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Vol 215
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Complex processing of apatite-nepheline ores based on the creation of closed-loop process flow sheets

A. I. Alekseev
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article presents the chemical and engineering fundamentals of processing apatite and nepheline concentrates directly on the Kola Peninsula. Implementation of the existing separate processing of nepheline and apatite concentrates demonstrates inefficiency of these technologies due to the formation of waste calcium sulfate and calcium silicate, which have so far not found a practical use and are wastes stored in sludge repositories of the Russian Federation. Suggested new scientific and technical solutions will allow enterprises to significantly increase the volume of production of new in-demand marketable products due to rational and complex use of mineral raw materials of the Kola Peninsula, reduce their costs while decreasing the volume of rock extraction and eliminate waste creating a closed-loop technological cycle of processing apatite and nepheline ores.

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