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rescue station

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive studies of the snow-firn layer in the area of the Russian Antarctic Vostok Station

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The article presents the findings from research conducted at Vostok Station during the 69th Russian Antarctic expedition. The primary goal of the research is to perform a thorough investigation of the snow-firn layer using both direct (drilling and core analysis) and indirect (georadiolocation and seismic exploration) methods. As part of the research, fundamental tasks related to the study of the structure and dynamics of the upper part of the ice sheet were addressed, as well as applied tasks aimed at justifying the depth of explosive charge placement for seismic work with the goal of conducting a detailed study of Lake Vostok and selecting the point for drilling access to the lake. Data on the microstructure and physical properties of the snow-firn layer were collected. The findings will allow for future improvements to the firn densification model, which is required to understand the evolution of ice grains during the early stages of metamorphism. The study's findings aided in the understanding of the structural features of the ice sheet's surface layer, allowing for more precise determination of the structural and physical characteristics of the snow-firn layer and ice, potentially leading to a better understanding of climatic and geological processes in Antarctica.

How to cite: Bolshunov A.V., Ignatev S.A., Gorelik G.D., Krikun N.S., Vasilev D.A., Rakitin I.V., Shadrin V.S. Comprehensive studies of the snow-firn layer in the area of the Russian Antarctic Vostok Station // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN KBAZNU
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Results of complex experimental studies at Vostok station in Antarctica

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Scientific research in the area close to the Russian Antarctic station Vostok has been carried out since its founding on December 16, 1957. The relevance of work to study the region is steadily increasing, which is confirmed by the Strategy for the Development of Activities of the Russian Federation in the Antarctica until 2030. As part of the Strategy implementation, Saint Petersburg Mining University solves the comprehensive study issues of the Vostok station area, including the subglacial Lake Vostok, related to the development of modern technologies and technical means for drilling glaciers and underlying rocks, opening subglacial reservoirs, sampling water and bottom sediments, as well as carrying out comprehensive geological and geophysical research. For the successful implementation of the Strategy, at each stage of the work it is necessary to identify and develop interdisciplinary connections while complying with the requirements for minimizing the impact on the environment. During the season of the 68th Russian Antarctic Expedition, the staff of the Mining University, along with the current research works , began research of the dynamic interactions between the forces of the Earth, from the deepest depths to the surface glacier. Drilling and research programs have been completed. The drilling program was implemented jointly with colleagues from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute at the drilling complex of the 5G well. The research program included: shallow seismic studies, core drilling of snow-firn strata, study of the snow-firn strata petrostructural features, studies of cuttings collection filters effectiveness when drilling snow-firn strata and the process of ice destruction in a reciprocating rotational method, bench testing of an acoustic scanner. As a result of drilling in 5G well at the depth range of 3453.37-3534.43 m, an ice core more than 1 million years old was obtained.

How to cite: Bolshunov A.V., Vasilev D.A., Dmitriev A.N., Ignatev S.A., Kadochnikov V.G., Krikun N.S., Serbin D.V., Shadrin V.S. Results of complex experimental studies at Vostok station in Antarctica // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 724-741. EDN WQNJET
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Thermal protection implementation of the contact overheadline based on bay controllers of electric transport traction substations in the mining industry

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The article presents the principle of thermal protection of the contact overheadlineand substantiates the possibility of practical implementation of this principle for rail electric transport in the mining industry. The algorithm for the implementation of modern digital protection of the contact overhead line as one of the functions of the controller is described. A mathematical model of thermal protection is proposed, which follows from the solution of the heat balance equation. The model takes into account the coefficient of the electrical networktopology, as well as the coefficient of consumption of the current-carrying core of the cable, which determines the reduction in the conducting section from contact erosion and the growth of oxide films. Corrections for air flows are introduced when receiving data from an external anemometer, via telemechanics protocol. The mathematical model was tested by writing a real thermal protection program in the C programming language for the bay controller, based on the circuitry of which is the STM32F407IGT6 microcontroller for the microcontroller unit. Verification tests were carried out on a serial bay controller in 2020. The graphs for comparing the calculated and actual values of temperatures, with different flow rates of the current-carrying conductor of the DC cable, are given. To obtain data, telemechanics protocols IEC 60870-104 and Modbus TCP, PLC Segnetics SMH4 were used.

