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Vol 238

Vol 237
Oil and gas
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Increase in Intake Capacity by Dynamic Operation of Injection Wells

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The method of pumping water to compensate for fluid withdrawals from an oil formation in order to maintain formation pressure has long established itself as an effective technology and is widely used at oil and gas fields. At the same time, field operator is often faced with the problem of reduction in the intake capacity of injection wells, which may be caused by various complications arising in the near-wellbore area due to a violation of water treatment technology or other factors. This problem is typical for reservoirs with low permeability values, which leads to a decrease in the performance indicators of the formation pressure maintenance system. In order to counter contamination of the bottomhole zone of the well, as a rule, injection of specialized acid compositions for the purpose of cleaning is used. To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, the authors of the article propose to discharge the injection well at the maximum permissible speeds. This event will allow primary cleaning of the bottomhole zone of the formation from moving particles clogging the pore space, and reduce formation pressure in the vicinity of the injection well, which will subsequently improve the intake capacity of the well during treatment with acid compositions. The decrease in formation pressure in the bottomhole zone of the well also has a positive effect on the radius of acid penetration into the formation. The proposed approach has been successfully tested on a number of injection wells at one of «Gazprom Neft» enterprises. The results of pilot operations showed an increase in the quality of cleaning the bottomhole zone of the formation and an increase in the intake capacity of injection wells with subsequent preservation of intake dynamics.

How to cite: Belonogov E.V., Korovin A.Y., Yakovlev A.A. Increase in Intake Capacity by Dynamic Operation of Injection Wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 405. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.405
Oil and gas
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Estimate of Radial Drilling Technology Efficiency for the Bashkir Operational Oilfields Objects of Perm Krai

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The radial drilling technology efficiency for carbonate bashkir deposits of Perm Krai is considered. The geological structure of a productive part of bashkir layer is characterized by high degree of heterogeneity that promotes while drilling radial channels involvement in development additional interlayers that earlier was not drained. During the analysis the main geological process parameters affecting drilling technology efficiency were revealed. According to the dynamics of average daily oil production growth, palettes were built to forecast additional oil production as a result of radial drilling activities. Using the pallets, it is possible to predict the total additional oil production, well operating time with the effect of radial drilling and average daily oil production growth for each year. It was found that hydrochloric acid treatments performed on wells prior to radial drilling significantly reduce the effectiveness of radial drilling technology. For such wells, the value of the correction is statistically substantiated, which reduces the predictive estimate of the increase in oil production. A model was built to assess the increase in oil production in the first year after the event and an algorithm for calculating the total additional oil production was developed using linear discriminant analysis. For the resulting model, errors are calculated that are compared with the forecast efficiency of standard methods for oil-producing enterprises. This model shows a much more accurate correspondence of forecast results to actual technology application results. The probability of the event high efficiency increases significantly with a more detailed approach to the selection of wells for radial drilling. According to the forecast methodology, the technology’s efficiency was calculated and recommendations for its implementation for the wells of the Bashkir production objects were made in the interests of an oil-producing enterprise.

How to cite: Galkin S.V., Kochnev A.A., Zotikov V.I. Estimate of Radial Drilling Technology Efficiency for the Bashkir Operational Oilfields Objects of Perm Krai // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 410. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.410
Oil and gas
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Efficiency Estimation of the Single- and Multicomponent Anti-hydrate Reagents

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Different types of technological and technical problems in the oil, gas and chemical industries are connected with the hydrate formation process and with the using of anti-hydrate chemicals. That is why, it is necessary to estimate thermobaric ranges within which reagents does not let hydrate to grow or is their dissociation. Also, to estimate anti-hydrate influence we need to determine the chemicals’ anti-hydrate efficiency and chose the best one. They make the reagents consisting of several chemical components depending on the purpose of their application – for prevention of formation and (or) elimination of hydrates. It demands calculations of the optimum concentration and expenses and also the intensity (speed) of hydrates dissociation causing with the reagents. The analytical method of the anti-hydrate chemical reagents efficiency determination containing one or several components from different classes of chemical compounds – alcohols, salts, acids, compounds of nitrogen and oxygen – is presented in this paper. With its help it is possible to define decrease in temperature of hydrate formation from reagents influence, to count key parameters of reagents anti-hydrate efficiency depending on component compositions of hydrate gas and a phase condition of a hydrate-gas system, to select types of chemical components and their quantity in multicomponent reagents, i.e., to make new compounds. The method can be used for express assessment of anti-hydrate chemical reagents efficiency on criteria sign for practical application in oil, gas and processing industry.

