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B. N. Abramovich
B. N. Abramovich
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Saint Petersburg


Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Improving the efficiency of autonomous electrical complexes of oil and gas enterprises

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In accordance with the Energy Strategy until 2035, the possibility of increasing the efficiency of energy use of secondary energy resources in the form of associated oil and waste gases has been substantiated by increasing the energy efficiency of the primary energy carrier to 90-95 % by means of cogeneration plants with a binary cycle of electricity generation and trigeneration systems with using the energy of the waste gas to cool the air flow at the inlet of gas turbine plants. The conditions for maintaining the rated power of the main generator with variations in the ambient temperature are shown. An effective topology of electrical complexes in a multi-connected power supply system of oil and gas enterprises according to the reliability condition is presented, which allows increasing the availability factor by 0.6 %, mean time between failures by 33 %, the probability of failure-free operation by 15 % and reducing the mean time of system recovery by 40 %. The article considers the use of parallel active filters to improve the quality of electricity and reduce voltage drops to 0.1 s when used in autonomous electrical complexes of oil and gas enterprises. The possibility of providing uninterrupted power supply when using thyristor systems for automatic reserve input has been proven. A comparative analysis was carried out to assess the effect of parallel active filters and thyristor systems of automatic transfer of reserve on the main indicators of the reliability of power supply systems of oil and gas enterprises.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Bogdanov I.A. Improving the efficiency of autonomous electrical complexes of oil and gas enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 249. p. 408-416. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.3.10
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Uninterruptible power supply system for mining industry enterprises

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Immediate problem of compensating falls and deviations of voltage in the power supply systems of mining enterprises in order to ensure the proper level of power supply reliability for the most important technological consumers is substantiated in the article. The main causes of the voltage falls and deviations occurrence in the power supply systems of mining enterprises have been identified. The degree of different nature voltage falls and deviations influence on the dynamic and static stability of power supply systems is established. The necessity of ensuring an uninterrupted and guaranteed power supply mode for continuous technological processes of mining production is shown. The analysis of the existing regulatory documentation in the field of guaranteed and uninterrupted power supply is carried out. Based on the results of experimental studies and mathematical modeling, a relationship has been revealed between formally independent sources of electricity supply from the viewpoint of existing regulatory documentation. The expression allowing determination of cohesion coefficient of two power supply sources is given. The necessity of taking into account the degree of sources interconnection in the synthesis of uninterruptible power supply systems for mining enterprises is justified. The analysis of existing technical means and solutions for reserving power supply for mining enterprises, including modern uninterruptible online power supply systems, own needs power plants, as well as dynamic voltage distortion compensators, is done. The classification of the consumers categories related to possibility of their complete or partial shutdown in emergency modes in case of voltage falls and interruptions is given. System of uninterruptible power supply for mining enterprises based on the combined use of alternative and renewable energy sources, uninterruptible power supply sources and a multi-step automatic reserve transition system, which allows ensuring uninterrupted mode of energy supply for the most responsible consumers of mining enterprises, was developed.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N. Uninterruptible power supply system for mining industry enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 229. p. 31-40. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.1.31
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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The method for synthesis of power supply system topology of mineral resources enterprises on the basis of logical and probabilistic assessments

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A method for the synthesis of the power supply system topology of mineral resources enterprises. The expediency of using general logic probabilistic method and developed on the its basis software «ARBITR» to calculate the reliability of power supply systems. The synthesis results of power supply system topology on the example of underground mining and gas transmission systems consumers. Recommendations to improve the power supply reliability of mineral resources enterprises.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Baburin S.V. The method for synthesis of power supply system topology of mineral resources enterprises on the basis of logical and probabilistic assessments // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 233-241.
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Problems of ensuring energy security for enterprises from the mineral resources sector

