On the necessity of taking into consideration the increment of the growing stock in cadastral valuation of lands of forest fund
- National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Currently there are no methods of cadastral valuation of forest land although the area covers 2/3 of the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2002, the Federal Land Inventory Service of Russia proposed a method but it failed to find practical use due to the complicated calculation of the cadastral value according to the Faustmann formula and lack of open access to some information about the forest fund and was totally abolished seven years later. There were several reasons for abolishing the method and the main reason was lack of methods to predict a supply of wood to the age of maturity when the cadastral assessment was carried out in the plantations under the age of main felling. The author proposes to take into account the current growth rate of the growing stock per year on one hectare of land in the cadastral evaluation of forest fund lands. Based on the increment of the growing stock it is possible to construct a mathematical model of changes in the forest reserve to the age of maturity. The author suggests using the existing forest inventory materials to build the model. By updating existing data you can obtain any inventory indices including the growing stock in different age plantations. The resulting inventory of plantations at the age of maturity is recommended for cadastral valuation of the forest fund lands. The calculation of the cadastral value of forest land for one taxation quarter with and without current increment of the growing stock is given and the difference is 37 %.
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