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Yu. P. Shaposhnikov
Yu. P. Shaposhnikov
director of the Kirovsk branch of FosAgro AG Co., general director of apatit Co
Apatit Co.
director of the Kirovsk branch of FosAgro AG Co., general director of apatit Co
Apatit Co.


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Support of geodynamic safety in mining of the Khibini deposits

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The paper deals with the problems of geodynamics in mining of the Khibini deposits. Description is given to the complex of organizational-technical arrangements for provision of geodynamic safety at the Apatit Co and to principal trends of its development.

How to cite: Shaposhnikov Y.P., Zvonar A.Y., Mozhaev S.A., Akkuratov M.V. Support of geodynamic safety in mining of the Khibini deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 104-108.