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boring tool

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Experimental research on the thermal method of drilling by melting the well in ice mass with simultaneous controlled expansion of its diameter

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During the seasonal work of the 64th Russian Antarctic Expedition in 2018-2019 at the “Vostok” drilling facility named after B.B.Kudryashov (“Vostok” station, Antarctic) specialists of Saint Petersburg Mining University conducted experimental investigations on the process of drilling by melting with simultaneous expansion of wells in the ice mass. A test bench and a full-scale model of a thermohydraulic reamer-drilling tool were developed, manufactured and tested for the research. The first bench tests of the full-scale model proved its efficiency and suitability for experimental drilling with simultaneous expansion of wells in ice mass; its operational capabilities were determined and the drawbacks that will be taken into account in future were found out. The article substantiates the choice of constructive elements for thermohydraulic reamer-drilling tool. It is determined that the technology of full diameter drilling with simultaneous expansion of the well in ice mass can be implemented by combining contact drilling by melting and convective expansion with creation of forced near-bottomhole annular circulation of the heated heat carrier. Dependencies of expansion rate on main technological parameters were determined: active heat power of heating elements in penetrator and circulation system, mechanical drilling rate, pump flow rate. According to the results of investigations, the experimental model of thermohydraulic reamer-drilling tool will be designed and manufactured for testing in conditions of well 5G.

How to cite: Serbin D.V., Dmitriev A.N. Experimental research on the thermal method of drilling by melting the well in ice mass with simultaneous controlled expansion of its diameter // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 833-842. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.82
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Rational design justification of the tunnel boring shield executive body for the conditions of the mines of Saint Petersburg Metrostroy

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The article discusses the features of running tunnels in difficult mining and geological conditions of the Saint Petersburg Metrostroy using modern tunnel boring shields of Herrenknecht company with hybrid executive bodies equipped with a incisors and rock cutters. The work of a hybrid executive body is analyzed when driving along a heterogeneous bottomhole massif consisting of Cambrian clay with limestone interlayers. Theoretical and experimental studies of vibroactive cones, a graphical representation of the dependence of the depth of their penetration on the axial force and axial force together with the applied shock load (the dependences of the penetration depth are interpreted as a linear dependence) have been carried out. An increase in the intensity of destruction of a heterogeneous bottomhole massif consisting of Cambrian clay and limestone interlayers using vibroactive rock-cutting tools (spiked roller) was theoretically and experimentally confirmed, while the growth of the penetration rate is determined depending on the number of their parameters. The design is considered, the principle of operation and the method of power calculation of a rotary executive body equipped with vibroactive cutters are described, on the basis of which a nomogram of the dependence of the torque and performance of the tunnel boring shield on the feed rate of the executive body to the bottom is built.

How to cite: Yungmeister D.A., Yacheykin A.I. Rational design justification of the tunnel boring shield executive body for the conditions of the mines of Saint Petersburg Metrostroy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 249. p. 441-448. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.3.13
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Regularities of changing the dimensions of the main bore of the cylinder of TMZ-450D diesel engine during the technological process

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The article deals with the problems arising during the mechanical and thermal treatment of the TMZ-450D diesel engine cylinder, which is the base part of the engines of small-sized generators and compressors, which are widely used for mobile units in the oil and gas and mining industries. It was found that the metal in the casting has a non-uniform structure, the density of which ranges from 6.75 to 7.25 g/cm 3 . Redistribution of dislocations and residual stresses in the casting leads to significant changes in the size and shape of the main bore. In addition to the successive changes in size specified by the technology due to the removal of the designated allowance, the dimensions and shape change arbitrarily, uncontrollably in the course of the technological process. It is shown that artificial aging by a thermal method does not provide the desired dimensional stability; therefore, it is proposed to supplement it with natural aging after rough boring for six months. It was revealed that the use of morally and physically outdated equipment makes it necessary to increase the number of finishing operations of honing and, accordingly, to increase the labor intensity of cylinder manufacturing. The use of a two-position boring machine is substantiated, on which the transitions of semi-finishing and fine boring are combined. This completely eliminates the copying of errors that arose when changing the base on previous operations. The use of a two-position modular boring machine ARS-4/Ts of increased accuracy and rigidity significantly increases the accuracy of the bore hole, which makes it possible to reduce the number of honing operations. A variant of the technological process of mechanical and heat treatment is proposed, including natural aging, the use of double boring on a modular boring machine, which will reduce the number of honing operations to one, including rough and finish transitions.