How to cite: Shostak N.A., Zaporozhets E.P. Efficiency Estimation of the Single- and Multicomponent Anti-hydrate Reagents // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 423. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.423
Oil and gas
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Spatial Models Developed Using Laser Scanning at Gas Condensate Fields in the Northern Construction-Climatic Zone

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Wide exploration and industrial exploitation of hydrocarbon fields in Yamal Peninsula pose in front of construction and mining companies critical problems of efficient construction at constantly evolving fields taking into account climatic and geocryological conditions of their location. Yamal Peninsula is characterized by unstable soils, the mobility of which has a substantial impact on the changes in spatial arrangement of field facilities, not only in the direct process of construction, but also during their scale-up and equipment overhaul. The paper examines implementation of 3D spatial arrangement modelling of industrial facilities into the process of construction and installation works at hydrocarbon fields in the northern construction-climatic zone. The purpose of implementing this method combined with 3D spatial modelling of equipment connections lies in reliability and safety enhancement of the facilities throughout their entire lifespan. Authors analyze statement and solution of the problem associated with alignment and installation of prefabricated equipment and pipelines, taking into account advanced technologies of 3D design and modelling. The study examines a 3D spatial model with the elements of equipment connection geometry; the model is related to existing production facilities at the field. Authors perform an analysis and in mathematical terms formulate the problem of optimal spatial arrangement for such models. The paper focuses on typical deviations, occurring in the installation process of constructions and connection facilities, their spatial arrangement is modelled. Possible solutions are offered, as well as an algorithm of their implementation at an operating field.

How to cite: Menshikov S.N., Dzhaljabov A.A., Vasiliev G.G., Leonovich I.A., Ermilov O.M. Spatial Models Developed Using Laser Scanning at Gas Condensate Fields in the Northern Construction-Climatic Zone // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 430. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.430
Oil and gas
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Stimulation of the Drilling Process with the Top Driven Screw Downhole Motor

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Paper considers application of the top driven screw downhole motor during drilling of directional wells. The advantages and disadvantages of the rotation-sliding technology with implementation of top drive together with screw downhole motor are shown. It has been proven that the use of a screw downhole motor with simultaneous rotation of drilling pipes using the drilling rig's top drive allows increasing the bit rotation frequency without additional loading of the drilling string. Field data for the work out of one-type PDC bits in identical geological and technical conditions with different types of drives during the construction of three directed wells at the Rumaila oil field of the Republic of Iraq were obtained. A regular increase in the mechanical penetration rate, which is explained by an increase in the bit rotation frequency, has been proved. According to the data obtained, a comparative analysis of the drilling indices was carried out, as a result of which the feasibility of joint use of top power drive with screw downhole motor at drilling oil and gas wells was proved.

How to cite: Simonyants S.L., Al Taee M. Stimulation of the Drilling Process with the Top Driven Screw Downhole Motor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 438. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.438
Oil and gas
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Calculation of Oil-saturated Sand Soils’ Heat Conductivity

