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Vol 215

Vol 214
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Geochemistry of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids of the world ocean

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The most complete results of the study of hydrothermal ore-forming solutions geochemistry in the Russian and international expeditions to deep-sea hydrothermal fields of the world ocean are analyzed. Solutions of both high and low salinity with respect to seawater are formed in the discharge zone of fluids. Positive correlation of ore components with the chloride ion and negative one with the pH value may indicate the migration of components in acidic hydrothermal solutions in the form of chloride complexes. Hydrogen sulfide is associated with the significant positive correlation with metals, which indicates reducing conditions forming in ore-bearing hydrothermal solutions. This is confirmed by the close relationship of ore components with hydrogen. The transfer of metals mainly in the form of chloride complexes at high temperatures of the solution is confirmed by the results of our thermodynamic modeling. Methane is characterized by negative dependence on temperature and concentration of ore components, associated with positive dependence on pH and negative one on hydrogen sulfide. Each of the observed dependencies can testify against abiotic theory of income of methane in hydrothermal solutions. The following geochemical indicators are the most promising for the discovery of new ore deposits and the organization of geochemical monitoring during the development of already discovered fields: Eh, pH, Cl, Fe, Mn, H 2 S, CO 2 , H 2 and possibly CH 4 .

How to cite: Sudarikov C.M., Zmievskii M.V. Geochemistry of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids of the world ocean // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 5.
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G.V.Bogomolov and his role in development of national hydrogeology

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In March 2015 the scientific community celebrated the 110th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders of the hydrogeological and engineering-geological school, an honouree of State Award of the USSR and the Byelorussian SSR, Academician Gerasim Vasilyevich Bogomolov. The article is devoted to several important stages of the development of Russian hydrogeology, which are primarily associated with the research conducted by G.V.Bogomolov. His role in the development of hydrogeology in Belarus, i.e. theory and practice of the use of groundwater, is emphasized. This article is about the man who was a brilliant geologist, scholar, lecturer and an outstanding research manager. G.V.Bogomolov founded a school of disciples and followers who continued to develop and put into practice the academician’s ideas in various branches of geological theory and practice.

How to cite: Ustyugov D.L., Norova L.N. G.V.Bogomolov and his role in development of national hydrogeology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 16.
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Application of the geoelectrochemical method for prospecting of oil and gas deposits in the Barents and Kara seas

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The use of the geoelectrochemical method of ion-selective electrodes for continuous recording of hydrocarbon micro-components – heavy metals – during the vessel movement to search for oil and gas deposits on the shelf is justified theoretically and experimentally. The existence of «jet» halos in the water column above the shelf oil and gas deposits is discovered experimentally and the method of geoelectrochemical ion-selective electrodes as well as the developed instrumentation for recording these halos is described. The application of a new geoelectrochemical method for prospecting in motion (without sampling) both structural and non-structural oil and gas deposits on the shelf is justified.

How to cite: Kholmyanskii M.A., Pavlov S.P., Putikov O.F. Application of the geoelectrochemical method for prospecting of oil and gas deposits in the Barents and Kara seas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 25.
Oil and gas
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Scientific heritage of academician Nikolay Semenovich Kurnakov

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Once N.V.Lipin, a professor of mathematics at the Leningrad Mining Institute, told N.S.Kurnakov that M.V.Lomonosov had complained about his lack of familiarity with mathematics. The outstanding scientist replied «That’s absolutely true, and I have already told you about it: we all need mathematics, and the more chemistry develops, the more it needs a mathematical justification». According to one scenario of the international nongovernmental organization, the Club of Rome, there will be a three-fold decrease in the world’s raw materials resources and multifold volume reduction in industrial production by the middle of the 21st century. Another scenario claims that raw materials will reduce only by one third, and the volume of industrial production will remain at the level of the beginning of the century. Not only the first scenario, but also the second one forecasts industrial stagnation. It is unacceptable for dynamic and sustainable development of the technological civilization. Intensively developing economies in China, India, Brazil and Russia defy the forecast of the Club of Rome, as it has not taken into account the possibility of scientific and technological progress in reducing energy consumption and using alternative sources, as well as the increased technological potential of the humanity. Due to depletion of the main sources of energy (oil and gas), many experts link the future of the world’s power industry with the possible use of solid energy resources. From the environmental point of view solid fuel gasification technology is the most preferable. As the calorific value of producer gas is relatively low in comparison with natural gas, some research of possible use of producer gas (as an alternative to natural gas which is available not in all regions) at Russian industrial enterprises has been conducted.