How to cite: Yamnikov A.S., Safarova L.L. Regularities of changing the dimensions of the main bore of the cylinder of TMZ-450D diesel engine during the technological process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 248. p. 319-326. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.2.16
Oil and gas
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Development of a drilling process control technique based on a comprehensive analysis of the criteria

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Compliance with drilling operations requirements is achieved by introducing advanced approaches to the management of the drilling process. Main requirement is to reduce the time and material costs for construction of the well. Increase in drilling speed is provided by rational selection of rock cutting tools and modes of its use. Development of a new generation of rock cutting tools is a complex process and requires systematic, integrated approach. In order for high costs of developing and manufacturing the tool to pay off without significantly increasing the cost of drilling, considerable attention should be paid to scientifically justified methods for its running. At well drilling using bottomhole telemetry systems with full computer support for the drilling process, there is a reasonable possibility of using a control technique based on objective results of the drilling process coming directly from the bottomhole of the well in real time. Use of a full factorial experiment is justified for processing data that affect drilling performance. Aim of the research is to develop a drilling process management technique based on a comprehensive analysis of criteria online. Objects of research: rock destruction mechanism during drilling; parameters affecting the process of well drilling; optimization of well drilling processes. The research used the following: experimental drilling with a diamond tool at the bench, method of a full factorial experiment, analytical studies. Article highlights the factors affecting the performance of a diamond rock cutting tool in the process of drilling a well, notes main criteria affecting the efficiency of the drilling process. It also describes mechanism of volumetric destruction, defines the conditions for the destruction of rock at various drilling modes and the dependence of the change in deepening per round on the parameters of the drilling modes. Technique of controlling the parameters of the drilling mode is considered, which allows determining indirectly the mode of rock destruction at the bottomhole of the well and choosing optimal values of the parameters for the drilling mode that correspond to the most favorable conditions.

How to cite: Neskoromnykh V.V., Popova M.S. Development of a drilling process control technique based on a comprehensive analysis of the criteria // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. p. 701-710. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.701
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Special strategy of treatment of difficulty-profile conical screw surfaces of single-screw compressors working bodies

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The article deals with the problems arising during the shaping of complex profile tapered helical surfaces. These surfaces form the geometry of the working bodies of single-screw miniature compressors, which have great prospects for use in mobile miniature compressor plants, which is especially important for medical and space technology, robotics, oil and gas and mining industries. Due to the fact that the capabilities of existing CAD systems do not allow obtaining three-dimensional models of these surfaces, the problem of preparing a control program for a CNC machine arises, since the calculation of the tool path in CAM systems when processing complex surfaces is impossible without a three-dimensional surface model. To solve the problem, an automated programming system was developed that implements a formalized toolpath calculation in accordance with the proposed special processing strategy for conical helical surfaces. As the initial data for calculating the toolpath, the system needs information about the tool geometry and the helical surface in a parametric form, which makes it possible to abandon the construction of a three-dimensional surface model. The results of processing prototypes for the proposed strategy are given.

How to cite: Vasilev A.S., Goncharov A.A. Special strategy of treatment of difficulty-profile conical screw surfaces of single-screw compressors working bodies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 60-64. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.60
Oil and gas
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Possibilities of open eruption elimination by drilling tools

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The most important raw materials for different industries are oil and natural gas. With increasing consumption, the demand for drilling and the quality of production increases. Therefore, the exploration and production of hydrocarbons requires not only first-class machinery and technological equipment, but also qualified personnel. Exploration and drilling, production of hydrocarbons, like any other industry, cannot avoid accidents, emergencies and catastrophes. The worst type of well accident is undoubtedly an open eruption of the extracted crude oil. Open eruption can lead to serious injuries to the rig personnel, damage and destruction of equipment, negative environmental impact and loss of crude oil. Exploratory drilling can cause the rise of pressure and its subsequent manifestations. During the first deep drilling, there may not be enough information about the drilled horizons. If the reservoir pressure in the production horizon is higher than the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the well (for example, drilling mud), the formation fluids flow into the well and move towards the surface, which causes open eruption. The rig personnel must be properly trained to be able to recognize the occurrence of rising pressure by various signs and to respond effectively to the situation. Sometimes, under the influence of the human factor or equipment failure, open eruption still occurs. The article discusses the possibilities of eliminating open eruptions with drilling tools.

How to cite: Bujok P., Klempa M., Jakubcik M., Ryba J., Porzer M. Possibilities of open eruption elimination by drilling tools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 234. p. 624-629. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.6.624
Metallurgy and concentration
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Analysis of possible enhancementof properties of VK15 material used for drilling tools

