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Vol 187
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Experience of mediatext in social culture teaching creating

I. V. Trofimova
About authors
  • Ph.D. associate professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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This article is devoted a problem of creation of the mediatext as new format for presentation of the scientific information. On a material of culture of the 1930 which have marked transition from avant-garde to totalitarianism, the (video) picture reflecting leading tendencies of an epoch and the form of their artistic realisation is built.

mediatext multimedia artefact mythologem avant-garde constructivism image symbol text of the culture
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  1. МАО ВПП ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»: проекты в области медиаобразования // Медиаобразование. 2007. № 3. (Электронный ресурс). Режим доступа URL:
  2. Фоменко А. Монтаж, фотография, эпос. СПб., 2007.
  3. Булгакова О. Фабрика жестов. М., 2005.

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