Effect of Temperature on Solid-state Hydride Metal Synthesis According to Thermodynamic Modeling
- 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology
- 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 3 — Postgraduate student Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 4 — Postgraduate student Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 5 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Belarusian State Technological University
- 6 — Stagier LUT-University
Thermodynamic modeling of the reduction of copper dichloride in the media of various gaseous hydrides (ammonia, monosilane, methane) in the temperature range 273-1000 K was carried out. Calculations show that in narrower temperature ranges corresponding to the reactions of solid-state hydride synthesis (SHS) of metal sub- stances metal formation is usually supported by theoretical propositions. As a result of thermodynamic modeling, a principal result was obtained on the suppression of competing processes of nitriding, siliconizing and carbonization of metal under SHS conditions, which is important for metallurgical production. This additionally substantiates the correctness of previous experimental studies of SHS metals with modified surface and improved properties. By mod- eling, it was found that the reduction of solid copper dichloride to metal in ammonia or methane occurs stepwise (se- quentially, according to the Baykov rule) through the intermediate stages of the formation of a compound of low- valent copper – copper (I)chloride.
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