Stimulation of the Drilling Process with the Top Driven Screw Downhole Motor
- 1 — National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
- 2 — National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
Paper considers application of the top driven screw downhole motor during drilling of directional wells. The advantages and disadvantages of the rotation-sliding technology with implementation of top drive together with screw downhole motor are shown. It has been proven that the use of a screw downhole motor with simultaneous rotation of drilling pipes using the drilling rig's top drive allows increasing the bit rotation frequency without additional loading of the drilling string. Field data for the work out of one-type PDC bits in identical geological and technical conditions with different types of drives during the construction of three directed wells at the Rumaila oil field of the Republic of Iraq were obtained. A regular increase in the mechanical penetration rate, which is explained by an increase in the bit rotation frequency, has been proved. According to the data obtained, a comparative analysis of the drilling indices was carried out, as a result of which the feasibility of joint use of top power drive with screw downhole motor at drilling oil and gas wells was proved.
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