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Vol 235

Vol 234
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Tourmaline as an ondicator of tin occurrences of cassiterite-quartz and cassiterite-silicate formations (a case study of the Verkhneurmiysky ore cluster, Far East)

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The research focused on the composition of tourmaline from tin ore deposits and ore occurrences within the Verkhneurmiysky ore cluster in the Amur region. The aim of the study is to determine the indicative signs of tourmaline from cassiterite-quartz and cassiterite-silicate formations. This research is based on the materials of a long-term study of the mineralogy of the Far East deposits, conducted at the Mining University under the scientific supervision of Professor Yu.B.Marin. The relevance of the study involves predicting of tin and associated mineralization. For the first time, SIMS and Mössbauer spectroscopy were used to study tourmaline from this region. We identified the typomorphic characteristics of the tourmaline composition, which are proposed to be used as indicators of tin-ore deposits. Typomorphic characteristics of tourmaline from cassiterite-quartz formation: schorl (Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.06) with a high content of Al and K; Fe 3+ /(Fe 3+ + Fe 2+ ) = 0.03; Z Fe 3+ = 1 %; impurities: Nb, LREE (La, Ce, Pr), Be, Bi, F, Li, and Mn; LREE content > 9 ppm; positive Gd anomaly. Typomorphic characteristics of tourmaline from cassiterite-silicate formation: schorl-dravite (Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.22) with a high Ca content; Fe 3+ / (Fe 3+ + Fe 2+ ) = 0.17; Z Fe 3+ = 9 %; impurities: Zr, Y, Cr, V, Sn, In, Pb, W, Mo, Ti, HREE, Eu, Sr, Sb, and Sc; the content of Y is > 2 ppm, of HREE is > 3 ppm, Eu is > 0.1 ppm.

How to cite: Alekseev V.I., Marin Y.B. Tourmaline as an ondicator of tin occurrences of cassiterite-quartz and cassiterite-silicate formations (a case study of the Verkhneurmiysky ore cluster, Far East) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 3-9. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.3
Oil and gas
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Creation of temperature inhomogenities with the use of Peltier element for the mass-exchange processes intensification of the oil and gas industry

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The intensification of technological processes in the oil and gas industry is an urgent task for industrial production. Improving the efficiency of the processes leads to a decrease in the consumption of materials by the apparatus and the cost of their manufacture, an improvement in the quality of the produced product, and simplifies the transportation and installation of equipment. To achieve these goals, a new highly efficient equipment is being developed based on the use of various physical and chemical phenomena, their combinations, and new technological approaches. One of the most effective ways to solve such problems is pulse impact on the materials being processed, in which inhomogeneities of the process driving force are artificially created. The challenge of intensifying the processes occurring during the direct contact of the phases is the need to influence the system being processed locally - in the area of the interface, since it is there that the substances transfer from one phase to another. The object of article's scientific research – mass-exchange process, which is most widespread in oil and gas technology. As a model, the process of liquid evaporation is chosen, on which the separation of mixtures by rectification is based – the main process of the oil and gas processing industry. The heterogeneity of the driving force of the mass transfer process was created using a thermoelectric converter, the principle of which is based on the Peltier effect, in a series of experiments. Such converters allow creation of higher temperature gradient and, consequently, a greater temperature heterogeneity in the investigated system compared with traditional resistance electric heaters at the same energy expenditure. The article discusses the influence of the temperature inhomogenities location on the efficiency of mass-exchange processes, specifically the evaporation process. In experimental studies, the evaporation rate was estimated by measuring the mass evaporation velocity of a liquid. It is noted that the creation of a temperature gradient on the free surface of the liquid phase using a Peltier element with a specific power of 1.8 kW/m 2 leads to a twofold intensification of the evaporation process.

How to cite: Afanasenko V.G., Yunusova Y.L. Creation of temperature inhomogenities with the use of Peltier element for the mass-exchange processes intensification of the oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 10-15. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.10
Oil and gas
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Mathematical modeling of rock crushing and multiphase flow of drilling fluid in well drilling

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The aim of the work is a mathematical modeling of the rock crushing during drilling and removal of the drilling cuttings (sludge) to the surface by drilling fluid. The process of rock destruction is described using the mathematical theory of fragmentation. The distribution of sludge particles in size and mass depends on such factors as the properties of the drilled rock, the rate of penetration, the type of bit, and the output power. After the formation of sludge, the process of its removal to the surface is modeled. The drilling fluid together with the rock particles is considered as a heterogeneous multiphase medium in which the carrier phase – the drilling fluid – is a non-Newtonian fluid. The flow of such a medium is described using a mixture model in the framework of the multi-fluid approach. This results in a system of nonlinear partial differential equations, for which a new closure relation is derived. To solve the system, the SIMPLE algorithm is used. As a result, the flow properties are studied with the inclusion of particles of various sizes. In particular, for particles of small size due to the action of plastic stresses in a non-Newtonian drilling fluid, an equilibrium mode arises in which the particles move with the drilling fluid without slipping. This is the fastest mode of delivery of sludge to the surface. The specific dimensions of such particles depend on the parameters of the drilling process. In particular, the appropriate size range can be adjusted by changing the parameters of the drilling fluid.

