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selective loading

Modern Trends in Hydrocarbon Resources Development
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Parameter determination of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir based on physical modelling on a true triaxial loading setup

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The article presents a theoretical and experimental substantiation of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir in fields with low-permeability reservoirs. The relevance of the article is due to the reduction of hydrocarbon resources in modern conditions and the need to create new efficient environmentally friendly technologies to develop hydrocarbon deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, primarily with low-permeability reservoirs. The results of a theoretical study of the stress-strain state in the vicinity of a well, both cased and open, are presented. They are necessary to develop programs for laboratory testing of core specimens from the studied fields. A technique for physical modelling of deformation processes in the bottomhole zone with a decrease in pressure at the well bottom in a true triaxial loading unit is described in order to determine the parameters of the process impact on the formation reservoir, leading to an increase in well productivity. The method was applied to the conditions of the low-permeability reservoir at the Verkhneviluchanskoye oil and gas condensate field in the southwest of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Expe-rimental studies were carried out on a unique scientific unit for true triaxial loading, created at the IPMech RAS, the Triaxial Independent Loading Test System. The directional unloading method was adapted for the studied field, the process parameters of successful application of the method were determined: the bottomhole design, the drawdown values necessary to increase the permeability of the bottomhole formation zone.

How to cite: Karev V.I., Kovalenko Y.F., Khimulia V.V., Shevtsov N.I. Parameter determination of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir based on physical modelling on a true triaxial loading setup // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 258. p. 906-914. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.95
Metallurgy and concentration
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Morphometric parameters of sulphide ores as a basis for selective ore dressing

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To assess the possibility of selective disintegration and reduction of overgrinding of hard-to-reproduce ores, optical microscopic and X-ray microtomographic studies were carried out and quantitative characteristics of morphological parameters of disseminated and rich cuprous ore samples from Norilsk-type Oktyabrsky deposit were identified. Among quantitative morphological parameters the most informative are area, perimeter, edge roughness, sphericity, elongation and average grain spacing for disseminated copper-nickel ores; area, perimeter, edge roughness and elongation for rich cuprous ores. The studied parameters are characterized by increased values and dispersion in ore zones, which is especially important for fine-grained ores, which are difficult to diagnose by optical methods. Three-dimensional modelling of the internal structure of sulphide mineralisation samples was carried out using computed X-ray microtomography, which allows observation of quantitative parameters of grains, aggregates and their distribution in the total rock volume and interrelationship with each other. The evaluation of rock pore space by computer microtomography made it possible to compare the results obtained with the strength characteristics of rocks and ores, including those on different types of crushers. The obtained quantitative characteristics of structural-textural parameters and analysis of grain size distribution of ore minerals allow us to evaluate the possibility of applying selective crushing at various stages of ore preparation

How to cite: Duryagina A.M., Talovina I.V., Lieberwirth H., Ilalova R.K. Morphometric parameters of sulphide ores as a basis for selective ore dressing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 256. p. 527-538. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.76
Metallurgy and concentration
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Mineralogical and technological features and patterns of selective disintegration of ferruginous quartzites of the Mikhailovskoye deposit

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The growing demand for ferrous metallurgy products necessitates the introduction of technologies that increase the efficiency of the processing of iron-bearing raw materials. A promising trend in this area is the implementation of solutions based on the possibility of selective disintegration of ores. The purpose of this work was to establish the laws of selective disintegration of ferruginous quartzites based on the results of the study of mineralogical and technological properties of raw materials. We present data on the study of mineralogical and technological features of ferruginous quartzites of the Mikhailovskoye deposit. The data were obtained using X-ray fluorescence analysis and automated mineralogical analysis. Based on studies of the nature of dissemination and the size of grains of rock-forming and ore minerals, the tasks of ore preparation are formulated. The parameters for the iron and silicon oxide distribution by grain-size classes in the grinding products were established during the study. Based on empirical dependences, the grain size of grinding was predicted, at which the most effective release of intergrowths of ore minerals and their minimum transition to the size class of –44 µm should be achieved.

