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Vol 187
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Mathematical modeling of stress-strain state of the mined seam deposits

A. P. Gospodarikov1
M. A. Zatsepin2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — assistant lecture Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Development of bedded deposits is associated with man-caused distortion of specific environment – the rock massifs, which are very complicated in their composition, can vary significantly in mechanical properties and is characterized with a wide variety of laws and techniques to assess its stress-strain state.

mathematical modeling geomechanics rock massif stress-strain state analytical and numerical methods
Господариков А.П., Зацепин М.А. Математическое моделирование напряженно-деформированного состояния массива горных пород при разработке пологих месторождений // Записки Горного института. 2010. Т. 187. С. 47-54.
Gospodarikov A.P., Zatsepin M.A. Mathematical modeling of stress-strain state of the mined seam deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 187. p. 47-54.
Go to volume 187


  1. Господариков A.П. Метод расчета нелинейных задач механики горных пород при подземной разработке пластовых месторождений / Санкт-Петербургский горный ин-т. СПб, 1999. 127 с.
  2. Zatsepin M. Development of mathematical models to assess stress and strain state in rock massifs containing mining openings // Materialy XLVI Sesji Pionu Gorniczego, Krakow, 2005. P.99-100.
  3. Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L. The Finite Element Method. Vol.2. Solid Mechanics. N-Y, 2000. P.312-364.

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