How to cite: Grigoriev B.S., Eliseev A.A., Pogarskaya T.A., Toropov E.E. Mathematical modeling of rock crushing and multiphase flow of drilling fluid in well drilling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 16-23. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.16
Oil and gas
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Justification of the technological parameters choice for well drilling by rotary steerable systems

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Paper presents the analysis of the investigation results of vibrational accelerations and beating amplitudes of the downhole drilling motor, which help to define the ranges of optimum energy characteristics of the gerotor mechanism, ensuring its stable operation. Dependencies describing the operation of the «drilling bit – rotary steerable system with power screw section – drilling string» system and the values of the self-oscillation boundaries and the onset of system resonance when it is used jointly, were defined as a result of computational and full-scale experimental research. A mathematical model is proposed, which allows determining the optimal range of technological parameters for well drilling, reducing the extreme vibration accelerations of the bottomhole assembly by controlling the torque-power and frequency characteristics of the drilling string, taking into account the energy characteristics of the power screw section of the rotary steerable system. Recommendations on the choice of drilling mode parameters were given.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Dvoinikov M.V. Justification of the technological parameters choice for well drilling by rotary steerable systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 24-29. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.24
Metallurgy and concentration
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Assessment of refractory gold-bearing ores based on interpretation of thermal analysis data

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The article presents the results of a study on the possibility to assess refractory gold-bearing ores using thermal analysis data. It studies the flotation concentrates obtained during the enrichment of double refractory sulfide gold-bearing ores. This type of ore is complicated by the fine impregnation of gold in sulphide minerals and the presence of sorption-active scattered carbonaceous matter, which is in close association with sulphides. The results of thermogravimetric and mass spectrometric studies of refractory gold-bearing ores are presented. The obtained fragments for kerogen CH (m/z = 15), C 2 H (m/z = 29) and C 3 H (m/z = 43) indicate the presence of various types of carbonaceous matter in the studied samples. It is justified that the degree of sorption activity of carbonaceous matter depends on the presence of kerogen and bitumen in the ore. High sorption activity of scattered carbonaceous material significantly affects the processing technology of ores and concentrates, both flotation and pyro- and hydrometallurgical methods. Thermogravimetric and mass spectroscopic analyzes can be used to determine the degree of preg-robbing of refractory gold-bearing ores. The obtained results predetermine the direction of creating new methods and technologies in the field of decarburization of refractory gold-bearing ores in the integrated development of solid minerals in the mining regions of Russia.

How to cite: Aleksandrova T.N., Heide G., Afanasova A.V. Assessment of refractory gold-bearing ores based on interpretation of thermal analysis data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 30-37. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.30
Metallurgy and concentration
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Comparative analysis of zincand tin oxidation with acids at room temperatures

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The paper analyses the parameters of deep oxidation of zinc and tin by copper (II) compounds and molecular iodine in the presence of molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, as second oxidizers working synchronously with them in various media (aqueous, aqueous-organic and organic) with the participation of mineral and carboxylic acids close to room temperature. The contribution of the reactivity of the metal to its rate of consumption, especially the average, is often much less than the contribution associated with the release characteristics of the working surface, determined by the rates of accumulation of surface deposits of metal oxidation products, their strength and adhesion characteristics their destruction and shifting into the bulk phase.

How to cite: Pozhidaeva S.D., Ageeva L.S., Ivanov A.M. Comparative analysis of zincand tin oxidation with acids at room temperatures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 38-46. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.38
Metallurgy and concentration
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Factors affecting bacterial and chemical processes of sulphide ores processing

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Extraction of valuable components from sulphide ores using microorganisms is a recognized biotechnological method, combining several advantages over traditional methods of mineral processing. This paper presents the main factors affecting the bacterial-chemical leaching and methods of leaching with the participation of microorganisms. Some physical-chemical (temperature, pH, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, metals and other chemical elements) and microbial (cell count and microflora activity) properties are given, either directly or indirectly (suppressing or contributing to the growth and oxidative capacity of microorganisms) affecting the kinetics of the process. The paper discusses the characteristics of the mineral substrate, including galvanic interaction of sulfide minerals and the formation of passivating layers on the surface of the ore during oxidation, emphasizing the importance of the electrochemical interaction of the components of the leaching system. Bioleaching is a complex process, which is a combination of mainly chemical reactions mediated by the microbial component, therefore, to improve the kinetics, it is necessary to consider, monitor and regulate the listed range of factors.

