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parametric synthesis

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Development of equipment and improvement of technology for inertial thickening of backfill hydraulic mixtures at the final stages of transportation

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The results of the study of the functioning of the developed thickening equipment as part of the stowing complex for the formation of a flow of high-concentration hydromixture are presented. To explain the operation of the hydrotransport system of the stowing complex, equipped with a thickener of the developed design, its basic diagram is presented. A mathematical model has been created that describes the mechanism of inertial sedimentation of a solid component of a hydraulic mixture in a working chamber equipped with hydrodynamic profiles. Interaction with the profile leads to flow stratification due to a change in the trajectory of movement and a decrease in speed. The interval of rational velocity of primary pulp entering the input of the working chamber of the inertial thickener is substantiated. The synthesis of solutions of the thickening process model is performed in the COMSOL Multiphysics and Ansys Fluent programs. This made it possible to eliminate physical contradictions in the operation of the equipment and justify the overall dimensions of its main elements, ensuring the implementation of the mechanism of inertial sedimentation of the slurry. It was found that the concentration of the thickened flow at the outlet branch pipe of the thickener working chamber is determined by the level of the primary hydraulic fluid velocity, the characteristic length of the section of interaction with the deflecting profile, and the ratio of the flow and attack angles. A nomogram of the dynamics of the change in the hydraulic fluid concentration in the section of the outlet branch pipe depending on the ratios of the overall dimensions of the deflecting profile of the working chamber was compiled. The results of the study allowed formulating recommendations for selecting the dimensions of the thickener's deflecting hydrodynamic profile to form a flow of hydraulic mixture with a concentration of about 50 % by weight. The developed equipment can be used in a stowage complex and will increase the range of supply of the stowage mixture. This is due to the fact that a flow of primary slurry with a low concentration, due to lower pressure losses, can be moved in a pipeline system over a greater distance than a flow with a high filler content. The use of a thickener at the final stage of transportation is intended to increase the concentration of the hydraulic mixture immediately before production.

How to cite: Volchikhina A.A., Vasilyeva M.A. Development of equipment and improvement of technology for inertial thickening of backfill hydraulic mixtures at the final stages of transportation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 168-180. EDN MDHQZT
Modern Trends in Hydrocarbon Resources Development
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Improving the energy-efficiency of small-scale methanol production through the use of microturboexpander units

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The issue of improving the energy-efficiency of container-based gas chemical plants for methanol production in field conditions is considered. The relevance of the direction is determined by the necessity for development of remote Arctic hydrocarbon fields. The object of research is energy-efficient conversion of waste gases energy and surplus thermal energy in small-scale system of methanol production using technology of synthesis gas generation by non-catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas. Approaches to the design and analysis of structural solutions for microturboexpander units are considered. A technique combining traditional approaches to the calculation of equipment and modeling by the finite element method in ANSYS is proposed. The developed methodology facilitates calculation of design parameters for microturboexpanders and allows taking into account peculiarities of working medium, thermobaric conditions and gas flow characteristics.

How to cite: Kuzmin A.М., Buslaev G.V., Morenov V.A., Tseneva S.N., Gavrilov N.A. Improving the energy-efficiency of small-scale methanol production through the use of microturboexpander units // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 258. p. 1038-1049. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.104
Metallurgy and concentration
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Features of obtaining metallurgical products in the solid-state hydride synthesis conditions

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A scientific substantiation of solid-phase feedstock choice and preparation has been carried out, and the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of solid-state hydride synthesis (SHS) of metal products have been analyzed using the nickel dichloride reduction as an example. The preliminary dehydration modes and methods for controlling the complete removal of crystalline water from chloride raw materials and Olenegorsk superconcentrate, which is natural oxide raw material, are described. Conditions, including initial solid chloride particle sizes, are established under which diffusion complications of reduction to metal in methyldichlorosilane vapor are minimized. Thermodynamic estimates of nickel chlorides and oxides reduction possibility, iron and copper with ammonia and methane at temperatures of 400-1000 K in equilibrium conditions have been carried out. It has been shown that the stoichiometric coefficients of the nickel dichloride in ammonia overall reduction reaction calculated by thermodynamic modeling are in agreement with experimental data. In contrast to the copper dichloride reduction, for nickel dichloride the formation of metal monochloride at the intermediate stage is uncharacteristic, which is associated with a higher thermal stability of nickel dichloride. The main kinetic regularities of the reduction of nickel, copper, and iron to metal under SHS conditions in ammonia, monosilane, and methane, as well as the nickel dichloride with methyldichlorosilane vapor and methane successive reduction, are considered. Approximation of experimental data by topochemical equations in a linear form showed that for reduction degrees a up to 0.7-0.8, these data are satisfactorily described by the Roginsky – Schultz equation. For a > 0,8 the “shrinking sphere” model works better, which confirms the localization of the solid-state reduction reaction at the interface, moves deep into the crystal with the formation of a of interlocked metal germs. The importance and prospects of the results obtained for the theory development of metallurgical processes, deep complex processing of natural iron oxide raw materials, metal products and new generation materials production, including superhydrophobic ones, are discussed. The relevance of the study from the point of view of applying the method of physical and chemical analysis to the study of complex heterogeneous metallurgical processes is noted.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Yachmenova L.A. Features of obtaining metallurgical products in the solid-state hydride synthesis conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 256. p. 651-662. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.25
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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On the possibility of reducing man-made burden on benthic biotic communities when mining solid minerals using technical means of various designs

