay protection in the power supply system of a mining and processing plant (MPP). A brief description of the MPP is given, the power supply and substitution circuits used to calculate the short-circuit currents are given. A statistical analysis of failures in the electric network of the MPP has been carried out, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the nature of failures ranges. Analysis of the registered faults shows that a significant part of them are line-to-earth faults, which in most cases turn into multiphase short circuits, which are interrupted by overcurrent protection. In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of the relay protection, the power supply scheme of the MPP was refined and analyzed. The calculation of the short-circuit currents was made, which made it possible to calculate the settings of the relay protection and give recommendations on the place of its installation and adjustment in order to ensure the normal operation of electricity consumers. To reduce the number of failures to the cable insert on the line leaving the administrative and household complex (AHC), and to increase the reliability of power supply to consumers, it is advisable to divide the capacities of the existing 10 kV line into two parallel ones by laying a second line. It is recommended to install a current cut-off on the line outgoing to the AHC, the feasibility of the installation of which was shown by calculations. This will reduce the chance of failures to the cable gland. Data on the setting currents of overcurrent protection and current cut-off are given on the selectivity card.
Date submitted2018-11-23
Date accepted2019-01-03
Date published2019-04-23
Structural model and tectonic evolution of the fault system in the Southern part of the Khur area, Central Iran
- Authors:
- A. Sohrabi
- A. Nadimi
- I. V. Talovina
- H. Safaei
In the southern part of the Khur area, there is faults system with predominantly North-West strike. This network of tectonic disturbances is one of the most important fault systems in Central Iran which crosses Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, Cretaceous limestones, and Eocene volcanic rocks. Interpretation of satellite imagery ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus, Landsat) and field observations showed the presence of left-lateral shifts along with fault system. This formed the structure of the branch faults at the northeast end of the main fault. Another feature associated with shear dislocations is the rotation of blocks in the northeastern and southwestern segments of the area under study. There are several basins and positive structures within the area such as a series of uplifts and thrusts, indicating the presence of compressional and extensional tectonics. Another part of the work is devoted to the study of the correlation between active faults and earthquakes. Processing of satellite images, field observations, records of micro-earthquakes within a radius of 17 km made it possible to analyze the earthquakes parameters and the position of tectonic disturbances, and, as a result, confirm the presence of active faults in the region. In addition, we have identified three successive stages of the Khur area tectonics: rifting, contraction, change of convergence and uplift direction.
Date submitted2018-06-27
Date accepted2018-08-31
Date published2018-12-21
Numerical modeling of a stress-strain state of a gas pipeline with cold bending offsets according to in-line inspection
Knowledge of the current stress-strain state of any section of the pipeline allows you to make informed decisions on its operation, maintenance and repair, as well as on the prediction of the technical condition. The task of determining the characteristics of the stress-strain state of a gas pipeline section that has cold bend offsets (CBO) according to in-line inspection (ILI) is considered. The bent part of CBO is characterized by the presence of residual stresses and deformations in the wall of the offset, which contribute to the overall level of the stress-strain state of the gas pipeline operating under external and internal loads. Using the results of in-line diagnostics, numerical modeling and a solution, the change in the values of longitudinal stresses, is determined and the need to take into account residual stresses in the zone of elastic-plastic deformations of cold bend offsets is shown.
Date submitted2015-08-25
Date accepted2015-10-24
Date published2016-04-22
The modern technology of drilling and casing of well during the exploration of gas hydrates
- Authors:
- N. I. Nikolaev
- Lyu Tyanle
In the paper, the perspectives of exploration and completion of gas hydrate fields and the drilling problems in the gas hydrates of the northwest china are studied. It has been established, that the main reasons of complications in the Muli field are the secondary hydrate formation on the walls of the well and drilling assembly and ice formation inside the set cement during the well drilling and completion in permafrost. It has been shown, that in the areas with permafrost during the drilling of the layers containing gas hydrates, temperature and pressure changes can lead to the dissociation of hydrates. At the same time, pressure increase in the annular space due to the gas release, can lead to the secondary formation of gas hydrates, drill string stuck, ceasing of drilling fluid circulation, which is the reason of serious trouble in the wellbore. The results of the research on the development of drilling fluids compositions, which lower the drilling troubles of permafrost, are presented. Comparative experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of thermodynamic and kinetic inhibitors, which prevent the repeated hydrate formation. It has been established, that the kinetic inhibitors have the clear advantage: they have good inhibiting effects even with low amounts of additives. In the laboratory conditions, the researches have been conducted to evaluate the phase equilibrium of gas hydrates during their reaction with the water solutions, containing kinetic inhibitor PVP. A thin clay drilling mud has been developed on the water base, providing the holding of the temperature in the level of –2 °С and its effectiveness for the gas hydrate fields in the PRC has been shown. Casing effectiveness of unstable rocks during the drilling in the conditions of negative temperatures inside the well largely depends on their physical-mechanical properties, composition and the technical indicators of cement materials. The authors suggest the composition of quick-setting cements based on aluminum binding materials. It has been established, that the analyzed compositions have the ability to considerably improve the results of cementing.