How to cite: Lantsev D.Y., Frolov V.Y., Zverev S.G., Uhrlandt D., Valenta J. Thermal protection implementation of the contact overheadline based on bay controllers of electric transport traction substations in the mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 251. p. 738-744. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.5.13
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Analysis of technological schemes for creating a geodetic control at the industrial site

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The article highlights the issues of creating with the necessary accuracy a planned control on the industrial site of the engineering structures under construction using satellite technologies and total stations. Depending on the design features of the engineering structures under construction, as well as the technological scheme for the installation of building constructions and industrial equipment, various schemes for creating such control are considered, based on the application of the inverse linear-angular notch. Errors in the source data are one of the main errors that affect the accuracy of geodetic constructions, including the solution of the inverse linear-angular notch. When creating a geodetic network in several stages, the errors of the initial data of the first stage affect the values of the root-mean-square errors (RMS) of determining the position of the second stage points, the errors of which affect the value of the RMS of the position of the third stage points, etc. The reason for their occurrence is the errors of geodetic measurements that occur at each stage of control creating, as well as the stability violation of the points during the production of excavation, construction and installation works. When determining the coordinates of a separate project point at the stage of its removal in-situ by a total station, the entire network is not equalized in the vast majority of cases, and the coordinates of the starting points to which the total station is oriented are considered error-free. As a result, the RMS determination of the points coordinates of the control network or the removal of the design points of the elements of building structures and equipment will also be considered satisfying the requirements, i.e. the measurement accuracy will be artificially overestimated and will not correspond to the actual one obtained. This is due to the fact that the accumulation of errors in the initial data is not taken into account when the number of steps (stages) of control creating increases. The purpose of this work is to analyze the influence of measurement errors and initial data when creating a geodetic control on an industrial site by several stages of its construction based on inverse linear-angular notches and a priori estimation of the accuracy of the determined points position.

How to cite: Ustavich G.A., Nevolin A.G., Padve V.A., Salnikov V.G., Nikonov A.V. Analysis of technological schemes for creating a geodetic control at the industrial site // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 249. p. 366-376. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.3.5
Oil and gas
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Application of the resonant energy separation effect at natural gas reduction points in order to improve the energy efficiency of the gas distribution system

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Maintaining the gas temperature and the formation of gas hydrates is one of the main problems in the operation of gas pipelines. Development and implementation of new effective methods for heating the gas during gas reduction will reduce the cost of gas transportation, solve the problem of resource and energy saving in the fuel industry. Study is aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the natural gas reduction process by using a resonant gas heater to maintain the set temperature at the outlet of the gas distribution station (GDS) and prevent possible hydrate formation and icing of the station equipment. Paper considers the implementation of fireless heating of natural gas and fuel gas savings of heaters due to the introduction of a thermoacoustic reducer, operating on the basis of the Hartmann – Sprenger resonance effect, into the scheme of the reduction unit. By analyzing the existing methods of energy separation and numerical modeling, the effectiveness of the resonant-type energy separation device is substantiated. Modification of the reduction unit by introducing energy separating devices into it will allow general or partial heating of natural gas by its own pressure energy. Developed technology will allow partial (in the future, complete) replacement of heat energy generation at a gas distribution station by burning natural gas.

How to cite: Schipachev A.M., Dmitrieva A.S. Application of the resonant energy separation effect at natural gas reduction points in order to improve the energy efficiency of the gas distribution system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 248. p. 253-259. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.2.9
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Application of automation systems for monitoring and energy efficiency accounting indicators of mining enterprises compressor facility operation

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The balance of electricity consumption a significant part is occupied by the production of compressed air at the mining enterprises. Many compressor stations of enterprises are equipped with automated parameter management systems that allow reliable, uninterrupted and safe operation of the compressor facilities. But the majority of automation systems at compressor stations do not perform the function of monitoring the energy efficiency indicators of the operation of a compressor station. The article discusses the issue of including compressed air flow sensors (flow meters) in an automated control system of a compressor station, which allows you to control the production of compressed air and the consumption of electrical energy for its production. Monitoring and recording of these parameters makes it possible, using microprocessor technology, to control one of the main indicators of energy efficiency – the specific energy consumption for producing one cubic meter of compressed air, determine how efficiently the compressor station works, and take appropriate measures to reduce specific energy consumption in time. . The use of additional functions of automated control and monitoring systems will allow the development and application of energy-saving measures aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the enterprise, which will lead to a reduction in the cost of finished products and increase their competitiveness

How to cite: Ugolnikov A.V., Makarov N.V. Application of automation systems for monitoring and energy efficiency accounting indicators of mining enterprises compressor facility operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 236. p. 245-248. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.2.245
Metallurgy and concentration
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Comparative analysis of zincand tin oxidation with acids at room temperatures

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The paper analyses the parameters of deep oxidation of zinc and tin by copper (II) compounds and molecular iodine in the presence of molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, as second oxidizers working synchronously with them in various media (aqueous, aqueous-organic and organic) with the participation of mineral and carboxylic acids close to room temperature. The contribution of the reactivity of the metal to its rate of consumption, especially the average, is often much less than the contribution associated with the release characteristics of the working surface, determined by the rates of accumulation of surface deposits of metal oxidation products, their strength and adhesion characteristics their destruction and shifting into the bulk phase.