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A complex of technical means and decisions for ensuring adequate level power safety at mineral resources enterprises has been developed, including voltage mode control method, power quality improvement method, method of ensuring dynamic stability for electricity-generating equipment, method of enhancing power supply reliability, distributive network structure control method, and method of combined use of alternative and renewable energy sources. The necessity of ensuring power safety for the objects of the mineral resources sector, from the technical point of view – with the application of modern achievements and developments in the area of electrical complexes and systems, has been proved.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Sychev Y.A. Problems of ensuring energy security for enterprises from the mineral resources sector // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 217. p. 132-139.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Photovoltaic power plant of direct conversion for the mineral raw complexes

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Designing of photovoltaic power plant of direct conversion power of 1 kW simplifies the process of performance and direction at the mineral raw complexes. This work examine existing at present day PV cells, it is selected the more suitable for the conditions of mines, open pits and oil-producing enterprise. It is presented the structure of photovoltaic power plant.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Yakovleva E.V. Photovoltaic power plant of direct conversion for the mineral raw complexes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 210.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Voltage controlling device in electric networks of the enterprises of the raw complex

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In this paper an actual problem – the controlling of voltage regime in distributed circuit of mineral raw industry with the help of for power transformers. Particular attention spare for in- vention of automatic controlling block for equipment of voltage control under the power using theory of fuzzy logic. There are the results of mathematics and computer   modeling.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Shevchuk A.P., Tarasov D.M. Voltage controlling device in electric networks of the enterprises of the raw complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 214.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Study start-up of synchronous drives oil and gas industry

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The problems of various factors on the process of launching high-voltage synchronous motors. Possibilities of optimization of start electromechanical systems with synchronous motors. A mathematical model of the electromechanical complex, which implements various starting methods.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Ustinov D.A., Plotnikov I.G., Turysheva A.V. Study start-up of synchronous drives oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 218.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Selecting parameters of wind and diesel power plant for power supply of mining intallations

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The paper is dedicated to analyzing the use of wind and diesel power plants for the power supply of mining facilities located remotely from centralized power supply networks. Regions which are promising in terms of using their wind potential are determined. An example of the network for using a wind and diesel power plant to supply submersible motors of centrifugal pumps in an oil well cluster is  presented.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Belskii A.A. Selecting parameters of wind and diesel power plant for power supply of mining intallations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 227.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Complex system of quality control of electric energy at the enterprises on mining and processing of minerals

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Power quality level (PQ) is an important factor for providing of continuity and efficiency for technological process extraction, processing, and transportation of mineral resources. The electrical power cost decreasing method by means of actual power quality factors (PQF) putting in accordance with GOST 13109-97 norms has been proved. The PQF continuous complex monitoring system structure and its basic designing principles, which allows to make commercial, technical and technological PQ control, have been offered and economically sounded.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N. Complex system of quality control of electric energy at the enterprises on mining and processing of minerals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 110-115.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Problems of improving the efficiency of power supply to mining and oil and gas enterprises

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The problems of improving the efficiency of power supply of mining enterprises: reducing capital investment in the power supply system, justification and implementation of energy-saving technologies that allow to limit at a rational level the energy component of the cost of mining, transportation and processing of minerals, as well as ensuring the quality of electricity at a level that meets the requirements of GOST.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N. Problems of improving the efficiency of power supply to mining and oil and gas enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 90-94.
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Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry

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In the article, the main directions of the 2000 research in the field of creating electrical complexes for mining oil gas industries are considered. They are: the application of non-contact regulated power drive with control algorithms for mining machines and mechanisms; ensuring higher productivity and energy saving development of electrical technologies and special technical means for mining operations development of automated electrical complexes and systems based on the introduction of microprocessor technology; design, development and implementation of computer technology and automated control of energy consumption and adaptation of new types of electrical equipment, ensuring increased reliability and efficiency of electrical complexes; development and implementation of the concept and algorithms of usage management in oil production complexes; development of automatic control system of multifunctional resonant angle transducers with motion of different frequency and amplitude; application of methods of direct electrotechnology, based on electromechanical transfer of electric field energy in the rock proper to obtain technological effect development of electrical complexes of automatic and automated systems, which can be designed and developed as autonomous systems of different purposes.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Kozyaruk A.E., Proskuryakov R.M., Rudakov V.V., Shonin O.B. Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 112-127.