Date submitted2014-11-01
Date accepted2015-01-22
Date published2015-10-26
Project finance for strategic investment projects of mining corporations
- Authors:
- T. V. Ponomarenko
- N. A. Belitskaya
A strategic project realization in large companies leads to long-term competitive benefits, but is very costly, has high risks and complicated structural arrangement. Long payback period, high debt and risk burden result in the necessity to use project finance facilities. The research aims to find out conditions and justify the possibility of the use of project finance in Russian mining companies in terms of the new legal framework. Characteristics of projects requiring the use of project finance are determined. The article clarifies the principles and definition of project finance. Specific risks and realization problems of project finance in the Russian context are analyzed. A comparison between the Russian legal framework of project finance and regulation in foreign countries is made; examples and problems in the Russian project finance practice are shown. The results can be used by mining companies for justification of the optimal financial strategy for major investment projects realization.
Date submitted2014-10-01
Date accepted2014-12-11
Date published2015-08-25
Method of diagnostics of diesel engines in timing of the operating cycle
- Authors:
- A. S. Afanasev
- A. A. Tretyakova
To maintain diesel engines in working condition there have been developed methods of diagnosing local crankshaft rotation developed by each cylinder. Inoperative cylinder has an angular velocity of rotation that does not respond the technical conditions. The measuring and computing complex consisting of personal computers, diagnostic complex «MotoDoc III», software and a set of sensors was developed for measuring. The results of the measurement and analysis of time parameters are displayed on the monitor screen. The software facilitates the recording of a signal, its processing and storage, as well as the ability to display the results. The method of diagnosis involves a number of stages: preparation of a diesel engine and equipment, the holding of general and local diagnosis, diagnosing. Thus, it appears possible to carry out condition monitoring of diesel engines by CIP method.
Date submitted2009-09-07
Date accepted2009-11-21
Date published2010-06-25
Role of industrial out-movement in natural resources development of USSR in the 1920-1930th years
- Authors:
- I. V. Voloshinova
Migration politics is the main part of economic and social development of the country. State regulation of migration flows in Russia is a problem, which considers a lot of factors including the size of the territory, the scheme of resettlement, the length of border, the peculiarities of development of separate regions, labor market and etc. At regulation of migration flow such problems as rationalization of area distribution, effective usage of labour resources, formation of labour market and market lodging, increasing of qualification level of population are considered. Migration plays an important role of national politics and is one of priorities of government. This article considers the bases of rational resettlement and usage of labour resources in development of natural recourses.
Date submitted2009-09-22
Date accepted2009-11-17
Date published2010-06-25
Linear ccd-sensors based multiprocessor photometer system for spectral analysis
- Authors:
- A. S. Mustafaev
- A. B. Tsyganov
- B. V. Dobrolezh
There is presented a multiprocessor photometric CCD-system for a wide range of spectrometers and for various spectral analysis methods implementation.
Date submitted2009-07-19
Date accepted2009-09-11
Date published2010-04-22
Calculation of supports of parallel workings divided with yieldable pillars at anthracite seams
The article presents the methods for calculation of supports of parallel workings divided with yieldable pillars at anthracite seams. Consideration is given to the development of experimental data card for protection and maintenance of paired conveyor entries with using the steelpolymer anchor supports.
Date submitted2009-07-20
Date accepted2009-09-24
Date published2010-04-22
Methods for presetting of artificial yielding to anthracite pillars
- Authors:
- S. G. Stradanchenko
- N. V. Titov
- Yu. V. Turuk
The article contains the results of in situ investigation of influence of yielding pillars on the stability of protected workings with different modes of preset yielding. Graphs of roof movements in the workings protected with yielding pillars, are given.
Date submitted2008-11-14
Date accepted2009-01-04
Date published2009-12-11
Intangible assets are the most important reserve for efficiency upgrading of enterprises engaged in the field of mineral resources utilization
- Authors:
- E. A. Shelkov
The role of intangible assets in activities of enterprises engaged in the field of this country’s mineral resources utilization is considered. Their insignificant specific weight in assets is pointed out as well as their slight reactivation in economic turnover and respectively in drawing of profit by domestic enterprises of Mineral and Raw Materials Complex. Basic reasons of the fact why at present intangible assets are one of little used reserves for increasing efficiency of enterprises carrying out activities in the field of mineral resources utilization are analyzed. Principal directions of intangible assets of MRMC enterprises record keeping, evaluation and use are suggested on the basis of gained world experience.