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A. N. Drozdov
A. N. Drozdov
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Modelling of compositional gradient for reservoir fluid in a gas condensate deposit with account for scattered liquid hydrocarbons

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In oil and gas reservoirs with significant hydrocarbon columns the dependency of the initial hydrocarbon composition on depth – the compositional gradient – is an important factor in assessing the initial amounts of components in place, the position of the gas-oil contact, and variations of fluid properties throughout the reservoir volume. Known models of the compositional gradient are based on thermodynamic relations assuming a quasi-equilibrium state of a multi-component hydrodynamically connected hydrocarbon system in the gravity field, taking into account the influence of the natural geothermal gradient. The corresponding algorithms allow for calculation of changes in pressure and hydrocarbon fluid composition with depth, including determination of the gas-oil contact (GOC) position. Above and below the GOC, the fluid state is considered single-phase. Many oil-gas-condensate reservoirs typically have a small initial fraction of the liquid hydrocarbon phase (LHC) – scattered oil – within the gas-saturated part of the reservoir. To account for this phenomenon, a special modification of the thermodynamic model has been proposed, and an algorithm for calculating the compositional gradient in a gas condensate reservoir with the presence of LHC has been implemented. Simulation cases modelling the characteristic compositions and conditions of three real oil-gas-condensate fields are considered. The results of the calculations using the proposed algorithm show peculiarities of variations of the LHC content and its impact on the distribution of gas condensate mixture composition with depth. The presence of LHC leads to an increase in the level and possible change in the type of the fluid contact. The character of the LHC fraction dependency on depth can be different and is governed by the dissolution of light components in the saturated liquid phase. The composition of the LHC in the gas condensate part of the reservoir changes with depth differently than in the oil zone, where the liquid phase is undersaturated with light hydrocarbons. The results of the study are significant for assessing initial amounts of hydrocarbon components and potential efficiency of their recovery in gas condensate and oil-gas-condensate reservoirs with large hydrocarbon columns.

How to cite: Kusochkova E.V., Indrupskii I.M., Surnachev D.V., Alekseeva Y.V., Drozdov A.N. Modelling of compositional gradient for reservoir fluid in a gas condensate deposit with account for scattered liquid hydrocarbons // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 904-918. EDN QBQQCT
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Tribodynamic aspects of the resource of electric submersible vane pumps for oil production

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The operation of electric submersible vane pumps for oil production is accompanied by the presence of solid particles, corrosive substances, asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits in the reservoir fluid, leading to changes in performance characteristics and equipment failures. The reduction of the resource as a result of this is accompanied by an increase in the costs of repair and replacement of equipment. The main processes that negatively affect the failure are the wear of the seals of the working stages, the pump plain bearings and vibration, the level of which can significantly exceed the initial level. A test bench and methodology for testing pump sections for wear in water with an abrasive and simultaneous registration of vibration characteristics have been developed. Two main forms of wear of radial seals have been identified – one-sided and equal-dimensional. The one-sided form of sleeve wear is caused by synchronous shaft precession, whereas the equal-dimensional one is an asynchronous precession, and the vibration level increases with increasing wear. The wear distribution of radial seals along the length of the pump correlates with the shape of the elastic shaft line. The wear of the axial seals does not significantly increase the vibration level. During wear the frequency spectrum of vibrations changes; there occurs a frequency that can serve as a diagnostic sign of ultimate wear of the pump. The calculated dependence of the vibration velocity on the wear of the radial seals of the working stages is obtained, which makes it possible to predict the onset of a failure of functioning.

How to cite: Smirnov N.I., Drozdov A.N., Smirnov N.N. Tribodynamic aspects of the resource of electric submersible vane pumps for oil production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 264. p. 962-970. EDN QNNAGA
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Development of a pump-ejector system for SWAG injection into reservoir using associated petroleum gas from the annulus space of production wells

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Implementation of SWAG technology by means of water-gas mixtures is a promising method of enhanced oil recovery. The use of associated petroleum gas as a gas component in the water-gas mixture allows to significantly reduce the amount of irrationally consumed gas and carbon footprint. Relevant task is to choose a simple, reliable and convenient equipment that can operate under rapidly changing operating conditions. Such equipment are pump-ejector systems. In order to create water-gas mixture it is proposed to use associated gas from the annulus space. This solution will reduce the pressure in the annulus space of the production well, prevent supply disruption and failure of well equipment. The paper presents a principal technological scheme of the pump-ejector system, taking into account the withdrawal of gas from the annulus space of several production wells. The layout of the proposed system enables more efficient implementation of the proposed technology, which expands the area of its application. Experimental investigations of pressure and energy characteristics of the ejector have been carried out. Analysis of the obtained data showed that it was possible to increase the value of maximum efficiency. The possibility of adapting the system in a wide range of changes in operating parameters has been established. Recommendations on selection of a booster pump depending on the values of working pressure and gas content are given.

How to cite: Drozdov A.N., Gorelkina Е.I. Development of a pump-ejector system for SWAG injection into reservoir using associated petroleum gas from the annulus space of production wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 254. p. 191-201. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.34
Oil and gas
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Improving the Operation of Pump-ejector Systems at Varying Flow Rates of Associated Petroleum Gas

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Application of pump-ejector systems for the utilization of associated petroleum gas reduces the negative environmental impact of its flaring, and also allows the implementation of a promising method of water-gas stimulation of the formation, which effectively increases oil recovery. Equally feasible is the use of pump-ejector systems in the operation of oil wells with a high gas factor, low bottomhole pressures to increase production rates and increase the turnaround period. A significant change in the flow rate of associated petroleum gas over time is a serious problem for the efficient operation of pump-ejector systems for the utilization of associated petroleum gas. To ensure the rational operation of the pump-ejector system under the condition of a variable flow rate of associated petroleum gas, experimental studies of a liquid-gas ejector characteristics were carried out. The article presents the results of the research, obtained pressure-energy characteristics of the investigated jet apparatus at various values of the working stream pressure before the ejector nozzle. The possibility of adapting the operation of pump-ejector systems to changes in the flow rate of the pumped gas, regulated by the working pressure and fluid flow rate through the nozzle is revealed. To successfully change the operation of the pump-ejector system, the possibility of frequency regulation of the pump shaft's rotation at changing gas flow rates in a small range of values is considered. With a large difference in the values of the possible flow rate of associated petroleum gas, it is recommended that frequency regulation should be supplemented by periodic short-term operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the pump-ejector system when using salt solutions with a concentration that contributes to the suppression of bubble coalescence is noted.

How to cite: Drozdov A.N., Gorbyleva Y.A. Improving the Operation of Pump-ejector Systems at Varying Flow Rates of Associated Petroleum Gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 415-422. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.415