How to cite: Khainasova T.S. Factors affecting bacterial and chemical processes of sulphide ores processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 47-54. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.47
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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The study of the effect of temperature on the ability of metals to accumulate energy during their plastic deformation

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The subject of research is the surface layer of highly loaded parts, friction units of mining machines and equipment. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the factors that determine the ability of the material of the surface layer of parts to accumulate energy in the process of plastic deformation. It is suggested that the activation character of the accumulation of energy by metals. Based on the theory of diffusion, it was shown that the mobility of atoms, as well as the accumulated energy, are determined by the ratio of the test temperature to the melting temperature.

How to cite: Bezyazychnyi V.F., Szczerek M., Pervov M.L., Timofeev M.V., Prokofiev M.A. The study of the effect of temperature on the ability of metals to accumulate energy during their plastic deformation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 55-59. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.55
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Special strategy of treatment of difficulty-profile conical screw surfaces of single-screw compressors working bodies

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The article deals with the problems arising during the shaping of complex profile tapered helical surfaces. These surfaces form the geometry of the working bodies of single-screw miniature compressors, which have great prospects for use in mobile miniature compressor plants, which is especially important for medical and space technology, robotics, oil and gas and mining industries. Due to the fact that the capabilities of existing CAD systems do not allow obtaining three-dimensional models of these surfaces, the problem of preparing a control program for a CNC machine arises, since the calculation of the tool path in CAM systems when processing complex surfaces is impossible without a three-dimensional surface model. To solve the problem, an automated programming system was developed that implements a formalized toolpath calculation in accordance with the proposed special processing strategy for conical helical surfaces. As the initial data for calculating the toolpath, the system needs information about the tool geometry and the helical surface in a parametric form, which makes it possible to abandon the construction of a three-dimensional surface model. The results of processing prototypes for the proposed strategy are given.

How to cite: Vasilev A.S., Goncharov A.A. Special strategy of treatment of difficulty-profile conical screw surfaces of single-screw compressors working bodies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 60-64. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.60
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Operation experience of centrifugal single-stage pumps in «ALROSA» Joint Stock Company

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When mining diamond-bearing raw materials and further extracting diamonds from it in the joint-stock company ALROSA, which is a city-forming enterprise in the north-east of the Russian Federation, various pumping equipment is used, in particular, centrifugal single-stage pumps. In the present work, it is noted that the least reliable in terms of absence of failures of centrifugal single-stage pumps used in the joint-stock company ALROSA are the impellers, seals and bearing assemblies. Using linear correlation and regression analysis, it was found that the durability of the seals and bearing assemblies of the investigated pumps largely depends on the durability of their impellers. In the course of research, it was found that unbalancing the pump rotor due to excessive hydroabrasive wear of the impeller also leads to deformation and fracture of the shaft. In general, residual deformations and destructions are characteristic of the shafts of domestic pulp pumps of GrAT, GrT and Gr types. The most loaded sections of shafts of centrifugal single-stage pumps are installed. The most effective from the point of view of application among the pulp (ground, slurry and sand) pumps are pulp pumps of the Finnish company «Metso». When working on highly mineralized water (brines), the «X» type pumps have proven to be the best among centrifugal single-stage pumps.

How to cite: Ovchinnikov N.P. Operation experience of centrifugal single-stage pumps in «ALROSA» Joint Stock Company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 65-69. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.65
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Study of bearing units wear resistance of engines career dump trucks, working in fretting corrosion conditions

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The occurrence of fretting corrosion on nominally fixed surfaces of high-loaded parts of mining machines and mechanisms is considered. Examples of wear and damage of critical parts, bearing assemblies of engines of dump trucks in fretting conditions are given. The mechanisms of fretting corrosion when using wear-resistant coatings are considered. It is noted that when choosing protective thin-layer coatings that provide an increase in the fretting-resistance of surfaces of tightly contacting parts, it is necessary to take into account both their wear resistance and the ability to resist shear. At the same time, the thickness of such coatings allows preserving, during operation, those provided during the assembly of the tension, without disturbing the maintainability of the nodes. The results of research of fretting wear of a number of coatings on a special installation are given. The mechanisms of wear of a number of thin-layer coatings based on friction-mechanical brazing, polymer fluorocarbon composition, solid lubricant coating using scanning electron microscopy were studied. Recommendations on the use of the studied thin-layer coatings for high-loaded parts of mining machines operating in fretting corrosion conditions have been developed. The aim of the work was to study the effect of a number of thin-layer coatings on the wear of highly loaded connections of the mechanisms of mining machines, in particular bearing assemblies of quarry dump trucks operating under fretting corrosion conditions.