How to cite: Pozhidaeva S.D., Ageeva L.S., Ivanov A.M. Comparative analysis of zincand tin oxidation with acids at room temperatures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 38-46. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.38
Oil and gas
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Possibilities of open eruption elimination by drilling tools

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The most important raw materials for different industries are oil and natural gas. With increasing consumption, the demand for drilling and the quality of production increases. Therefore, the exploration and production of hydrocarbons requires not only first-class machinery and technological equipment, but also qualified personnel. Exploration and drilling, production of hydrocarbons, like any other industry, cannot avoid accidents, emergencies and catastrophes. The worst type of well accident is undoubtedly an open eruption of the extracted crude oil. Open eruption can lead to serious injuries to the rig personnel, damage and destruction of equipment, negative environmental impact and loss of crude oil. Exploratory drilling can cause the rise of pressure and its subsequent manifestations. During the first deep drilling, there may not be enough information about the drilled horizons. If the reservoir pressure in the production horizon is higher than the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the well (for example, drilling mud), the formation fluids flow into the well and move towards the surface, which causes open eruption. The rig personnel must be properly trained to be able to recognize the occurrence of rising pressure by various signs and to respond effectively to the situation. Sometimes, under the influence of the human factor or equipment failure, open eruption still occurs. The article discusses the possibilities of eliminating open eruptions with drilling tools.

How to cite: Bujok P., Klempa M., Jakubcik M., Ryba J., Porzer M. Possibilities of open eruption elimination by drilling tools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 234. p. 624-629. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.6.624
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Mathematical model of heat exchange processes for heat ptotective cooling suit of a rescuer

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Fires are followed by the range of factors hazardous for human health; a radiant thermal stream accompanied by the high temperature of the environment is one of these factors. For protection of firemen special protective clothing from heat impact and the insulation type clothing are used. The paper demonstrates that the concept of action of such clothing is based on the passive heat protection owing to the use of materials with low conducting capacity or high specific heat. The time of effective protection of a suit is not considerable which reduces the duration of work under the unfavorable climatic conditions drastically, increases the work labor input, leads to the hyperthermia. One of the ways focused on the improvement of the heat protective clothing is a design of suits with cooling, which is stated in the paper. The paper shows that the developed heat protective suits on the basis of water-ice cooling elements are not widely used due to considerable costs. A more reasonable idea refers to the design of heat protective suits with cooling by using running water as the most available coolant circulating along polyvinylchloride pipes arranged between the layers of a suit.

How to cite: Alabev V.R., Zavyalov G.V. Mathematical model of heat exchange processes for heat ptotective cooling suit of a rescuer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 231. p. 326-332. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.3.326
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Investigation of present-day stress-strain state of rock mass by the results of observations at geodynamic polygons

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The methods are suggested for treatment of the results of optical distance and levelling measurements at the underground geodynamic polygons involving in their calculation the tensors of additional stresses and deformations, component of rotation and specific energy of deformability. As an example, consideration is given to changes in time of movements, deformations and specific energy of deformability at one of geodynamic polygons of the Kola peninsular.

How to cite: Savchenko S.N., Kasparyan E.V., Smagina Y.G. Investigation of present-day stress-strain state of rock mass by the results of observations at geodynamic polygons // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 112-116.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Support of geodynamic safety in mining of the Khibini deposits

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The paper deals with the problems of geodynamics in mining of the Khibini deposits. Description is given to the complex of organizational-technical arrangements for provision of geodynamic safety at the Apatit Co and to principal trends of its development.

How to cite: Shaposhnikov Y.P., Zvonar A.Y., Mozhaev S.A., Akkuratov M.V. Support of geodynamic safety in mining of the Khibini deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 104-108.
Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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The intense-deformed condition of construction of underground station complex under influence of piles foundation

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The intense-deformed condition of one of station complexes of the Saint Petersburg underground testing mutual influence from a trading-entertaining complex located over it is considered.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A., Demenkov P.A., Ochnev V.N. The intense-deformed condition of construction of underground station complex under influence of piles foundation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 235-239.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Geomechanical problems in the forecast of stress-strain state of underground stations of the metro at a great depth

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Forecast of stress and strain state of deep underground metro stations is considered in this article. A complex approach to study of static work of the metro stations including the in situ testing at different stages of their construction and numerical modeling with finite element method is shown.

How to cite: Demenkov P.A., Dolgiy I.E., Ochkurov V.I. Geomechanical problems in the forecast of stress-strain state of underground stations of the metro at a great depth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 76-80.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Numerical modelling of the lining stress stateof column stations without lateral platforms

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Geomechanical forecast of stress-strain state of deep underground subway station is considered. Static work of structures of subway station based on complex approach is shown, including in situ testing and numerical modelling (finite elements method) during different stages of construction.

How to cite: Petrov D.N., Demenkov P.A., Potemkin D.A. Numerical modelling of the lining stress stateof column stations without lateral platforms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 166-170.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Assessment the effectiveness of energy consumption in the enterprises of the main transport of gas

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This study proposed a new comprehensive approach to assessing energy efficiency in the enterprises of the main transport of gas, which allows you to explore in detail the consumption of energy resources of each equipment, consumption of resources in technological operations and the creation of favorable conditions, to assess the state of accounting systems and the organization works to improve the efficiency use of energy.

How to cite: Konoplev T.F. Assessment the effectiveness of energy consumption in the enterprises of the main transport of gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 138-143.