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The paper analyses features of the species composition and diversity of biotic communities living within the ferromanganese nodule fields (the Clarion-Clipperton field), cobalt-manganese crusts (the Magellan Seamounts) and deep-sea polymetallic sulphides (the Ashadze-1, Ashadze-2, Logatchev and Krasnov fields) in the Russian exploration areas of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Prospects of mining solid minerals of the world’s oceans with the least possible damage to the marine ecosystems are considered that cover formation of the sediment plumes and roiling of significant volumes of water as a result of collecting the minerals as well as conservation of the hydrothermal fauna and microbiota, including in the impact zone of high temperature hydrothermal vents. Different concepts and layout options for deep-water mining complexes (the Indian and Japanese concepts as well as those of the Nautilus Minerals and Saint Petersburg Mining University) are examined with respect to their operational efficiency. The main types of mechanisms that are part of the complexes are identified and assessed based on the defined priorities that include the ecological aspect, i.e. the impact on the seabed environment; manufacturing and operating costs; and specific energy consumption, i.e. the technical and economic indicators. The presented morphological analysis gave grounds to justify the layout of a deep-sea minerals collecting unit, i.e. a device with suction chambers and a grip arm walking gear, selected based on the environmental key priority. Pilot experimental studies of physical and mechanical properties of cobalt-manganese crust samples were performed through application of bilateral axial force using spherical balls (indenters) and producing a rock strength passport to assess further results of the experimental studies. Experimental destructive tests of the cobalt-manganese crust by impact and cutting were carried out to determine the impact load and axial cutting force required for implementation of the collecting system that uses a clamshell-type effector with a built-in impactor.

How to cite: Sudarikov S.M., Yungmeister D.A., Korolev R.I., Petrov V.A. On the possibility of reducing man-made burden on benthic biotic communities when mining solid minerals using technical means of various designs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 253. p. 82-96. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.14
Metallurgy and concentration
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Effect of Temperature on Solid-state Hydride Metal Synthesis According to Thermodynamic Modeling

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Thermodynamic modeling of the reduction of copper dichloride in the media of various gaseous hydrides (ammonia, monosilane, methane) in the temperature range 273-1000 K was carried out. Calculations show that in narrower temperature ranges corresponding to the reactions of solid-state hydride synthesis (SHS) of metal sub- stances metal formation is usually supported by theoretical propositions. As a result of thermodynamic modeling, a principal result was obtained on the suppression of competing processes of nitriding, siliconizing and carbonization of metal under SHS conditions, which is important for metallurgical production. This additionally substantiates the correctness of previous experimental studies of SHS metals with modified surface and improved properties. By mod- eling, it was found that the reduction of solid copper dichloride to metal in ammonia or methane occurs stepwise (se- quentially, according to the Baykov rule) through the intermediate stages of the formation of a compound of low- valent copper – copper (I)chloride.

How to cite: Slobodov A.A., Syrkov A.G., Yachmenova L.A., Kushchenko A.N., Prokopchuk N.R., Kavun V.S. Effect of Temperature on Solid-state Hydride Metal Synthesis According to Thermodynamic Modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 239. p. 550-555. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.5.550
Metallurgy and concentration
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Obtaining intermetallic compounds in Al–Ti–Zn system

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Binary intermetallic compounds – titanium aluminides (TiAl, Ti 3 Al) – when added to the alloys, significantly increase their strength and special properties. The most promising direction to produce intermetallic compounds are mechanochemical technologies, including mechanical alloy building. Mechanical alloying makes it possible to introduce much smaller particles into the metal matrix than can be achieved using standard powder metallurgy technologies. In addition to mechanical synthesis, aluminum-based intermetallic compounds were produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) of solid chemical compounds. The synthesis was carried out according to a multistage scheme: preparation of titanium and aluminum powder, mixing; synthesis of the Al 3 Ti intermetallic compound by the SHS method in vacuum followed by mechanical activation of stoichiometric charges. The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of the development of nanodispersed phases in the process of synthesis during mechanical alloying. The power absorbed by the unit mass of the material for different processing times of the charge was calculated. When the level of the specific power (dose) of mechanical treatment was 3.5 kJ/g, the maximum content of intermetallic compound in the resulting material was achieved. Based on calculations and the data obtained during X-ray phase analysis, the dependence of the change in the content of ternary intermetallic compounds in the final product on the absorbed power was determined. As a result of the studies using raster electron microscopy and X-ray analysis, it was found that mechanical alloying of nanostructured intermetallic compounds Ti 4 ZnAl 11 and Ti 25 Zn 9 Al 66 with the size of nanodisperse phases less than 12 nm in the Al–Ti–Zn system, the weight ratio of proportion of the latter reaches 74 %.