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Nowadays, there are significant heavy high-viscosity oil reserves in the Russian Federation with oil recovery coefficient not higher than 0.25-0.29 even with applying modern and efficient methods of oil fields development. Thermal methods are the most promising out of the existing ways of development, main disadvantage of which is large material costs, leading to the significant rise in the cost of extracted oil. Thus, creating more efficient thermal methods and improving the existing ones, is the task of great importance in oil production. One of the promising trends in enhancing thermal methods of oil recovery is the development of bottomhole electric steam generators. Compared to the traditional methods of thermal-steam formation treatment, which involve steam injection from surface, well electrothermal devices can reduce energy losses and improve the quality of steam injected into the formation. For successful and efficient organization of oil production and rational development of high-viscosity oil fields using well electrothermal equipment, it is necessary to take into account the pattern of heat propagation, both in the reservoir and in the surrounding space, including the top and bottom. One of the main values characterizing this process is the heat conductivity λ of oil-bearing rocks.  The article describes composition of typical oil-saturated sand soils, presents studies of heat and mass transfer in oil-saturated soils, reveals the effect of various parameters on the heat conductivity of a heterogeneous system, proposes a method for calculating the heat conductivity of oil-bearing soils by sequential reduction of a multicomponent system to a two-component system and proves the validity of the proposed approach by comparing acquired calculated dependencies and experimental data.

How to cite: Sobota J., Malarev V.I., Kopteva A.V. Calculation of Oil-saturated Sand Soils’ Heat Conductivity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 443. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.443
Oil and gas
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Improving the Operation of Pump-ejector Systems at Varying Flow Rates of Associated Petroleum Gas

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Application of pump-ejector systems for the utilization of associated petroleum gas reduces the negative environmental impact of its flaring, and also allows the implementation of a promising method of water-gas stimulation of the formation, which effectively increases oil recovery. Equally feasible is the use of pump-ejector systems in the operation of oil wells with a high gas factor, low bottomhole pressures to increase production rates and increase the turnaround period. A significant change in the flow rate of associated petroleum gas over time is a serious problem for the efficient operation of pump-ejector systems for the utilization of associated petroleum gas. To ensure the rational operation of the pump-ejector system under the condition of a variable flow rate of associated petroleum gas, experimental studies of a liquid-gas ejector characteristics were carried out. The article presents the results of the research, obtained pressure-energy characteristics of the investigated jet apparatus at various values of the working stream pressure before the ejector nozzle. The possibility of adapting the operation of pump-ejector systems to changes in the flow rate of the pumped gas, regulated by the working pressure and fluid flow rate through the nozzle is revealed. To successfully change the operation of the pump-ejector system, the possibility of frequency regulation of the pump shaft's rotation at changing gas flow rates in a small range of values is considered. With a large difference in the values of the possible flow rate of associated petroleum gas, it is recommended that frequency regulation should be supplemented by periodic short-term operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the pump-ejector system when using salt solutions with a concentration that contributes to the suppression of bubble coalescence is noted.

How to cite: Drozdov A.N., Gorbyleva Y.A. Improving the Operation of Pump-ejector Systems at Varying Flow Rates of Associated Petroleum Gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 415. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.415
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Modern Mathematical Forecast Methods of Maintenance and Support Conditions for Mining Tunnel

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The research focuses on mathematical methods of mining pressure forecast to develop rational support patterns for mining tunnels and to ensure safety of mining operations. The purpose of research is to develop the methodology of applying advanced calculation methods and software solutions based on neural networks to reduce dispersion of factors influencing stability of mining tunnels, as well as to define rational parameters of mining tunnel support. The authors review the algorithm of geomechanical process examination, which is divided into several stages. First of all, it is proposed to use cluster analysis to examine location conditions of man-made outcrops, which allows to divide all the diversity of existing conditions for mining tunnel construction. Cluster analysis first allows to reduce the dispersion of factors that influence the stability of mining tunnels in various clusters, and then to determine rational parameters of tunnel support in each cluster. After the problem of cluster analysis is solved, it is proposed to use software programs that allow to study geomechanical processes in each cluster. At this stage, both standard methods (normative techniques, numerical modelling, analogies use, etc.) and the most advanced methods – neural networks – can be applied. Described algorithm of solving geomechanical problems, which utilizes advanced numerical methods and a software package based on neural networks, ensures an individual approach to estimation of mining pressure under varying conditions of man-made outcrop location in the rock mass.