How to cite: Dubovikov O.A. Scientific heritage of academician Nikolay Semenovich Kurnakov // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 65.
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The concept of reducing the risks of potash mines flooding caused by groundwater inrush into excavations

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Results of the analysis of factors influencing the probability of accidental groundwater inrush into mine workings of salt (potash, potassium and magnesium) mines are given in the article. The cases of the potash mine flooding that occurred in different countries with developed mining industry are given. It is shown that at the present technical and scientific level of solving this problem the unexpected groundwater inrush in potash mines usually results in the shutdown of the enterprise and negative ecological consequences. It is pointed out that the underground waters flow into the mines through water-conducting fractures of either natural or technogenic origin which location and influence on a mine was almost impossible to predict at the design stage under existing regulations. The concept of reducing the risks of potash mine flooding caused by underground waters in-rush is formulated. Administrative and technical measures which allow reducing the risks of potash mine flooding caused by groundwater inrush into the excavations are considered.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Smychnik A.D. The concept of reducing the risks of potash mines flooding caused by groundwater inrush into excavations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 29.
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On the design features of underground multiple gassy coal seam mining

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The analysis of the industry regulatory requirements and the world design experience of underground multiple coal seam mining is provided. The main problems of intensive longwall mining of multiple flat gassy coal seams as well as methods for determination of high rock pressure zone parameters and seams interaction are considered. The examples of a number of mines in the Kuzbass and Pechora coal basins show that the design of multiple seam mining and the choice of longwall panel parameters were often made without taking into consideration influence of surrounded seams that leads to essential complication of conditions for mining operations and decreases the technical and economic indicators of mining. The existing industry regulations do not allow considering complex influence of factors in multiple coal seams mining fully. On the basis of field, laboratory, and numeric research results it is noted that recommendations for pillar positioning in contiguous seams ensuring efficiency and safety of multiple seam longwall mining can significantly differ in case of liability of coal seams to spontaneous combustion, high natural gas content, influence of multiple seam mining onto daily surface, and difficult conditions of entries maintenance. The importance of having information on the stress-strain condition of the rock mass at a design stage and its changes in the process of multiple seam mining is shown. The need for industry regulations updating for the purpose of a more detailed definition of a form, size and a location of high rock pressure zones as well as stress parameters in these zones is noted. A set of recommendations for effective and safe multiple seam mining is developed.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I. On the design features of underground multiple gassy coal seam mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 38.
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On the necessity of taking into consideration the increment of the growing stock in cadastral valuation of lands of forest fund

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Currently there are no methods of cadastral valuation of forest land although the area covers 2/3 of the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2002, the Federal Land Inventory Service of Russia proposed a method but it failed to find practical use due to the complicated calculation of the cadastral value according to the Faustmann formula and lack of open access to some information about the forest fund and was totally abolished seven years later. There were several reasons for abolishing the method and the main reason was lack of methods to predict a supply of wood to the age of maturity when the cadastral assessment was carried out in the plantations under the age of main felling. The author proposes to take into account the current growth rate of the growing stock per year on one hectare of land in the cadastral evaluation of forest fund lands. Based on the increment of the growing stock it is possible to construct a mathematical model of changes in the forest reserve to the age of maturity. The author suggests using the existing forest inventory materials to build the model. By updating existing data you can obtain any inventory indices including the growing stock in different age plantations. The resulting inventory of plantations at the age of maturity is recommended for cadastral valuation of the forest fund lands. The calculation of the cadastral value of forest land for one taxation quarter with and without current increment of the growing stock is given and the difference is 37 %.

How to cite: Kovyazin V.F. On the necessity of taking into consideration the increment of the growing stock in cadastral valuation of lands of forest fund // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 46.
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Study of technological properties of the yakovlevskiy mine sintering ore

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The work reveals the ability of the Yakovlevskiy mine sinter ore to improve pelletizing of a sinter mix, to reduce its flow resistance in 4-5 times, to increase capacity of a sinter machine, to improve the sintering uniformity and sinter quality, to reduce consumption of agglomeration solid fuels and coke. Application of the Yakovlevskiy sinter ore moves sintering process to a modern technical level of charge in the sintering bed 500-600 mm in height without the use of expensive high-vacuum exhausters.

How to cite: Trushko V.L., Utkov V.A., Klyamko A.S. Study of technological properties of the yakovlevskiy mine sintering ore // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 52.
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Stability of productive well operation in a steam hydrothermal field

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A condition of well operation stability based on agreement of indicator characteristics of well and aquifer throughput capacity is considered. Two hypotheses of the stability state are examined: with one and two possible combinations of characteristics. It is shown that taking into account resistance between the wellhead and the environment with constant pressure helps explain all the features of wellhead pressure and flow-rate relationship of steam-water wells based on the hypothesis with one combination (when the operating point is located on the ascending branch of a well characteristic). The throttling effect on the wellhead which was used in the development of the Mutnovka steam hydrothermal field in order to stabilize the well operation is explained.

