Systemic Diagnostics of the Arctic Industry Development Strategy
- 1 — Institute of Economic Problems G.P.Luzin, Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- 2 — Institute of Economic Problems G.P.Luzin, Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- 3 — Institute of Economic Problems G.P.Luzin, Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article analyzes organizational and economic problems of the industry in the Arctic and discloses methods and tools for researching these problems. An attempt to use the method of system diagnostics is made, which has established itself as a basis for determining the development strategy of industry in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). This method allows to explore the mechanism of natural resources development in the Arctic, such as hydrocarbons and marine biological resources; as well as the organization of logistics and transport corridors for trade of goods produced in the North and in the central regions of Russia. The role, significance and content of the strategy as an essential element of the system for managing natural wealth development in the Arctic in the context of its growing importance in development of global transport corridor are revealed. Importance of a systematic approach to the development of industry in the Arctic is substantiated, it will ensure development of all investors interested in this region; will allow the state, large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses to work together for the long term. The proposed method for system diagnostics of strategizing the development of industrial potential in the AZRF can be used in the implementation of «Development Strategy for the Arctic Region» as part of roadmap realization for the Arctic region.
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