How to cite: Kaminskii V.V., Petrovich S.Y., Lipin V.A. Obtaining intermetallic compounds in Al–Ti–Zn system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 233. p. 512-517. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.5.512
Metallurgy and concentration
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About the role of hydrafed calcium carboaluminates in improving the technology of complex processing of nephelines

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The scientific justification and development of the method for industrial synthesis of complex aluminates of alkaline earth metals is an innovative solution that determined several directions in the development of technology for complex processing of nepheline raw materials. It ensures the production of high-quality metallurgical alumina, the effective utilization of nepheline sludge and production of new types of multipurpose by-products. The modern development of these technical solutions is associated with ensuring the energy efficiency of the synthesis of hydrafed calcium carboaluminates (HCCA) and increasing the level of purification of aluminate solutions. The conditions for synthesizing HCCA with the use of calcareous materials of natural and technogenic origin have been experimentally determined, which makes it possible to isolate the average particle diameter as one of the determining factors of this process. The effect of the turnover of the hydrogarnet sludge on the removal of kinetic limitations in the process of deep desalination of aluminous solutions is theoretically justified. The conditions of a two-stage dosage of HCCA are experimentally determined. It is shown that the optimum ratio of the amount of the reagent supplied in the first and second stages is about 3: 2. At the same time, the maximum degree of precipitation of silica provides the production of aluminate solutions with a silicon module at the level of 95,000, which is achieved by using a HCCA synthesized based on chemically precipitated calcium carbonate in the processing of wastes from the production of mineral fertilizers.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Brichkin V.N. About the role of hydrafed calcium carboaluminates in improving the technology of complex processing of nephelines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 231. p. 292-298. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.3.292
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Technological problems and fundamental principles of methods of engineering-geocryological exploration during construction and exploitation of wells in permafrost rock mass

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The article describes peculiarities and complicating factors when constructing wells in cryolithic zones. It also presents fundamental principles of methods of pilot parametric drilling for complex exploration of engineering-geocryological conditions of multiple-well gas production platforms. The article describes peculiarities of geophysical examinations within the complex of parametric drilling for clarification and correlation of log sheet, and identifying non-commercial gas reservoirs and interpermafrost head oil-filed water horizons in permafrost rock mass. We defined main ecological issues of parametric drilling and presented potential environment pollutants from well drilling in cryolithic zones. It concludes a list of factors, which should be considered during gas well drilling in northern zones for meeting the «safety – sustainability – low waste» criteria.

How to cite: Cherkai Z.N., Gridina E.B. Technological problems and fundamental principles of methods of engineering-geocryological exploration during construction and exploitation of wells in permafrost rock mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 223. p. 82-85. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.1.82
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Phase transformations in synthesis technologies and sorption properties of zeolites from coal fly ash

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Coal fly ash is generated in the course of combustion of coal at thermal power plants. Environmental problems increase sharply without disposing that industrial waste. Technologies were tested of hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from fly ash forming during combustion of coal at thermal power plants of the Pechora coal basin and dependences were identified of the experiment conditions on physical and chemical properties of the end product. It is demonstrated that synthesizing zeolites from fly ash is the first stage of forming ceramic materials (ceramic membranes), which defines the fundamental character (importance) of that area of studies. It was for the first time that sorption and structural characteristics and cation-exchange properties of fly ash from the Pechora basin coals were studied with respect to, Ba 2+ and Sr 2+ .

How to cite: Kotova O.B., Shabalin I.L., Kotova E.L. Phase transformations in synthesis technologies and sorption properties of zeolites from coal fly ash // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 526-531. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.526
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Method of controlling the temperature field on the basis of the Green's function

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At the present stage of development of automatic control systems raises the question of maintaining the set temperature objects. The authors developed MetO-wild synthesis of nonlinear regulators to stabilize the temperature field, a uniform object of management on the basis of a given error. We obtained a function of the initial heating and the mathematical modeling of the process, analyzed the results. By creating a regulator there has been designed software and hardware programming language Pascal, which allows to simulate the behavior of temperature fields in an isotropic web. It is a simulation of the temperature of the system in different configurations: with different amounts of pulsed heating sources with relay control principle. Practical results of the research suggest the possibility of constructing silicon carbide heating element made in the form of an isotropic core.

How to cite: Ilyushin Y.V., Pershin I.M. Method of controlling the temperature field on the basis of the Green’s function // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 214. p. 57-70.