How to cite: Ignatyev S.A., Sudarikov A.E., Imashev A.Z. Modern Mathematical Forecast Methods of Maintenance and Support Conditions for Mining Tunnel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 371. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.371
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Estimation Method for Vector Field Divergence of Earth Crust Deformations in the Process of Mineral Deposits Development

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An essential requirement for effective and safe deposit development is good geomechanical software. Nowadays software packages based on finite element method are used extensively to estimate stress-strain state of the rock mass. Their quality use can only be assured if boundary conditions and integral mechanical properties of the rock mass are known. In mining engineering this objective has always been achieved by means of experimental observations. The main source of information on initial and man-induced stress-strain state of the rock mass is natural measurement of displacement characteristics. Measurement of geodetic data (coordinates, heights, directions) in the period between alteration cycles allows to plot a field of displacement vectors for the points in question. Taken together, displacement vectors provide information on the objective stress-strain state of the Earth crust. Basing on it, strain tensors, displacement components, directions and rates of compression and tension can be calculated in the examined area. However, differential characteristics of any physical vector field – namely, curl and divergence – need to be taken into account. Divergence is a single value (scalar) associated with a single point. Vector field as a whole can be described with divergence scalar field. Divergence indicates the sign (positive or negative) of volume changes in the infinitesimal region of space and characterizes vector flux in the nearest proximity and in all directions from a given point. In the paper authors propose a method to estimate divergence using discrete geodetic observations of displacement occurring on the surface of examined territory. It requires construction of formulas that model vector field for any point of the area. It is proposed to use power polynomials that describe displacement in three directions (x, y, z). These formulas allow to estimate field vectors in any given point, i.e. to form vector tubes. Then areas of input and output cross-section, as well as divergence values are calculated. This increases the quality of geodetic observation and provides opportunities for more precise modeling of the rock mass disrupted by mining operations, using modern software packages.

How to cite: Mazurov B.T., Mustafin M.G., Panzhin A.A. Estimation Method for Vector Field Divergence of Earth Crust Deformations in the Process of Mineral Deposits Development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 376. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.376
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Manifestations of Acoustic Emission in Frozen Soils with Simultaneous Influence of Variable Mechanical and Thermal Effects on Them

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The subject of the research is to establish the fundamental laws of acoustic emission in frozen soils, which allow to create ways to control (monitor) their stability under the influence of variable temperature fields and quasistatic mechanical stress from engineering objects located on these grounds for various purposes. The applied importance of such methods is to increase the speed and reduce the complexity of engineering geological surveys in the northern regions of Russia, carried out with the aim of predicting the loss of stability of the bases of buildings and structures to ensure their safe operation. The study was performed on the original instrumental complex. Its description and characteristics are given. With the use of this complex, thermoacoustic emission effects arising from the repeated alternation of freezing and thawing cycles of the soil during the development of its deformed state, starting from the normal compaction phase and up to the final stage of destruction (the bulging phase), have been studied. It is shown that on the basis of such informative parameters as thermally stimulated activity and duration of acoustic emission pulses, an indicator can be obtained that quantitatively characterizes the stages of the stress-strain state of soils. An experimental dependence of the field of values of this indicator as a function of the mechanical stress and the fractional composition of the test soil is given. The qualitative convergence of this dependence with the classical soil deformation diagram obtained by N.M.Hersevanov is shown, where the stages of compaction, loss of stability (shifts) and destruction are highlighted. Possible physical mechanisms and features of the formation of an acoustic emission response at each of these stages are considered and substantiated. It is noted that the approaches to receiving, processing and interpreting acoustic emission measurement information, which are grounded within the framework of the study, allow to control and monitoring of the carrying capacity and stress-strain state of soils directly in the field.