How to cite: Shulyupin A.N. Stability of productive well operation in a steam hydrothermal field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 57.
Metallurgy and concentration
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Complex processing of apatite-nepheline ores based on the creation of closed-loop process flow sheets

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The article presents the chemical and engineering fundamentals of processing apatite and nepheline concentrates directly on the Kola Peninsula. Implementation of the existing separate processing of nepheline and apatite concentrates demonstrates inefficiency of these technologies due to the formation of waste calcium sulfate and calcium silicate, which have so far not found a practical use and are wastes stored in sludge repositories of the Russian Federation. Suggested new scientific and technical solutions will allow enterprises to significantly increase the volume of production of new in-demand marketable products due to rational and complex use of mineral raw materials of the Kola Peninsula, reduce their costs while decreasing the volume of rock extraction and eliminate waste creating a closed-loop technological cycle of processing apatite and nepheline ores.

How to cite: Alekseev A.I. Complex processing of apatite-nepheline ores based on the creation of closed-loop process flow sheets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 75.
Metallurgy and concentration
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Development of an environmentally safe gold extraction method from refractory ores using sodium thiosulfate as an extractant

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The article presents the results of a mathematical model development for the process of gold leaching from gold-containing ores and concentrates. A mathematical model has been developed by analyzing the chemistry of reactions and mass transfer processes. On the base of a kinetic extraction model and a hydrodynamic complete mixing model a mathematical model of thiosulfate leaching process in various types batch reactors, complete mixing flow process vessels and complete mixing reactor columns with different numbers of vessels in a column has been developed. The effect of the number of reactors in a column has been investigated and optimal segmentation conditions have been found. Based on the investigation of the process using the mathematical model a control system structure has been designed to provide maximum conversion at the exit area of a reactor column.

How to cite: Sharikov Y.V., Turunen I. Development of an environmentally safe gold extraction method from refractory ores using sodium thiosulfate as an extractant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 83.
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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The energy influence on the radiation dose of the staff

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The text of this paper is concerned to the problem of dose control used the sources of gamma and X-ray radiation in the mining industry and others organization of the nondestructive testing. Distinctive features of the resources are the high energy and intensity radiation is the short time delivering testing. The research is devoted to problems of the high energies and high ionization. The influence of radiation used in the industrial purposes, in particular, in nondestructive testing was studied all time, but nowadays the type of radiation resource has other parameters. This investigation denoted to Roentgen sources of high radiation and high energy range. In this case the photo effect is playing insignificant role at this value of the energy, but others effects enter: Compton Effect and effect of annihilations, that distinguishes influence from medical X-ray, where is more a photo effect. Questions of personal dose measurement are urgent for radiation securities in the all enterprises of measuring system. The results have shown that the most considerable changes are noted to the application of modern system of radiation control allows conduct the complex monitoring system with wide range or safe security, specialty to the systems of radiating control.

How to cite: Cortez J.I., Morokina G.S. The energy influence on the radiation dose of the staff // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 91.
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Nanobar code as multi-purpose two-dimensional notation with new features

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The article gives an analysis of the current standard two-dimensional codes, showing their features and applications. It was concluded that the feasibility of developing a new type of two-dimensional codes, the Nanobar code (NBC), in which information can be open (available) and, if necessary, closed (unavailable) to the user through the use of cryptographic encryption techniques. At the same time the new codes provide a significant increase in the volume of coded information that allows us to recommend using them as a local database, in particular for the issue of electronic technological certificates and product passports, personal dog tags for the military, athletes and others. It is noted as an important characteristic that the Nanobar code is able to encode different types of digital information. Due to its characteristics, the NBC is proposed to use as an identification number and protect legal products against counterfeiting. Two variants of the NBC technology application are proposed – with laser printing and printer. For reading information from the NBC, special software was developed, including mobile applications that allow using a smartphone to read the NBC. The basic scope of the NBC application was suggested.

