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A. Sohrabi
A. Sohrabi
Postgraduate student
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Postgraduate student
Saint-Petersburg Mining University


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Structural model and tectonic evolution of the fault system in the Southern part of the Khur area, Central Iran

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In the southern part of the Khur area, there is faults system with predominantly North-West strike. This network of tectonic disturbances is one of the most important fault systems in Central Iran which crosses Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, Cretaceous limestones, and Eocene volcanic rocks. Interpretation of satellite imagery ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus, Landsat) and field observations showed the presence of left-lateral shifts along with fault system. This formed the structure of the branch faults at the northeast end of the main fault. Another feature associated with shear dislocations is the rotation of blocks in the northeastern and southwestern segments of the area under study. There are several basins and positive structures within the area such as a series of uplifts and thrusts, indicating the presence of compressional and extensional tectonics. Another part of the work is devoted to the study of the correlation between active faults and earthquakes. Processing of satellite images, field observations, records of micro-earthquakes within a radius of 17 km made it possible to analyze the earthquakes parameters and the position of tectonic disturbances, and, as a result, confirm the presence of active faults in the region. In addition, we have identified three successive stages of the Khur area tectonics: rifting, contraction, change of convergence and uplift direction.

How to cite: Sohrabi A., Nadimi A., Talovina I.V., Safaei H. Structural model and tectonic evolution of the fault system in the Southern part of the Khur area, Central Iran // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 236. p. 142-152. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.2.142