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Traditionally, when drilling hard and abrasive rocks, it is recommended to use a tungsten-cobalt hard alloy VK15. The analysis of information on the possibility of improving the potential of the material has demonstrated the existence of mechanisms that provide structural transformations that enhance its strength, hardness and toughness. The use of such technology instead of traditional methods will lead to an increase in the operating efficiency and durability of the tool. During the work, experimental samples of alloy VK15 were obtained by sintering in four different modes. Then their properties were analyzed. The results of the metallographic study carried out on the «Carl Zeiss» microscope made it possible to estimate the distribution of tungsten carbide grains in cobalt bon and show the grinding of the carbide phase. Thus, with traditional sintering, the amount of tungsten carbide grains with an average size of less than 1 μm in diameter from the entire size range reaches 19.5 %, while after additional heat treatment with a holding time of 1280 °C, the value was 41.5 %; 900 °C – 59.1 %; 600 °С – 54.5 %. The maximum improvement results were the following: hardness by 18 %, a coercive force by 49 %, and crack resistance by 11 % of the traditional alloy, there were achieved at 900-1280 °C. A hypothesis has been put forward on the formation of additional structural elements not detected by the methods of optical metallography. Studies of the topology and structure of the samples on an atomic force microscope confirmed the presence of nanoscale inclusions from 20 to 40 nm (presumably tungsten carbide) in a cobalt bond.For VK15, comparative studies of properties and analysis of the microstructure of experimental samples obtained by the traditional sintering and modified technology have shown that the sintering mode at 900 °C is a priority.

How to cite: Kurganova Y.A., Panina K.S., Beshenkov P.S. Analysis of possible enhancementof properties of VK15 material used for drilling tools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 233. p. 518-524. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.5.518
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Innovative technology of large-size products manufacture

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Advantages and prospects for the use of mobile robotic machine-tools in the manufacture of large parts in the mining, cement and nuclear industries are considered, as well as the importance of using welded structures to reduce production costs. Schemes for finishing mechanical machining of welded large-sized parts such as bodies of revolution with the use of mobile robotic machine-tools equipped with a belt-grinding tool, an enlarged description of the technological process for manufacturing a large-sized shell of a welded structure are presented. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to take into consideration the use in the industry of frameless production technology, especially for the machining of large-sized parts, and the use of small mobile robotic machine-tools is a productive approach and has a prospective character. The technological approaches proposed in the article make it possible to remove the restriction on the overall size and mass of the parts being manufactured, which are proposed to be manufactured directly at the site of future operation. The effectiveness of this technology is confirmed both by theoretical research and by practical data of the authors. It was noted that the production by the domestic machine-tool industry of mobile universal and special robotic machine-tools will allow the country's engineering industry to be brought to a new, high-quality world level.

How to cite: Sanin S.N., Pelipenko N.A. Innovative technology of large-size products manufacture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 230. p. 185-189. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.2.185
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Influence of the type of hardening treatment on wear-resistant materials of mining equipment

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For example, steel 110G13L as the material of teeth of excavator buckets, shows that the work hardening (hardening) is an effective means to increase (up to 10 times) the wear resistance of components in contact with abrasive media, such as marble, yielding the steel in a state of hard-ening of hardness. In the case of wear on the rocks (granite, gabbro) with a hardness greater than the hardness of steel, the effect of hardening has almost no effect. It was found that high-temperature thermomechanical treatment of steel 35HGSA as the material of holders of rotary cut-ters (strain at 900 С, water quenching, tempering at 230 С) leads to a substantial increase of its hardness (23 %) and durability (38 %) compared to typical heat treatment used in the manufacture of cutting tools at the factory.

How to cite: Bolobov V.I., Chupin S.A. Influence of the type of hardening treatment on wear-resistant materials of mining equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 216. p. 44-49.
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Improving the precision of manufacturing power hydraulic cylinders of powered roof supports based on a vibration-damping tooling system

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The article deals with a new system of a vibration-damping tool, the effect of which is achieved by a combination of the multi-layer principle and the use of anisotropic properties of sheet metal. Operation of such tool systems in turning operations can reduce high-frequency vibra-tions arising in the process of cutting due to the ordered disorientation of anisotropic plate texture of a multilayer modular tool holder that allows you to efficiently dissipate oscillatory wave energy at the boundary of transition between the plates of the tool holder. This method allows increasing the resistance of the tool cutting edge significantly and expanding the technological capabilities for the effective selection of cutting modes to ensure compliance with requirements for dimensional and geometric accuracy, quality of processed surfaces of powered roof supports, hydraulic units, mining machinery and equipment.

How to cite: Maksarov V.V., Olt Y. Improving the precision of manufacturing power hydraulic cylinders of powered roof supports based on a vibration-damping tooling system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 214. p. 71-84.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Complex modernisation of manufacture on Open Society «Severstal»

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The metallurgical complex is a part of the manufactures making a basis of industrial and defensive potential of Russia. For increase in volume and production improvement of quality are defined internal possibilities of manufacture on the basis of its modernisation. Attempt of actualisation of the term «modernisation» at the expense of the complex approach to its treatment and workings out of the mechanism of acceptance of corresponding organizational and administrative decisions is undertaken. The technique is specified and the estimation of a technical condition of the equipment is carried out, the technical and economic analysis of modernisation on Open Society «Severstal» is carried out. Ways of perfection of a control system by updating of industrial potential of the metallurgical enterprise taking into account the requirement of the complex approach are defined.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Popova O.A., Vinogradov S.N. Complex modernisation of manufacture on Open Society «Severstal» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 18-21.