How to cite: Aleksandrova T.N., Chanturiya A.V., Kuznetsov V.V. Mineralogical and technological features and patterns of selective disintegration of ferruginous quartzites of the Mikhailovskoye deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 256. p. 517-526. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.58
Oil and gas
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Improving the efficiency of terrigenous oil-saturated reservoir development by the system of oriented selective slotted channels

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A comparative assessment of variation in the flow rate of oil production wells was performed taking into account increasing of perforated area of the productive part of the rocks, as well as recover of reservoir rocks permeability due to their unloading by creating slotted channels with the method of oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation. Different orientation directions and slotting intervals were analyzed, taking into account water encroachment of individual interlayers and azimuth direction of the majority of remaining reserves in separate blocks of the examined formation. In order to estimate development efficiency of terrigenous oil-saturated porous-type reservoirs by means of oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation, calculations were performed on a full-scale geological and hydrodynamic model of an oil field in the Perm Region. The object of modeling was a Visean terrigenous productive forma tion. The modeling of implementing oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation was carried out on a 3D filtration model for fourteen marginal wells, located in the zone with excessive density of remaining recoverable reserves and he terogeneous reserve recovery along the section. An optimal layout of slotted channels along the depth of the productive part of the well section was developed. Selective formation of 24 slotted channels was carried out con sidering the intervals of increased oil saturation. Comparative analysis of estimated flow rate of the wells was per formed for cumulative perforation of the examined productive formation and the developed method of slotted perforation. As a result of modeling, an increase in the oil average flow rate of 2.25 t/day was obtained. With oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation, incremental cumulative production for two years of prediction calculations per one well reached 0.5 thousand t.

How to cite: CHERNYSHOV S.E., Repina V.A., Krysin N.I., Macdonald D.I.M. Improving the efficiency of terrigenous oil-saturated reservoir development by the system of oriented selective slotted channels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 246. p. 660-666. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.6.8
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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“Ural-20R” combines loading drives evaluation in two-stage development of the face

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The technological features of the use of high-performance Ural-20R combines in the conditions of potash mines in Russia are described. It is shown that when the capacity of the worked potash seams is over 4 m, a two-layer ore extraction is used. The formation of cutting process, implemented by the second course of the combine in the treatment chamber, is carried out by an incomplete section of the executive bodies. The standard control system, display and protection of the Ural-20R combine does not allow monitoring and reliable estimation of the magnitude of dynamic components on the drives of the mining machine loads, as well as tracking the feed rate of the combine to the face. The regulation of the operating parameters and the assessment of the degree of loading of the drives of the excavating machine in real time are assigned to the operator. The fundamentals of the experimental research methodology for assessing the loading of drives of Ural-20R combines with the destruction of the potash mass by an incomplete section of the executive bodies are described. The device and the operating procedure of the “Vatur” software-recording complex, which measures, records and records the electrical parameters of the drive motors of a mining machine, is described. The process studies results of forming loads on drive elements of Ural-20R combines when mining a face with an incomplete section of executive bodies are presented. It is proved that the work of combine harvesters on the undercut of the formation with a high feed rate is accompanied by significant dynamic loads on the drives of planetary organs and an overload of the drives of the Berm organs, which leads to an accelerated consumption of the resource and emergency failures of the gearboxes and motors of the extraction machine.

How to cite: Shishlyannikov D.I., Trifanov M.G., Trifanov G.D. “Ural-20R” combines loading drives evaluation in two-stage development of the face // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 234-241. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.234
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Assessment of operational reliability of quarry excavator-dump truck complexes

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The method proposed in the article is based on the mathematical apparatus for quantitative assessment of the reliability of majority schemes of structural redundancy of transport processes, which provide the availability and usage of several backup delivery channels in the transport process in case of any malfunction. The principle of multi-channel haulage is commonly used in quarries for transportation of overburden and minerals from benches by dump trucks, when excavators and dump trucks performing cyclic operations function as a single excavator-dump truck complex. This pattern of work significantly increases the likelihood of fulfilling the daily plan for transporting rock mass due to the redistribution of dump trucks between mining and overburden excavators in the event of failure of one or more units of mining and handling equipment. The reliability of excavator-dump truck complexes is assessed in three stages: initial data collection for mathematical modeling of excavator-dump truck complex performance; solving the problem of optimizing the distribution of dump trucks between excavators, ensuring maximum productivity of the excavator-dump truck complex; assessment of the reliability of its work depending on the probability of fulfilling the daily plan for the transportation of rock mass. The proposed method is implemented as part of a computer program and makes it possible to automate the operational management of the process of transporting rock mass in a quarry using a mobile application. The developed guidelines can be used for any quarries with automobile transport, regardless of the type of mineral extracted, the mining method, the loading pattern, the capacity of the excavation and loading equipment fleet, and the capacity of operated dump trucks.

