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Vol 215
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Geochemistry of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids of the world ocean

C. M. Sudarikov1
M. V. Zmievskii2
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  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The most complete results of the study of hydrothermal ore-forming solutions geochemistry in the Russian and international expeditions to deep-sea hydrothermal fields of the world ocean are analyzed. Solutions of both high and low salinity with respect to seawater are formed in the discharge zone of fluids. Positive correlation of ore components with the chloride ion and negative one with the pH value may indicate the migration of components in acidic hydrothermal solutions in the form of chloride complexes. Hydrogen sulfide is associated with the significant positive correlation with metals, which indicates reducing conditions forming in ore-bearing hydrothermal solutions. This is confirmed by the close relationship of ore components with hydrogen. The transfer of metals mainly in the form of chloride complexes at high temperatures of the solution is confirmed by the results of our thermodynamic modeling. Methane is characterized by negative dependence on temperature and concentration of ore components, associated with positive dependence on pH and negative one on hydrogen sulfide. Each of the observed dependencies can testify against abiotic theory of income of methane in hydrothermal solutions. The following geochemical indicators are the most promising for the discovery of new ore deposits and the organization of geochemical monitoring during the development of already discovered fields: Eh, pH, Cl, Fe, Mn, H 2 S, CO 2 , H 2 and possibly CH 4 .

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