How to cite: Novikov E.A., Shkuratnik V.I., Zaytsev M.G. Manifestations of Acoustic Emission in Frozen Soils with Simultaneous Influence of Variable Mechanical and Thermal Effects on Them // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 383. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.383
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Assessment of Rock-Burst Hazard in Deep Layer Mining at Nikolayevskoye Field

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The paper presents results of conducted research using regional and local methods of forecast and control over geomechanical state of the rock mass at burst-hazardous Nikolayevskoye field, located in a geodynamically active region. The study subject is the ore mass of  Nikolayevskoye field, characterized by man-induced and tectonic disturbances and high geodynamic activity. The aim of research was practical implementation of methods and instruments of forecast and control over geomechanical state of the burst-hazardous rock mass and safety improvement of mining operations.  Exploitation practice of burst-hazardous fields demonstrates that forecast accuracy of hazardous rock pressure demands cutting-edge multi-level systems, where local methods and tools complement regional ones. A regional forecast of rock-burst hazard at Nikolayevskoye field was performed by means of seismoacoustic method using automated control system for rock pressure (ACSRP) «Prognoz-АDS». Local forecast was carried out using «Prognoz-L» device, geophysical (sample disking) method and visual observations of dynamic pressure manifestations in the mining tunnels. Quality assessment of stress-strain and burst state of the rock mass was performed using specialized software «PRESS 3D URAL». Integration of engineering and geomechanical data in the process of conducting research guarantees a relevant assessment of rock-burst hazard in various areas of the field at various stages of its development. Practical verification of the system, where local methods and tools complement regional ones, demonstrated satisfactory results at Nikolayevskoye mining plant, which makes it recommendable for other mining facilities extracting ore at great depths under similar conditions of active geodynamic processes.

How to cite: Sidorov D.V., Potapchuk M.I., Sidlyar A.V., Kursakin G.A. Assessment of Rock-Burst Hazard in Deep Layer Mining at Nikolayevskoye Field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 392. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.392
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Engineering of Complex Structure Apatite Deposits and Excavating-Sorting Equipment for Its Implementation

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Development of Oshurkovskoye apatite deposit with conventional methods, using drilling, blasting and then processing of extracted ore by means of flotation and construction of hydraulic structures to store wet tailings, turns out to be impossible, as the reservoir is located in a special ecological zone of Transbaikal; moreover, the deposit has a complex geological structure and a low grade of valuable component in the orebody. Refinement of the mineral product occurs primarily during its processing; however, ore grade can already be controlled in the process of its extraction. Advancement of technical facilities opens up new opportunities of selective mining for complex structure deposits. The purpose of this research is to create a technology, which will upgrade the quality of mineral substance, fed to the processing plant, directly at the extraction stage. The paper proposes a technological development scheme for Oshurkovskoye deposit using an excavating-sorting complex containing a transport-sorting facility and a measuring unit for estimation of the grade in a milled rock mass; it allows to separate a rich fine fraction of substandard ore, which under conventional mining practices would have been sent to the stockpile of temporarily substandard ore. Separation of fine fractions of apatite ore in the transport-sorting facility allows to reduce dusting during production and cuts the losses of valuable component, associated with aeration of fine fractions during loading and transportation of the rock mass. Positioning of oversize material in the open trench with its subsequent selective extraction by the loading machine facilitates non-stop operation of the mining-sorting equipment, which provides an increase in the productivity of mining operations.   

How to cite: Cheban A.Y. Engineering of Complex Structure Apatite Deposits and Excavating-Sorting Equipment for Its Implementation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 399. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.399
Geoeconomics and Management
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Systemic Diagnostics of the Arctic Industry Development Strategy

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The article analyzes organizational and economic problems of the industry in the Arctic and discloses methods and tools for researching these problems. An attempt to use the method of system diagnostics is made, which has established itself as a basis for determining the development strategy of industry in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). This method allows to explore the mechanism of natural resources development in the Arctic, such as hydrocarbons and marine biological resources; as well as the organization of logistics and transport corridors for trade of goods produced in the North and in the central regions of Russia. The role, significance and content of the strategy as an essential element of the system for managing natural wealth development in the Arctic in the context of its growing importance in development of global transport corridor are revealed. Importance of a systematic approach to the development of industry in the Arctic is substantiated, it will ensure development of all investors interested in this region; will allow the state, large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses to work together for the long term. The proposed method for system diagnostics of strategizing the development of industrial potential in the AZRF can be used in the implementation of «Development Strategy for the Arctic Region» as part of roadmap realization for the Arctic region.