How to cite: Kurganov V.M., Gryaznov M.V., Kolobanov S.V. Assessment of operational reliability of quarry excavator-dump truck complexes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 241. p. 10-21. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.1.10
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Scraper Face Conveyors Dynamic Load Control

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The task of controlling the dynamic loading of scraper face conveyors (SC) is considered and the unsatisfactory state of loading of mechanical and electrical components of the SC is recorded. The possibility of the appearance of a self-oscillatory nature of the entire system load due to the peculiarities of the movement of the traction chain along the lattice frame of the SC is indicated. The property of the system is noted – the cyclic nature of the loading of the circuit during movement, which causes energy exchange processes between the mechanical and electromotive components of the conveyor (when using the head and tail electric drives) through the common cable network of the power supply system of the SC. A high level of dynamic loading of the electromechanical system causes the problem of eliminating the self-oscillating operating mode of the SC that generates it which is proposed to be solved by changing the angular rotation speeds of the SC drive sprockets. Angular speeds can be changed by applying frequency control of asynchronous electric motors. The efficiency of setting the frequency of electric motor stator currents of the head and tail drives of the conveyor is established in proportion to the frequency of rotors rotation to eliminate self- oscillating modes of operation in the main operating mode. The possibility of reducing the starting shock values of the electromagnetic moments of electric motors is considered. The results of the calculation of the start-up and liquidation of the self-oscillating operating mode are presented on the example of the scraper face conveyor Anzhera-34. The results of calculations of the start-up modes and the main operational transportation of coal in an uncontrolled mode of operation and after the introduction of control are compared, based on which it is concluded that it is advisable to use active control of the dynamic loading ofSC.

How to cite: Eshchin E.K. Scraper Face Conveyors Dynamic Load Control // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 239. p. 570-575. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.5.570
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Salt Rock Deformation under Bulk Multiple-Stage Loading

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The paper presents experimental justification of the possibility to use bulk multiple-stage loading to study the process of salt rock deformation in the laboratory conditions. Results of comparative tests between bulk multiple- stage and single-stage loading of salt rock samples are demonstrated. The paper contains results of research on the rate of lateral pressure and its impact on strength limit and residual strength limit of sylvinite, estimated using single- stage and multiple-stage methods. Research results demonstrate how the rate of lateral pressure impacts dilatancy boundary of salt rocks. Analysis of how the loading method influences certificate parameters of Mohr-Coulomb strength of sylvinite has been carried out. The dynamics of elastic modulus in the process of salt rock deformation is analyzed depending on the rate of lateralpressure. It is demonstrated how the method of multiple-stage loading adequately reflects the processes of salt rock de- formation and decomposition, and facilitates not only lowering impact of sample’s inner structure heterogeneities on the experimental results, but also significant reduction in the required amount of rock material.

How to cite: Pankov I.L., Morozov I.A. Salt Rock Deformation under Bulk Multiple-Stage Loading // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 239. p. 510-519. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.5.510
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Engineering of Complex Structure Apatite Deposits and Excavating-Sorting Equipment for Its Implementation

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Development of Oshurkovskoye apatite deposit with conventional methods, using drilling, blasting and then processing of extracted ore by means of flotation and construction of hydraulic structures to store wet tailings, turns out to be impossible, as the reservoir is located in a special ecological zone of Transbaikal; moreover, the deposit has a complex geological structure and a low grade of valuable component in the orebody. Refinement of the mineral product occurs primarily during its processing; however, ore grade can already be controlled in the process of its extraction. Advancement of technical facilities opens up new opportunities of selective mining for complex structure deposits. The purpose of this research is to create a technology, which will upgrade the quality of mineral substance, fed to the processing plant, directly at the extraction stage. The paper proposes a technological development scheme for Oshurkovskoye deposit using an excavating-sorting complex containing a transport-sorting facility and a measuring unit for estimation of the grade in a milled rock mass; it allows to separate a rich fine fraction of substandard ore, which under conventional mining practices would have been sent to the stockpile of temporarily substandard ore. Separation of fine fractions of apatite ore in the transport-sorting facility allows to reduce dusting during production and cuts the losses of valuable component, associated with aeration of fine fractions during loading and transportation of the rock mass. Positioning of oversize material in the open trench with its subsequent selective extraction by the loading machine facilitates non-stop operation of the mining-sorting equipment, which provides an increase in the productivity of mining operations.

