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Vol 238
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Research article

Assessment of Rock-Burst Hazard in Deep Layer Mining at Nikolayevskoye Field

D. V. Sidorov1
M. I. Potapchuk2
A. V. Sidlyar3
G. A. Kursakin4
About authors
  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University ▪ Orcid
  • 2 — Mining Institute Far Eastern Branch RAS
  • 3 — Mining Institute Far Eastern Branch RAS
  • 4 — Mining Institute Far Eastern Branch RAS
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The paper presents results of conducted research using regional and local methods of forecast and control over geomechanical state of the rock mass at burst-hazardous Nikolayevskoye field, located in a geodynamically active region. The study subject is the ore mass of Nikolayevskoye field, characterized by man-induced and tectonic disturbances and high geodynamic activity. The aim of research was practical implementation of methods and instruments of forecast and control over geomechanical state of the burst-hazardous rock mass and safety improvement of mining operations. Exploitation practice of burst-hazardous fields demonstrates that forecast accuracy of hazardous rock pressure demands cutting-edge multi-level systems, where local methods and tools complement regional ones. A regional forecast of rock-burst hazard at Nikolayevskoye field was performed by means of seismoacoustic method using automated control system for rock pressure (ACSRP) «Prognoz-АDS». Local forecast was carried out using «Prognoz-L» device, geophysical (sample disking) method and visual observations of dynamic pressure manifestations in the mining tunnels. Quality assessment of stress-strain and burst state of the rock mass was performed using specialized software «PRESS 3D URAL». Integration of engineering and geomechanical data in the process of conducting research guarantees a relevant assessment of rock-burst hazard in various areas of the field at various stages of its development. Practical verification of the system, where local methods and tools complement regional ones, demonstrated satisfactory results at Nikolayevskoye mining plant, which makes it recommendable for other mining facilities extracting ore at great depths under similar conditions of active geodynamic processes.

tectonics rockmass stress-strainstate mathematicalmodeling mining engineering system geo-dynamic processes rock pressure rock-burst hazard
Go to volume 238


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