How to cite: Pryakhin E.I. Nanobar code as multi-purpose two-dimensional notation with new features // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 97.
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Use of geoinformation technologies for otpimized distribution of stations of atmospheric air quality monitoring

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The article deals with possible applications of modern geographic information systems for optimized distribution of stations of atmospheric air quality monitoring. Due to the fact that estimation of atmospheric pollutant concentrations is a reason for decisions to improve air quality, costly measures to protect the atmosphere and monitoring effectiveness of these actions, atmospheric air quality indicators, and therefore the proper distribution of monitoring stations, are of great importance. Results of model calculations of atmospheric air pollution, which have been recently developed in our country, in combination with GIS solutions, should be used for optimized distribution of stations of atmospheric air quality monitoring. One of the major factors of objective estimation of urban atmospheric air quality is proper reference of industrial and transport pollutant emission sources to the city’s topographic base (both in citywide and local coordinate systems), as well as distribution of stations of atmospheric air quality monitoring and selection of high-priority pollutants for a particular city district. Some recommendations for monitoring stations distribution and pollutants selection based on the GIS analysis of spatial distribution of maximum ground level concentrations of pollutants are given.

How to cite: Volkodaeva M.V. Use of geoinformation technologies for otpimized distribution of stations of atmospheric air quality monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 107.
Geoeconomics and Management
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Project finance for strategic investment projects of mining corporations

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A strategic project realization in large companies leads to long-term competitive benefits, but is very costly, has high risks and complicated structural arrangement. Long payback period, high debt and risk burden result in the necessity to use project finance facilities. The research aims to find out conditions and justify the possibility of the use of project finance in Russian mining companies in terms of the new legal framework. Characteristics of projects requiring the use of project finance are determined. The article clarifies the principles and definition of project finance. Specific risks and realization problems of project finance in the Russian context are analyzed. A comparison between the Russian legal framework of project finance and regulation in foreign countries is made; examples and problems in the Russian project finance practice are shown. The results can be used by mining companies for justification of the optimal financial strategy for major investment projects realization.

How to cite: Ponomarenko T.V., Belitskaya N.A. Project finance for strategic investment projects of mining corporations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 115.
Geoeconomics and Management
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A new stage in the development of the european natural gas market as a reflection of transition to national state capitalizm

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This article is devoted to the analysis of a situation and tendencies of development in the European natural gas market. The evolution of «energetic doctrine» models – from domination of great state monopolies to a competitive energetic doctrine – has been happening for the last 60 years. «The new global energetic doctrine» which includes state and interstate regulation strengthening is being formed now. An aggravation of contradictions in the natural gas market is a manifestation of a new stage in the mixed economy formation – the national state capitalism.

How to cite: Privalov N.G., Li T.B. A new stage in the development of the european natural gas market as a reflection of transition to national state capitalizm // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 125.
Geoeconomics and Management
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Socio-economic potential of large-scale projects to develop offshore oil and gas: risks and stakeholder expectations

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  The development of the Arctic shelf is a strategic long-term objective of the energy development of the Russian Federation. At the present time, resource and economic potential of offshore oil and gas development projects is huge. However, it is constrained by the complexity of developing offshore oil and gas resources due to climatic, geological and technological conditions. In addition, the current unstable situation with world oil prices is also a constraint on largescale involvement in the industrial development of offshore oil and gas resources.  The aim of the research is to determine socioeconomic potential of large-scale projects to develop oil fields in the Arctic shelf of Russia.  The article presents the peculiarities of developing offshore fields, which are characterized by severe climatic conditions, high environmental risks, unique technological solutions, lack of infrastructure in coastal areas. A comparative analysis of projects to develop land and shelf is performed. The regional authorities’ and businesses capability of implementing large-scale projects to develop offshore fields on economic, social and environmental criteria is identified. The positive and negative effects of socio-economic development of the territory implementing projects of hydrocarbon field development are evaluated. A schematic diagram of the socio-economic potential of hydrocarbon resources development projects reflecting the opportunities and risks of such projects from the perspective of key stakeholders is developed. A set of strategic objectives to successfully implement projects in the Arctic shelf of Russia are proposed.  The findings of the research can be used by the departments of energy, industry and mineral resources in the preparation of long-term strategic development programs for the oil and gas industry.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E. Socio-economic potential of large-scale projects to develop offshore oil and gas: risks and stakeholder expectations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 140.
Geoeconomics and Management
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Theoretical and methodological bases of forming a program management system for integrated development of a region

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This article deals with theoretical and methodological bases of forming a program manage-ment system for integrated development of a region. The idea of a program-based management system based on a system of socio-economic transformation is presented. The given bases include monitoring emerging trends in the program management for integrated development of a region of the Russian Federation on basic parameters and involve control of the management process. The concept of forming the mechanism of program management as an integrated system is suggested.

How to cite: Fedoseev S.V., Chzhan S. Theoretical and methodological bases of forming a program management system for integrated development of a region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 150.