How to cite: Cheban A.Y. Engineering of Complex Structure Apatite Deposits and Excavating-Sorting Equipment for Its Implementation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 399-404. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.399
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Determination of the operating time and residual life of self-propelled mine cars of potassium mines on the basis of integrated monitoring data

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Statistical data on the reliability of self-propelled mine cars (SPMC), operating in the potassium mines of the Verkhnekamskoye potassium and magnesium salts deposit are analyzed. Identified the main nodes that limit the resource SPMC. It has been proven that the most common failures of self-propelled cars are the failure of wheel hubs, bevel gears and traveling electric motors. The analysis of the system of maintenance and repair of mine self-propelled cars. It is indicated that the planning and preventive system of SPMC repairs is characterized by low efficiency and high material costs: car maintenance is often carried out upon the occurrence of a failure, which leads to prolonged downtime not only of a specific haul truck, but of the entire mining complex. A method for assessing the technical condition of the electromechanical part of a mine self-propelled car by the nature of power consumption is proposed. This method allows you to control the loading of the drives of the mine self-propelled car, as well as to assess the technical condition of the drives of the delivery machines in real time. Upon expiration of the standard service life of a mine propelled car specified in the operational documentation, its further operation is prohibited and the car is subject to industrial safety expertise. As part of the examination, it is necessary to determine the operating time and calculate the service life of a mine self-propelled car outside the regulatory period. A method has been developed for determining the residual service life of mine car on the basis of instrumentation control data in the conditions of potash mines.

How to cite: Shishlyannikov D.I., Romanov V.A., Zvonarev I.E. Determination of the operating time and residual life of self-propelled mine cars of potassium mines on the basis of integrated monitoring data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 336-343. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.336
Metallurgy and concentration
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Changes in thermal plasticity of low grade coals during selective extraction of metals

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As the world oil market tends to be highly volatile, the coal becomes a primary source of organic raw materials for chemical and metallurgical industries. Fossil coals can accumulate high amounts of elements and mixtures quite often reaching commercially valuable concentrations. Reserves of scandium and other rare elements in coal deposits in Siberia alone are sufficient to satisfy the expected global demand for several decades. This study is intended to solve complex tasks associated with extraction of metal oxides using the developed enrichment method to ensure the required thermal plasticity determining the quality and properties of metallurgical coke. Laboratory experiments have been conducted for the enrichment of high-ash coals containing the highest concentrations of metals. Thermal plasticity values have been determined with the help of Gieseler plastometer . Using modern technologies and equipment individual deposits can be turned into profitable production of enriched coking coals with concurrent extraction of rare metals. It has been proven that the highest commercial potential lies with the extraction of scandium and some other rare metals in the form of oxides from the coal.

How to cite: Bazhin V.Y. Changes in thermal plasticity of low grade coals during selective extraction of metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 578-581. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.578
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Low-voltage electrical apparatus

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The article describes the main trends in the development of low-voltage electrical appliances and related accessories, as well as issues of efficiency, reliability and safety. According to the authors, the main trends in the development of low-voltage apparatus can be considered: the transition from the use of certain devices to the system devices, unified by the process of installation and running in standard modules and comply with all the functional requirements of control systems; improving the standardization and normalization of the EA on an international scale; unification of constructive elements of the EA; increase the volume of production of complete device management and contactless application logic control systems and specialized computers for management purposes; increase the proportion of contactor relay equipment DC, performs a variety of control functions. Improved security service low voltage, through the use of low voltage (24 V DC, 110 V AC), voltage presence signaling devices; increase the proportion of and the use of combined control and protection devices as well as devices for the automation of recruitment and duty cycles of machines: differentsequencer, track control devices, relays, pulse counting, and so on. n.

How to cite: Apollonskii S.M., Kuklev Y.V. Low-voltage electrical apparatus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 251-260.
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Dynamic study of underground loading machine’s working tool crank-rocker mechanism

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The article is devoted to the dynamic study of the underground shovel’s working tool mech-anism, assembled in accordance with a crank-rocker scheme, containing curved wings, as well as to the study of the effect on uneven movement rate, produced by the working tool mechanism; pa-rameters and structural characteristics of the shovel paw design shape. On the basis of a synthesis of the loading machine’s working tool mechanisms, a kinematic scheme with a shovel paw, con-sisting of a straight operating part and a curved working tail, is offered. A dynamic model of the mechanism based on a variable weight of shovel bulk cargo and drive parameters of the working tool is developed, a motion equation is made up. Comparison between statistical indicators of effec-tive output obtained from the shovel loaders drive mechanism and the results of a separate computer simulation of the mechanisms under analysis attest to the proposed model’s performability.