How to cite: Bogachev V.F., Gorenburgov M.A., Alekseeva M.B. Systemic Diagnostics of the Arctic Industry Development Strategy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 450. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.450
Geoeconomics and Management
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Methodological Approach to Substantiation of Capital Investments of Gold Fields Based on Unit Costs

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Issues of assessing capital expenditures for setting mineral deposits into operation are considered. Existing methods have a number of advantages and disadvantages, but they are determined separately for each type of fixed assets of the field. A simple method, that allows to quickly and easily determine the amount of capital costs for setting gold deposit into operation, based on data on ore reserves, as well as unit costs, taking into account the degree of infrastructure development at the deposit, is proposed. Presented methodology allows one to determine the real amount of initial capital expenditures of a gold deposit, calculate their marginal (recommended) value, and also assess the balance of capital investments in the development of a particular deposit, taking into account the existing one in the company's investment portfolio. The methodology is based on analysis of empirical material, which used real capital costs for development of gold deposits (and foreign-metal impurities) by Polymetal International plc. As a result of a statistical study, method for determining the marginal cost of a field is obtained.

How to cite: Zaitsev A.Y. Methodological Approach to Substantiation of Capital Investments of Gold Fields Based on Unit Costs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 459. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.459
Geoeconomics and Management
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Actual and Forecast Impact Assessment of Earthquakes on the Global Economic System

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Problem of strong earthquakes impact on the global economic system is considered. Geoscientists suggest that increase in Earth's seismicity is highly unlikely, but experts in economic geography say that existing facts indicate increase in seismic risk for economic systems. Using the example of an earthquake in the Tahoku region (Japan, 2011), a comprehensive assessment of economic consequences of a strong earthquake is presented as a part of analysis of three blocks of statistical information: 1) macroeconomic indicators of Japan; 2) stock market indicators; 3) industry indicators of the global economy. Results of the assessment pointed to a new feature of strong earthquakes effects in economically developed regions of the world: globalization processes are spreading regional effects of large earthquakes throughout the world economic system. To understand the magnitude of strong earthquakes problem, estimate of world economy loss from a probable earthquake near the United States, similar to Tahoku, is given. It was established that economic losses would be 2.6 times greater: a drop in the global S&P Global 1200 index would be about 15 %. The farther in time this probable earthquake protects from the Tahoku earthquake, the more globalization will increase losses.

How to cite: Skufina T.P., Baranov S.V., Samarina V.P. Actual and Forecast Impact Assessment of Earthquakes on the Global Economic System // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 465. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.465
Geoeconomics and Management
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Impact of External Factors on National Energy Security

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The article examines both external and internal threats to national energy security, formulates the tasks of increasing energy security, discloses modern challenges, as well as measures to level them. In recent years, Russian economy has felt the growing influence of external threats and risks: unfair competition in world markets, high politicization of energy issues, and attempts to prevent Russia from monetizing national energy reserves. Influence of the use of renewable energy sources on national energy security, growth of liquefied natural gas production, stricter environmental requirements, changes in the demand for petroleum products, and introduction of anti-Russian sanctions are analyzed. The influence of internal risks is no less significant: quality of hydrocarbon reserves in the Russian Federation is declining, effectiveness of geological exploration is insufficient, and the share of hard-to-recover reserves is increasing. Energy security assessments are recommended taking into account modern challenges and on the basis of parameters such as ratio of the annual increase in the balance values of primary fuel and energy resources to the volume of their production, share of natural gas in the balance structure of primary fuel and energy resources, implementation of investment programs by fuel and energy sectors, change in the specific energy intensity of GDP, prices and etc.

How to cite: Ulanov V.L., Ulanova E.Y. Impact of External Factors on National Energy Security // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 474-480. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.474