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Vol 238
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Research article
Oil and gas

Spatial Models Developed Using Laser Scanning at Gas Condensate Fields in the Northern Construction-Climatic Zone

S. N. Menshikov1
A. A. Dzhaljabov2
G. G. Vasiliev3
I. A. Leonovich4
O. M. Ermilov5
About authors
  • 1 — LLC Gazprom Dobycha Nadym
  • 2 — LLC Gazprom Dobycha Nadym
  • 3 — National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
  • 4 — National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
  • 5 — Yamal-Nenetsk Branch of Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics
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Wide exploration and industrial exploitation of hydrocarbon fields in Yamal Peninsula pose in front of construction and mining companies critical problems of efficient construction at constantly evolving fields taking into account climatic and geocryological conditions of their location. Yamal Peninsula is characterized by unstable soils, the mobility of which has a substantial impact on the changes in spatial arrangement of field facilities, not only in the direct process of construction, but also during their scale-up and equipment overhaul. The paper examines implementation of 3D spatial arrangement modelling of industrial facilities into the process of construction and installation works at hydrocarbon fields in the northern construction-climatic zone. The purpose of implementing this method combined with 3D spatial modelling of equipment connections lies in reliability and safety enhancement of the facilities throughout their entire lifespan. Authors analyze statement and solution of the problem associated with alignment and installation of prefabricated equipment and pipelines, taking into account advanced technologies of 3D design and modelling. The study examines a 3D spatial model with the elements of equipment connection geometry; the model is related to existing production facilities at the field. Authors perform an analysis and in mathematical terms formulate the problem of optimal spatial arrangement for such models. The paper focuses on typical deviations, occurring in the installation process of constructions and connection facilities, their spatial arrangement is modelled. Possible solutions are offered, as well as an algorithm of their implementation at an operating field.

field pipelines 3D modelling onshore laser scanning Yamal prefabricated construction
Go to volume 238


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