How to cite: Timofeev I.P., Korolev I.A. Dynamic study of underground loading machine’s working tool crank-rocker mechanism // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 216. p. 104-111.
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Open mining technique for unconventional mineral deposits

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Nowadays the majority of deposits are successfully exploiting by mining enterprises with the help of traditional excavation and loading equipment. Typically, metals, construction materials, etc. are mined and extracted on these deposits, but modern society is progressing and producing new requirements to metals properties for creating a new type of equipment. The metals with new properties are located in unconventional areas: either in technogenic deposits (overburden dumps, tailings, etc.) or in hard-to-get natural formations. Technogenic mines, being a tailing of Kachkanarsky mining and processing plant, are referred to such unique deposits, which have expensive metals (scandium, gallium, strontium, titanium), as well as the natural deposit – rhenium deposit, located in the crater of an active volcano. Potentialities of open mining in the largest rhenium deposit with complex environmental occurrence have been analyzed in the paper. Temperature measurement results of adjacent strata and a temperature scheme of the host rocks on a separate site and the entire field have been presented. An open mining technique for a primary mining area as well as perspective methods of rock preparation for excavation, applicable to this particular deposit, has been considered.

How to cite: Kholodnyakov G.A., Argimbaev K.R. Open mining technique for unconventional mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 216. p. 82-88.
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Application of the geoelectrochemical method for prospecting of oil and gas deposits in the Barents and Kara seas

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The use of the geoelectrochemical method of ion-selective electrodes for continuous recording of hydrocarbon micro-components – heavy metals – during the vessel movement to search for oil and gas deposits on the shelf is justified theoretically and experimentally. The existence of «jet» halos in the water column above the shelf oil and gas deposits is discovered experimentally and the method of geoelectrochemical ion-selective electrodes as well as the developed instrumentation for recording these halos is described. The application of a new geoelectrochemical method for prospecting in motion (without sampling) both structural and non-structural oil and gas deposits on the shelf is justified.

How to cite: Kholmyanskii M.A., Pavlov S.P., Putikov O.F. Application of the geoelectrochemical method for prospecting of oil and gas deposits in the Barents and Kara seas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 25-28.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Reduction methods of high harmonics influence on the electric equipment operation

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This work contains brief analysis of high harmonics reduction methods. It is offered to make a choice between reduction methods of high harmonics influence on condenser batteries depending on factors of harmonics occurrence. Definition algorithm for the most effective method of high harmonics reduction on condenser batteries operation is created.

How to cite: Shklyarsky Y.E., Skamin A.N. Reduction methods of high harmonics influence on the electric equipment operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 121-124.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Efficiency increasing of condenser batteries operation in mining enterprise`s electric circuits

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This work contains the method of effective reactive power compensation at the expense of high harmonics reduction. The decrease of condenser batteries overloading from the high harmonics is based on variation of condenser power depending on current and voltage spectral structure, electric network parameters and load power.

How to cite: Skamin A.N. Efficiency increasing of condenser batteries operation in mining enterprise`s electric circuits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 107-110.
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The improvement of selective extraction of thick potash seams mined with room and pillar mining method

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Technological scheme of selective extraction of a complex thick potash seam on the basis of cutting machine «Bucyrus Model 25 M0» is proposed. Stable pillars’ width and room dimensions are calculated. Economical effect is also presented.

How to cite: Sirenko Y.G., Brychkov M.Y., Kovalsky E.R. The improvement of selective extraction of thick potash seams mined with room and pillar mining method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 79-81.
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The integrated reloading point at the combined auto-railway transportation

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In article it is considered the technology of creation and exploitation of reloading ore warehouse. As the reloading equipment it is offered to use a hydraulic backhoe excavator. At the combined transport the warehouse is an irreplaceable link in a technological chain. Basic difference from existing schemes of warehousing is that ore is housed not in a stack but in a concentration trench. The concentration trench is formed in immediate proximity from a face. It allows to prolong the operation term of the warehouse and to exclude rigid interdependence of the combined transport links.

How to cite: Yakubovskii M.M., Kholodniakov G.A. The integrated reloading point at the combined auto-railway transportation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 90-93.
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Collecting properties of rocks in changes оf stress state type

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The article presents the results of investigations of the influence of stress state form, cyclic loading and time of bearing specimens under loads on the pattern of changes in porosity and permeability. It was stated that compressibility of rocks is proportional to porosity, and with rise of applied stress the compressibility decreases exponentially.

How to cite: Karmansky A.T. Collecting properties of rocks in changes оf stress state type // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 289-292.