How to cite: Olt J., Maksarov V.V., Krasnyy V.A. Study of bearing units wear resistance of engines career dump trucks, working in fretting corrosion conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 70-77. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.70
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Complexation of telecommunications and electrical systems in mines and under-ground facilities

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The possible options for the integration of telecommunications and electrical systems of mining enterprises are considered. Based on an analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of telecommunications systems, various technical solutions are proposed for sharing the power supply networks available in mines and underground structures in order to solve the problems of telecommunication, automate process control and ensure the safety of operations. The analysis of the possibilities of applying the PLC technology in underground structures and mines for solving specific telecommunication problems has been carried out, and examples of their possible technical and hardware implementation are given.

How to cite: Shpenst V.A. Complexation of telecommunications and electrical systems in mines and under-ground facilities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 78-87. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.78
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Feasibility of type of deep-water technologies for the extraction of marine ferro-manganese nodules

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The conditions for the occurrence of near bottom minerals presented in the form of sulphides (the Logachev deposit) and ferro-manganese nodules (The conditions for the occurrence of benthic minerals presented in the form of sulphides (the Logachev deposit) and ferro-manganese nodules (FMN) are considered. An analysis of the structures and parameters of various means of collecting and transporting sulphides and iron ore from the bottom to the surface is given, and the possibility of effectively using vessel lifting on a cable-rope is indicated. Structural schemes for collecting FMN and sulphides in the form of containers on a cable, equipped with manipulators with gripping devices of a disc, drum or clamshell type, are proposed. In them, the capture of rock pieces or FMN is carried out by creating a vacuum in the collectors of the executive bodies and attracting to them pieces of rock or FMN by a pressure drop of water inside and outside the reservoir. It was given the approximate parameters of the mining system. So, for a cable-rope made of kevlar with a diameter of 50 mm, the capacity can be 200-400 thousand tons per year for one installation with different specific mass concentration of FMN per 1 m 2 ) are considered.

How to cite: Yungmeister D.A., Sudarikov S.M., Kireev K.A. Feasibility of type of deep-water technologies for the extraction of marine ferro-manganese nodules // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 88-95. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.88
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Metrological support of monitoring systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles

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The article discusses the fields and methods of application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Current legislation in Russia and in the world, significantly limit the use of UAV in monitoring. For the first time, we present a solution to the problem of a monitoring measurement system included in the state register of measuring instruments using the example of the basic UAV model. We conducted an analysis of promising approaches to the creation of UAV metrological and methodological support, as well as ways to adapt their target load to meet the challenges of operational monitoring of air pollution.

How to cite: Kremcheev E.A., Danilov A.S., Smirnov Y.D. Metrological support of monitoring systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 96-105. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.96
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Lignin sludge application for for-est land reclamation: feasibility assessment

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The article analyses waste generation of pulp and paper industry in North-Western Russia. The environmental impact of waste storage facilities of the pulp and paper mill was assessed, the need for utilization of lignin sludge was justified. In North-Western Russia, 1.21 million hectares of disturbed areas are in need for reclamation; they are abandoned quarries and lands alienated for pipeline and road construction. The suitability of lignin sludge for preparation of artificial fertile soils for reclamation purposes is estimated. For this purpose, experiments were carried out to create an artificial mixture with different ratios of lignin sludge and soil, to detect the maldevelopment of several plant species grown on various compositions of lignin sludge and soils. It was revealed that lignin sludge as an organic additive to soils is not toxic to vegetation and living organisms, allowing improving fertility of artificial soils.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A., Rudzisha E. Lignin sludge application for for-est land reclamation: feasibility assessment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 106-112. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.106
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Development of an occupational safety management system based on the process approach

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The article discusses the relevance and possibility of using the process approach in the development and implementation of occupational safety management systems based on GOST 12.0.230-2007, which is the main document in this area for all industrial enterprises and organisations of the Russian Federation. The system of occupational safety management in the organisation is considered taking into account all its internal communications and input-output parameters. It is shown that the process approach used in the design of the occupational safety management system in the organisation, allows categorising the list of works (processes), participants, resources (responsible, performers, documents, etc.), the control and correction processes. The methodological substantiation of the process approach to the design of the occupational safety management system in the organisation is given, the basic issues of its applicability are considered. A context diagram of the process of an occupational safety management system is drawn in the IDEF0 graphical notation by means of the SADT structural analysis technology. The decomposition of the context diagram to the required levels of detail is presented and the balance factor of the models is calculated.

How to cite: Filimonov V.A., Gorina L.N. Development of an occupational safety management system based on the process approach // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 113-122. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.113